PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00009959.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Cabinet Committees, Parliamentary Sittings and Ministerial Duties

Cabinet committees

I have decided to establish the following Cabinet Committees:


  • Economic Committee
  • Expenditure Review Committee
  • National Security Committee
  • Legal Committee
  • Parliamentary Business Committee

Membership of these Committees is set out in the Attachment.

Parliamentary sittings
The Thirty-Fighth Parliament will be opened by the Governor-General, Sir William Deane, AC, KBE on Tuesday 30 April 1996.

Ministerial duties
In view of the significance of the government's privatisation agenda I have appointed Dr Kemp, the Minister for Schools, Vocational Education and Training to assist Whe Minister for Finance in relation to privatisation, As a consequence, the Minister for Industrial Relations, Mr Reith, will assist the Prime Minister for the public service. Senator Kemp will be Manager of Government Business in the Senate.

17 March 1996

Cabinet Prime Minister
Mr Fischer
Mr Costello
Mr Anderson
Senator Hill
Senator Alston
Mr Reith
Senator Newman
Mr Downer
Mr Moore Mr McLachlan
Mr Sharp
Mr Wooldridge
Mr Fahey
Senator Vanstone

Economic Committee
Prime Minister ( Chairman)
Mr Fischer
Mr Costello ( D)
Mr Reith
Mr Moore
Mr Sharp
Mr Fahey
Mr Short

National Security Committee
Prime Minister ( Chairman)
Mr Fischer
Mr Costello
Mr Downer
Mr McLachlan
Mr Williams

Parliamentary Business Committee
Senator Hill ( Chairman)
Senator Alston ( D)
Mr Reith
Mr Moore
Mr McGauran
Mr Williams.
Mr Miles
Senator R Kemp

Expenditure Review Commitee
Prime Minister ( Chairman)
Mr Costello ( D)
Mr Anderson
Dr Wooldridge
Mr Fahey
Mr Short

Legal Committee
Prime Minister ( Chairman)
Mr Anderson
Senator Hill ( D)
Senator Alston
Senator Vanstone
Dr D Kemp
Mr Williams

(D) Deputy Chairman

Commnonwealth Governmecnt
HOVi D 1?! T'NSTRY 11 March 1996
Prime Minister The Hon Jouin kHoward, MOP Senator the l-ion Rob,. it Hill
Minister for Aboriginal and Torrcs Strait Islander AfThirs Senator the Hon John Herron The Hon Dr Michael Wooldridge, MP
Parliamnentary Secretary ( Cabinet) The f-an Chris Miles. 19P
Parliame'ntary Secrretary Senator the Honi NickAl fnchin
Minister for Trade ( Deputy Prime Minister) The Hon Tim Fischer, MP Senator the Hon Robert Hill
Minister for Foreign Affairs The Mob Alexander Downer, MIP Senator the Hon Roburt Hill
Parliwnentapy Secretry ( Trude) Senator tie lion David Brownhill
Parliamentary Secretary ( Foreign Affairs) The Hon Andrew Thomszon, Afl"
Treasurer The Ronm Peter Costello, l'PU Senator the Hon JunD Short
Assistant Treasurer Senator the Hon Jim Short The Hon Peter Costello, Wv
Parliamentary Secretary Senator the Hon Brian Gibson
Mlinister for Primary Industries and Energy The Han John Abderson, MP' Senator the Hon Warwick Parer
Mini-ter for Resources and Energy Senator the Hon Warwick Parer The Hon John Andersn, MP
ralia,, entary Secretary Senator rte Hoon David Brownhill
Minister for the Environment Senator the Hon Robert Hill The Hon Warwick Smith, MP'
( Leader of the Government in the Senate)
Minister for Sport, Territories and Local Government The Hon Warwick Smith, MIP -Senator thc Hon Robert Hill
Parliamentary Semreary Senator the Hopi Ian Gordon Campbell
Minister for Communications and the Arts Senator the Han Richard Alston The Hon Warwiick Smith, DR?
( Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate)
Minister for Industrial Relations The lion Peter Reith, MP Senator the Hon Richard Alston
( Leader of the House)
Miniiter-Assisting the Prime. 4-inister for the Public
Minister for Social Security Senator the lion Jocelyn Newman The Hont Philip Ruddock, heP
Miniter Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of
Parliamentary Secretaty Senator the H-on Rod Kemp
( Manager of Government Business in the Senatc)
Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism The Hon John Moore, MOP Senator the Hon WarwAick Parer
( Vice-President of the Executive Council
Minister for Science and Technology The Hon Peter Mc~ auran, MP Senator the Hon Warwick Par=
( Deputy Leader of the House)
Minister for Small Business and Consumer Aftairs The Hon Geoff Prosser, MvP Senator the Hon Warwick Parer
Minister for Defence The Hon Ian McLachlan, AO, Mi? Senator the Hon Jocclyn Newman
Minister for Defence Industry, Science and Ptursonnel The hon Bronwya Bishop, MP Senator the Hon Jocelyn Newman
Minister for Veterans' Affairs The Hon Bruce Scott, WI S$ mator the Hon Jocelyn Newman
Minister for Transport and Regional Development Tho Hun John Sharp, MIP Senator the Hon Richard Alston
Parliamentary Secretary Senator rie R-on Grant Tambling
Minister for Health and Fatuily Services The Hon Dr Michael Wooldridge, NIP Senator the Hon Jocelyn Newman
Minister for Family Services The Hon Judi Moylttn, MP Senator the Hon Jocelyn Newman
Parliamentary Secretary Senator die Hon Bob Noodi
Minister for Finance The Hon John Fahey, IhP Senator the Hon Jim Short
Minister for Administrative Services The Hon David Jull, NIP Senator the Hon Jim Short
Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Senator the Hon Amanda Vaustuuie The Hon David Kemp, MIP
Youth Affairs
Minster for Schools, Vocational Education and Training The Hon David Kemp, MP' Senator the Hon Amanda Vanstone
Minister Assisting the A1inisrrer for Finance for
Parliamentary Secretary The lHon Tony Abbott, AV
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs The Hon Philip Ruddock, WVf Senator the Hon Jim Short
AttOrney-Oner and Munister for Justice The Hon Dary'l Williams, AM, QC, N9P Senator the Hon Amanda Vauftone:
Each box represmist a portfolio. Cabinet Mianiters We sbom In bold type. As a gawa] rmie, them is one Deparat in eub pautfoio. Except for
the Dqpsrasent of ( be Prism Ministe ad Cajbina, the Dcpartment of Foreign Affsire and Trade, the Deputimez of the Eavirornuau, Sport and
Territmrie, and the Aftomey-Ckauaul'a Deptrtritnt, the title of ai'h Depeulmea fefleeM that of the Peutfolio Miniatcr. There is also a Dophnmeui of
Admiintrativo Srrvirm. in the Fintunce portfolio: and a Department of VetcnerAuf fairs in the Defenco portfolio.
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