PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00009299.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

PM:. Let me jst ay a couple of words abot Alexanr Downer over the weekend
and his remarks about Mabo. ttink the first thing it reveals is thW the
Liberal Party, agaln, has deosrtdthat It Is a party that has run out of
puff~ lts a party w* thou Ideas and, withou a philosophy. f t hopes to govern'
Aushralia but it has no philosophy. It has no policy an AuWWslIdentity a* d
what Wr Downer has * revealed over fte weekenid ti it 4oe 41 have any
policy of sodea cohsin either. He said he wovuld dismantle te MIbo
legisaif, aftr an efecfon vidory, stats promim reqired him to do so.
For ast; Kt he is not hisownm person scodly,. Mbois an hstpie= eod
legislation basd on an Important paec of Austrla law. That i, t
dedion by the figh Court What does Mr Downer think hie Is going to do?
Overturn fte High Court decision an Mabo? And, if not how wouid he give
certainty to tWte and Vive Ws to Aboriginal people without It? it Is amazming
that to Libeal Party, In this day wnd age. Is thnigof overturnin Mao at
9 tVow when othw Ulbeal gvnmtsof cotxrse, have extended land rights.
Andf4 ft W. s showa, I thnM9ta Ajmarier Downer is intent upon taldng
Austaa back'to * the. Mois. Alexande Dowiw is an old fashioned 1950s
LlJpolitican. The* problen for Rexder Downer is tatwe are ( n 1994
and the world has moved om
Could I say fiat not only that, but at this South Pwfic Forum a number of
leaders have complemented-Austraft aon the. Mabo legislation, on the fad
that we have mo* dour kndgens and , the essential quhmnent the
havm to reehrbish thi eainhpwith the land and Ut tite to Bmei land
and whee fthy wish, nrw atraditional riestyle. Anc, to make Maes
061.0nt for simply, somea passing -applause at a Libera party torlre
dispaying again, tht sort of esenial wiertyng bigotry abot giving
AborighMa people WWn when the--Pedfic Waders we heas wig only, I thik
souir thei view about whther Austal tie really s e light in comiing to
terms wfth their itidgeres. At any rate, it prve WhD~ oow~ n~ e r is
simpy about regressive policies, taking Astralia bc t fte IM. And.
not only Vi4t saying, not that we'll wee their policies in toe election but If alte
de eleotIon after he has supsdywon, then It comes up his bac to

d-wg WfCY-hell chanoo it than So, ft public don't evan krw goin
moan eleon. wha? ti~ Policies rnlgt be.
J: You've used the ptmue, % ndMlin bigecy. wre you saying thtW Down
is bigtu?
PK_ I tdnk whiat ru haough the Westem Ajna Liberal pety isW~ tk
blgoy. Ane, to be puwKim ig 11c # W displays the worst kofincb lot me
say tise, displays Vou Liberal Party at ft wt. And, Wt Dvu Is alWays
toq i about NM1Wk FRau. luw ta Wksl up to. hhii walL rm qufb vm
Mr Froser would not have a bar at due sot eWN
J: Wbiud I be posibl to a. dzally claanl Op Mabo, egilan?
PM Wai W possible. WhaI toe pauiamlerti Ga do ft perfi~ amr~ m undo. But
by that stage, of moms, " wM-11 be dedtoars fe tuv~ w It. if. is toe
whole cormpaet nawimot of Woisat tam from & t An toe HOgt Cout
dcision said w= s VWuIfum w= a uuative Wei In One Wfcfomm law. Rt dkhrt
any whd t of Me5h. ow-at wotu be dispersed, howA mut d be heard how
diakn viguid be agiated-. AM that wa done by the tegdbm and you've
got ariumbr of Coa~ ftIn rmw s~~ ipoftU 1 NSW, Vkdiii arsd so whom,
does it bay, I& Downr? -It Mese him wdh go taistic oft Weft
Ausballan Lbera paty.
3: Prkvn Mkriser, can I jui ask you a. question on tou foniwn? How recephve
taim yui found Wiand leadr to yor msage tait sueinabe
PM: Witt I VMugt the opening sesion vrs very enwglng. We had sofme, I
dikvery winUftted & W d nkgiig apeeches tm vorlms teadere
about MtMy and fisherles; mid hwun resoiau deekpnert utidi I an
sue ft wimruust VM WC got mWy tM a flying Stt olid I tnrV., today, OWu
WoftImhpMVe tUN1
J: You I* uk tw1 co an board taigN with yaw view?
PM: Well, 1 dortt partculaffly hove I, haven't got a pautcular se at pxoxps to
put to m Ifs about, a view. And, wo re ady seeing. in a so m firm
support fo tout view I hit nighs umprsabnru
I And how imorlait Is fts reftat today. and wWi do you hope to addeve
Pht Wak, I ft* Vtm r seE Is Iu1oort because It does give thm leaders a
duarms to spook kIrniaiy abou ct alv MhIcet eir econouis ond
' iafr smdile AnM, I tik bjildvn ft forum aound! a theme has been
very helpfu In mwentreta g ton debuie