PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00006683.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

1AUGUST 198h
might make comments abott
Do you find it rather ama
and actually admitted the
Labor-Party put our polici
and then Ie he abeWS fAi
PM: I suppose at last we
Party who is approaching I
indictment of his own part
is to slash social servicE
ho has spent the last 12 ri
Covernmernt. The smal I 5ep
what we have done is righ
to slash more. Hie has sh(
of Australia in the socia
risk. The Pensioners wo
more. He said in regard
are doing is right. Not
Mr Howard, the job wh.
around anid saying what we
the hard jobs and if they
Mr Peacock. let Mr Howard
they are. Are they going
truth about their Pdrty o.
and delude the Australian
the liberal PartLy, Mr Peat
I increasingly the Austr-ali
They will never be trust'
trusted before.
JOURNALIST: So you obvio
support for your policies
and thc tax
PM: Let's read what lie s
with Lhis talk of privati
at the edges. What you h
welfare. HeI said what ha
which if I can be a litti
someone in the Liberal Pa
be a little candid on whl ~ INSTER
think that the political analysts7
the strategies of various partis
z~ ing that John Valder has come out
strategy of elo's sit and watch the
. eS. let them fall out of office
ke 0vei.
have found someone in the Liberal
ionesty. IL is a most devastating
He says that what to be done
1Here is Lhe leader of" Lhe Party,
riths or more attacking my
Swe took in the assets Lest. tie said
L. It is not eniough, you have got
) wn that pensloners, al. l the people
L welfare system would be in grave
ld have their incomes slashed even
to fringe benefits on tax, what we
enough. But of course, Mr Peacock.
ile we are in government of going
are doing is wrong. Let Labor do
get back do it even more. Now let
stand tip and be revealed for what
to repudiate this man who tells the
r are they going to go on and try
people even more. This has revealed1
cock, the cynical tiypocrits, which
an1 people will come to know they are.
ed again. They should not have been
usly Lake this as a rcsound inq
. Particularly on t4pp6fd Porh. m
ays. H-e said don't fiddle around
sat-ion. He says it is just fiddling
ave got to do is slash the social
ppenied over even the assets test,
e candid, You know remarkable for
rty. he is the President. If I can
t he thought was a Private program.

PM cont: But here it is. He said about the assets test, it
" was a very small step in the direction" the L-iberal Party
should take.
JOURNALIST: It looks like it is Valder versus Peacock. Any
, predictions on where it is going
PM: NO it is not just Valder against Peacock. It is Valder
against the sham, the hypocrisy arid deceit embodied by Mr
Peacock. Mr Peacock is an illustration of the tactic of the
Liberal Party in this country. They recognise, as indeed Mr
Peacock did on the backbench in 1981, they recognised the
truth, the necessiLy for tne welfare of this country, for Lhese
things to be done that we are doing. They are sayinq no, in
public we will get up and we will tell lies. We will say
we are against what the Government is doing in the assets test,
against what we are doing with the fringe benefit. And hope
that the Labor Party will do them, and the population will
be turned against the Labor Party by our of the Liberal Party,
hypocrisy and lies. And then when we get back in, not
repudiate what the Labor Party has done, but do even more to
cut deeply into social welfare. So it is not Valder against
Peacock, it is in part. Tt is Valder against all the sham
and hypocrisy of these people. Now what we want to hear from
Mr Peacock, is he going to try and sack Mr Valder for telling
the truth. WE want to hear from Mr Howard. What is Mr Howard
gring to do? Because Mr Howard agrees with Mr Valder. It
is an interestinq scenario which we will all be watching with
very, very great interest.