PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006021.pdf 16 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

EM k4C: -7
198~ 3 POLJCY SPT': C11
Australiars havec never had a cloar-ar choice than t thi,.
clectic'n. Only the Liberal Party can preserv'e :; dbuild a
free society, only the I. i w-o~ yrtkT to fulfil
the liopes of all Aus; tralians, only the Liberal Party cz:. n
keep bluildinU for our future. The Liberal Party governis
for all Auntralians whether thuir fariilies hEve lived here
for generations or only a~ fe-w, years. it encourages all
Australians to contribute their best to this gjreat tiation.
" Ihis electiond-( livos Aiistralians a choice between the
certainty of re-cov. ery under this governmnrt, ind Incecurity'
under the riskiest and mdost divisive L~. or P'arty in our
history. It presenti a choice botw; een the wnges pare
supported by eight gVernments ,-nT I~ -ndtion's wg
trihunals, and Labor's . attemnpts to dezIJioy that pausQ.
The nation asked for Labor's co-op rtiii. It. got a
callous rebuff. This is an election about responsibility,
about the security that only responsibility can briwj.
Australia can't afford the turmoil and insecurity of the
Federal Labor ParLy. It needs the secure prograra which the
Govcrnnient offers which will build Au~ itralitb by helpingj people
and widening opportunities.
Since 1975 our policies hav-eiB-orai~ tT-T57' rebuild Austiralia.
because of our policies, Australia was one of the last
countries hit by the world recession. Before the world
recession hit us, we revitalised confidence ini the ecoccnmy.
We brought down inflation. 455,00o new joiba were croated.
Australia's output rose more thien the avorago of advanced
countries. New private investJnent rose alrriost. 50t in real
terms. Development was proceedTing on a great scale.
When the world recession filially dlid hit Australia its effect
was greatly worsened by two thinqs. The drought is one of vhe
worst in Australia's history, and it in~ affecting us all.
And in the last year or two Australia has suffered a . totally
unjustified t. ages explosion, br~ ought about by ACTU policies
laid dlown whon the pre-sent leadvr of the Labor Party wats its
president. The world xrecfssicen would 11ave (! one Auz-tralia
far less dama~ je if the-undons had rio~ t pushed thv;. ir d3emards
for hiaher wages and ,' hortcr hours bey'ond the 0-ndUrvice. of
i ndustry. / 2

~ jj: 7jKYt7 c~ i( 5 ) oi; b o õ wl ' Lt ilje c 1; f
z-. ii r~ ' tV ilr1 17 ;. CIId 1 acD
ot*:~. Itirnu io'. z'
-TIl . fanilly is th ocon iihich our futuv: ilk buiJl
t years we have increas5ed ~ ilir~~ lo~~ c~ by 0;~ s
Our fa.,-, ily E; Ldget put $ 18 a week into the handr; of typ) ic-ll
Australiani families. W-1 helped l~ ow ini~' c favjl
especially, with our innovatic, fami ly iflcc'lc-supplcmonft,
and e:*: ti help to keep clSldv-en Jt Cchool.
~ we -k)-I-E-djust une. mpl oyme nt bzefits for si. ngle pcoplc. over
13 in line with other pensions and benefits Jn may The
CC'vernmnt strongly believes in child catre. In the budgot,
we lifted fundingj by ialmost, Ne will expand that
procjz-a by providing 150 new chi) dl care projects. We helped
the older -members of our families. ' The far ,, ily Budcpet
increased the income limits for p) enlsions, and expanded rental
ass-istance. To give further support to pension~ ers, wewill
increase access to thb health benefiLs card, with a substtlitial
further increase in the income limits, 0o Budget has eVer
done ioreto-heip Autralia'z. ;& ileaser e the family
The family budget helps young people. We r a is e cl 6 . nt
allowances and [ boos ted our manpower and ta r~ rm
L to" * 25C) milli~ on. Tlicse prociramsx will directly aessi-t a
qMuonaeryt erfr ~ oomf ath em niwlaigoe' 1: Aauusse triasl iannosw, hmvlopsitn Uo f mtahneym nmyooruon gy oupnegople.
15eople to find jobs and opportuni ties. WE ore determined
to do eveirythilig possible to help youngy Australiaris. We know
the future of the best country inthu world depL-ndz onI themf.
We-u. i-i-cstablish a special yuth p-. roject inl ':, effretati0J1
and conservation. We will e etablish furtlier yoh projects
fror people not adequately assictedl by pcntprogr ni,. Th is
will inclikde w-omen,, Aboriginals and penple: dis& dvantajcd by
Physical or language difficultie3. onl top of these prograiims,
we have decided to offer 10,000) addiitionnl places over,. twio
years in the Defence Services for Young men andc womi-n partly
because niore people are applyincg for Defence positionB tha',
there are places. This project will be based or, a one year
voluntary c-nlistmerit in the AL-ned, Services.

C id
j. who jor-pal e'cICce-. L. ant U (~ i~ rc,~~ chc
f 1 I ci 1~ 41 e I~ 1 113 10 1" r.. w V 31) d l.
Awst œ ii ic T L i.: fuL. e'id
ou r tl. iolviS all $ SI. 2 fi1 I I icn I ~ oi i n Lo ! Locus. ig, at-,
Sit IIO uI lt li-' L1.% tteh So . o lil i-r hCA* Cji i cra
eh die ruIto ass is t IAust ral ia Is iricu Li i es Ih e 1c
ar '~ tyinpovdceiciation schedulps to Cnc(" Ur* zc
indLIStcy tObUy mdr'euipin :, to. ato gi
dumpingj an-d established the " Buy AusLralia" Cwnpaiqn.
I Just-belu) r* L . Chz.-. stvras, inl mi historic meeting, * Vi briu1tt
Co:~ nxonweal1th and State ( joverrimecnts tocjettlev the wacje
pause, anL? I viant to thank DJoug Anthlony and John H-oward
for iettinq it in L~ lace.
ivl_ 0,.

ALu C s aI i-ii2. toh In ' I I
YouJr0 un tpo1) r dr ( jg ,; iz ) rc :, tI
the b' ~ xlu kil I. lowr ! If . i-nicoznmO c kL;'. p vak: e
our cc,, etitivo ijna'! piofi& E, ic , t iC
will roe tr Jobs.
' rh1i:; Govcxr2-. eit ; 4ark: edj hard3 j-c-chieve tjl;.-t. hPi'-: orjc
wage pause agreemrc11t. El~ jht gcoverraments acreed, tize
Arbitration Cormis.-icn agreed, mcos. t Austxtali . n agreed.
B~ ut the LCTU and the Federal La1jcr Party ro. JectO6 it.
How can they tall. Of br-inging AU'Striiliffrk togthr he
they zrc the only ones out oi ; tep. Thecy are
to destroy the pause, with nlothing to puft inl its place.
They have incited rtrikes in tLE: oil Iindust.-y. StCriles
in that i. fluStry over the jzast ycenr c~ oEL
C, million in lost Qvexlkle alld z" further
$ 700 mililion~ for additiorlAl iur. 1ts.
The wage pause is cilormTOusly imTportanit to Aus7tralia'z
reccovc! ry. The LabQr Party has bceen totally div. icive,
totally con tel tuous of the vn-poyd tcotully unconcer: ned
abou~ t Australials, long term ccoyio-nic zecurit".
Ill 1983 Australia n) CCd3 respor,,,!: Je pClc , riot di. vicion.
Strong, reliable emumnic mar~ pe-ment ' s the hcrrt of offecti
govern-mnt in today ' s dif fi.> i-lL world, 1-ut th acthievcnsents
of this Governmwent go ittch further. 0u;: ccarice--n for
fairrness led u5 to stam~ p out tax ntL'h~~ ne
interests of fairness we %.. ill cont-nua cor ckiv fc--ta
roform. Our concern to hiunt down okqc-iniscd crim~ e lced us to
establish the National Criiw' -z Cc'-Tuission.
~ 1our concern abDut thle drOugyht Icd 11s tc.. UStablishl
comrpreheonsive drought ralief i-rangemnri will]
Acorntinus th3 drought into: kt 2' ubsidy foy a'year b! eyn
tile lifting of tile drought. ile Will mah~ e Sure there is
enlough fi. nance to help keep pceople onl thexir farmis, to enahi
* cirops to be Planted We will, introduct; a new r: ural researc!
progran. to help farmers lower th.,., ir costc, amrA a neW five
year soil conservation ancl i ffore. stat~ on prugram.
Our concern for the environment led to our offer ta-ttm-
PI. EIiTsrantian Government to equalize the cost. of power and put
off the Franiklin Damn. Trhat offcr remains cpen. We now corr m,
$ 50) Million over five~ y'arrs to a gr; eat iiationa-J park
aii SoiLh West T-smziri~, so Ltif canei enjoye & nd
prstvcdfor cjr C,-cjld0u.

" jr~ To t s 11b t 3 P. 1: C'I
beIlt : r f tl~~( dJ tc fl tl'-ir iavI*; vc -Ci ' t 5hI -60th c
~ i ; i-i tz ri the worldl nni. have2 provi~ dcd hem'
rp-znc-rous x-c-& arch f uinds Ou; ~ iCi h
o. ba J2CatI'CUCgh fo 2: an vzvc11.œ~
Iiobjective r. nu!-: t be to bring t~ ilr to co; op&. e ovn uiul to
achvieve the developmnt ill At tralia. Gvrthc llext
tbtvee yearz., we will inc,-east: fui-tnrj ror o~ ur idi
sciAenti,-ts by a further 3O-v in r~
We 6 1! L w) t the bust art iti; c ch'vrv.; to be shownl
Il ev_' ery state. We ' jil1 set up a 1; atiori, 1P3T. t Ilujr it. rt
J vu r, du tihec Aus ra I x C2ou-o r
the world.
A t a tirl'i Of fallJi3c PriVatC-in'VeCStr-Cnt, We ZirC~ buildin( g
for: the future by est~ lblithiny ~ 4 . rorr 1EjetI~
projects Our Bicentennial Road Program will riudernire and build tip
Au~ rola' -rondet work-. To reduce transport co tFI
further, we will pirovide rotandard . gaule rail acceS-S
tco a number of pc'rts in VictoiAa an.-Queenslandc .
1 4 We will explore with Victoria and South Austrlia the œ COpe
fox, an early start on anl elcLriLci'. y 4rid to balance out I
demand and give gjreater security of !. itpply in both States.
use of our scarce water supp-lies. Jrve;: y State will benefit
and thousands of j0b3 will be 9, anernted. Project,-in the
Murray,/ Muvrumbldgee E2a iii. i iiipruve the quality ande
flow of water. 14L are 0~ 1: c iii~ Iy
new da-. rn on the Upper M~ urray.
We are c-xpl oring the age c'ilJ drczi rLrs.. i tue coaa
rivers of tNew, Sout, ; Waler ilnd tla~ 11;. 1 :; e
it call be turned iflto rC41. ity l CIch1rn

Procpra3-d t1f, I n whi ch ;. il I ALI-0lia;; ki l I ort C1 . te
The-I Bc. M~ rntolYK; 1r Wil IvAr~ ~ T i~ of
e th-ur s and3 our cpc . j t. O 1
We arc-a 1-nti on buiIt. 1pzopi& f vin every .1E: ci. W w2
kk ee-p w0 ri jig kp r 0ve thze qiz1i ty o f A u stvi I i ' ii Trl ti
c t-. turali s andc a fair 30 fur A~ l IuILL. ialiarLG
We aire loo iijn y hca~ l, to orm( li3 heyci'J
I Th--jobs of tric future will3 deipnrJ upon~.,.
inrjrmo'tior, anid enterprise. PBt: A.. Iriso2S jizcj evu~ Jm
to atdZir'L i lz~ voi Liv j-cr a. C ~ r 01_* te Ile;.; j*) rc--auc) t znd
mn'rketv ile viill pr~ oi'de tli iinn ccu; r
With busijness.
We w~ ill set ul) zjr, ACivanrcfcd Tc. no~ c. gy o bely)
Small and rnediurn firme. devctiop innuvativo l'roduct!; and
sex-vices. The corpoyationi will hcL-11 irjiovito.:-s se-z' thei-_ Lpi-
ol) ostiJ. and ocyinise vc-nLure cajitlO. It will hepthem
find product developmeiit facilitics to put t-hiir i& 2cas into
pri-ctice, and) 1t will hell) -them with rrnZirk Iet ~ c Ond
If ormstt i on.

x b ) rI, TII I1 7C
, I rc j( c) s Co 2 ti i. VK in*. 1i.. .2'
t Do vo 3 tue PjTown V z~ 1 r~ ly. Mt
cc~ nty. hi Cwtrr. tas wi; i ni: itutrCns
xni Covl-rnrnl-sht iT d goo ver n for our~ aian
Gct i, 2-cotial elt ek areovai-tio ns th1c-_, . fpatrt o il
u n ryv igo ~ Coereffcitvehascfc; rns ito uilingeCs o itIof
pows. aut weV weievh thcun~ jepo; '. rs fr~ oo ltCt
the eonciiat n tnd S btovicrn Cfco'n iio jp3ut;: rE tOl
' Ae 44411 contYiu toi ae co-opeario ot i 1 3 n1 par t c
inlai ViI th u it id Cot tolert hErettpmpts by,
to-he vlt n bew touse as-rntcd. aort.
well be introdued an acoeeffective.. rfri to I1eh prot'c ion
of ssntala~.~~ c~ aIn~ i~ alinlutrii. A; c in1
pwers. BIqi~ te believb) e thesepowbearre too in od~ rcd ill
certin ot fory thcan C2--U. thoi o p6; cur trougohic
ae refren, t o focr ondcte puto : cjj. nuat to give
the Corc~ Ciloijit~ oin ec. btatio
Plhcke powre ard anot to rconfmct, art o pt all, Atra3.
Oald the Ce; omm.~ issinta nd the uio mor. Tio
tode tr in-vetshee cot an dene~ d t!._ curti tat ie
Asrafrher ccnoiicsr ecouery. qsaiiifrscetb-lt

Gtt. . r& u i t I cyc i 1*,
C: D t t t Iv JAL A' V, J L J D Jt;
tQ do L : t ' i n .: they do 1 1 I L c'
h n. t Q . Ji t) ie ) asnL t t o . i e c ii rC Cd i-
V hUt thex-C.-are rrwnv other ; io a 1 f . cs, e I.* ve a I
We illI prov ide 2 f. i aT' r for L z, wi t h
the~ Staites, for counsellir.( j for you ' jci* 2tiacent~ s aindperorts,
andJ fo'r refor-m of corl-icu11-m.. 7Thin u, 2.1 hrdp r,., et7 tneF
needs of: all Childroln.
we t. il1 also ask the' Tertjary Ediucation~ Co.,% jAssiu to
report on whether ther e ar-~ adeqn'ato p~ lic anld
OpportL! Ani ties ' availabhc in tertiary educationi. WC! oWlinvit~
e the StaMQS to join, U5 i Promoting the U2L' of
corrnputc~ rs in all Australiani sch-oolii, with a Co.: inmquealth
I contribution of $ 20m. a yeai for five ycbis from 198'.
W'e %,, ill1 provide a further $ 35fu. cvc~ r Lhe next threo yczirc
to he~ lp incrcase new places illn ' on-governiment schools.
In fox-ign policy, Australia's stattuxe & 3 r-. ide p. ower
has in, rcased the range of our internatio!, al activities
and " the ueioh t of Our responnib i ites.
Our aid program which is conccntratk~ d Ii South Vz st-* hPriftand
the Southl Pacific, contribut. to Etability -in our regim
AN~ ZUS and the-wider westorn alli-nce are central to our
foreign policy, and iustrallia hat a significant part to
P) ay4
We have a proudl r~' cord of contixlbutirnq to p:-epigin
world trouble ! JPoL. E, most rt C'~ tly in Sinat Lind wcgive
-active Support to vesponelle disarcuurment mea . urcs. We
worY,-, d througjh the Cc. eeea~ 31lth ill the
Cc.-, ownwea Itit Me~ etLjg-: and 1 iu pnc brfl n-a~ to ir,; hbab
T'. ut a voiC i~ r. a~ t repS Ct inl thc: C0. r" trnoIWa1tit
and alrCund the world. Some ii5L of arrec fcru:.-s 31-e
stationcd a~ t Butter-worth in N'iragcs DOW
b~ n'ze-. d there~ are ben isdcu. iAsu1 3c-Ct to ( 3susin
with the CovernmnL of Maasa pill rc.-dace ther Ki11b_
a squadroa of our ne~ w FA/ 13 fightcor cn.

with countv~ ic, infl 0Uu. cUu i Co. U") OCz thi ( orI ct
Aus tr a i . i hafb auc~ v~ I La I ) I I rC t h c -i iIc ci(' j Iiic y
Oric orcat danger of world i~ ccZ ssicn l ic t2,' Cst C: JS
will raise trade barriers agaiiist cct utlhor. h~ Lz
-tmr1T4j'dg6 of hr clntesc. 3iuht. roct
utvzlia's iratcrests. For exam~ ple, in 1974 P. iotral. ia
wa~ s totally exc). ud3eO from~ the J& pvines,. irical', re.
Negotiations On new trade agreernente bcetwecii Jz; zzt and
the United Stttes are currently proc c1edincj. q w 1
~~~ vii _ siire that AuntraliA's intorcsto n~ ro rtci.
' Thro0ugh all the years thc La bor Party ha7, takvir, z negati. ve
apprt. ch to the Com-: LonweaJlth, our -llia~ ncc5, rc! E -Oni.
spe~ iT~ 9against aggression, alld OLZ (. fforLf2j i] :~ is
wcorld trade. in thiat approach he is no0 SCL' 01 Ly iu;:
In this election the ch,. ice is oIear.
IS AUStralia to, 0 Work ill A, L0110011 GalXi~ forl v'io
____ Wi1l itSupport thoso v. arat to bireay the w" rv:
Australia tqatts a qorvierna: int, which wiU( wor2. witi) lnom
leaders, not a LzL'oz: Govelrnment which will '"' ork 1:. u
t~ hO Un" 011S and~ inicresed union power.
' Phi: 3 Ccverrnment will1 str, cjthtai cui-l~~~ ao
Go-qcT~ neit would uradot3rnine our defence
Astralia wants; a cjovernrinet whichi 4, i11 r-, ii-tain tho
security and stability C-40 our iiiStitution1l at a tifme to. 7,
we rnoct need them, not . a Lal): r Govectv71c! sL vliic~ h through
it~ i re ctntly amended Platft-. m is nold COY-, r; itte. i
fl~ xjngthoce insti tut ions and tuTiljAustri-ilia i n. to
At -talia M.' Ist have a eloverlnnn of jr~ ha aa. j.~ .; t
sta I Lv., and a vi-ioll ci? th fULAO'c, 11UL c" i
œ C~ L;, Spend philoso-my of La-ior. Noc-one ~ u:
tOsarnd 1! sccuritp6y of thll ~ v-. t1an yez. rs. IP
fij I'sL a~ ct w~ as * Iluuqih % i trauut vn~ itirn f ZI-the sc'; c7'
We r-aist ri. evcv cort~ j;-1 ior ; ut-i. ai~
htoo cirtat to be nh4O,). ccll Ly ccaiib\' oi kJsn ew,. anj
rzLv~ r-e. we inrre biidifig for I h kLowuref z& rt,
Creatin; Australia. ~ W not undtcr-est Mritc-1( he difficu). tieJ. C
but gro0w o1r pI-licies will wake thit; a hc-ttc. ianc6. 1, nd
we can take pride t ; Ft. ' it is the Cov, rrrer that h,
Put these policiesg tozg& ther, in avr: 1 ul l~'
John Ca * ri in ( 11c, tvJ* u & i. pr> Il

I iIi rc.) o-* ii nkc~ ti ator bt~
j i-~ irr-. nes., .1? r b) cm, i~ icti
We iire bii1Jin'i Aarteaia
bli id2 nc3 AuCtralia with o~
Austrai-i with the dc-tcr-rn
not waitircj for the WorLd. it Z. ts.' ii wi( 7.( t f3r IiV~~
tj) of iu stt ~ fii Zfllt~ cr:
) Oo ooo

.' rade anld lwsource~ i
Evp ort Pi-oiiotion Pro,,,-wt ( giowing '. oC $ 50) 1:
in 19v. 5/ 26)
Taxa~ tioni
purcefltage point reduct. on irt company
tax rate for companie. 9 wit'h ta: ab1e irxcomne
up-to $ lOOOOO with shacing In arangementu
Defence Squadron PA189 at Butterworth ( trowing to $ 29. OM
in 1984/ 85 ana subsequently dceline to 617. oIm) 12
Special program~ for additioxia'& places. in il'a
S 6 .3ce33~
Iational Develop2ment wa Energy
Feasibility study on an electric power gri( 1
Primtary Indurstrl
The afforestation~ ana soil con~ ervation prograr.
( rising to * 15.0Ql1 in 1987/ 88)
P. ditional expendituxe on Rural 1FeF~ caxchk~.
Con tnuation of Drou, It Intere3t Sutb-: idy Schelne~
for one year beyond lifting of drought reetrictione -J
Jncreated support for wool proi-iotion 8
Increase in BrLucalosir/ TuberculotJ, 8

Pro o 1 H 3/ F
irIdust. r Y 3nd c22rmcr,
MV-\' rIced ' Techiology Co6rperadScin. T; lz ~ cductibL(.
capital allowed by coypoibtion up to Oii S
Tirst ycar ( not-incurrc2 uritil I91/ 85) znJ
shopf ront operations 46.5
Technology initiatives ( mlcroolectroiic applicition
centres, information technology connultants,
technology transfer) 0.2
Utch for up to $ 100, OCO for Aubtraianr T'oui, 3t
Authority 0.1
Social Security
Adjustment in may 1983 to unemployment benefits for
single people over 18 102
-14t'elisation of unemployment benefit income tect 17
Approval for child care-centres
, Ceion C4 income limits for PIJB card-holders
Seeding grant fo Dioabled Persone Intcrnational 0.05
Aviation Authorisation of deeign work on new pasEengcr
ter" inal for Canberra Airport

Youth tr: rc j' ctt us i i s c, v It Kn
rcffo> f-ii ostra icr, io xojaCtz I
StM iand Loal cjov.. mtl $ 0
Refer(-! d u: n sLekirg ñ 1at: 1escLr t p iLc ov ri uZccLCcLr
of inchiutrial dijuLes in inidu; trip of nationil
importance 2 ,) or cent inciese int recuiv-ic; rz qrzits to
government zchools
Firnanial support for e:: tn for thrcee years of
existing capital fundiing forari it r,. oflgovernment
schools 21
IFivet year Com; prehenisive Comnonwvlth State program
for the use of computers in schoolu
Special Abstudy r,: ture ago allowance for teat:;'.-C
-traiinees ovi-v-a period of 5 yearc ; ith 100 * w; aicis
Counselling,. enpecially for yonmcjer childrxcn, t,
-iprove education, and reform of secondary School
Transport and Construnt-ion
Continuation of Tasmaininn fric* ghA cqualiuatio1I sherre 2
Home Affairs and Environimont
Ad ition of two sports to-AIS -picraam and
decentral sation of hockey prograrti to WA

I% f J rrs mn I: It wit2/ V.: n
EI;. rVr~ nt c' r' . rnae ~ nt progvramO( ecT; I vl.
Na~ tiornal Palr}
P riigboT f! 1 Af fItirs
Extcnsion of I.. boriginal Hlealth prucrcrtt I ror~
Jrrj,.) IQrrttin and Ithnic, Affekirf,
Grant-in-aid for Federcition of !;! hnic cC;.' rU; itV
Councils 0.0)
Eeath ] ncreaed funding for NH tA4 RC ( riinnq to $ 12M4 Jr
Veterans' Affairs
vil jrogratn for attendarat care for veterans 0.1
Capital Territory
Canberra Convention Centre
Communicatitons Sales tax exemption of decoder6 for TV closed
captLCUing for denf 0.1
efenco Syugort
Build up stocks in factorier,

), J-2o scl s le
U a L 100 Z, C) L. C C 0
project: 3 2.
Home Affairs and Envlrornim; et
Establish a Sports Aid Foundat-' un ( to r: phIco
existing ational Awards Scheime; jit cos3t) 0.25
Donationt to Sports Aid Foundation to he tax
deductibble P oobfli shari enNt * ticmial Ii ouriny Furad
M ntarctic 7ran eport Sst
Replace hutztrctio transport sy-; t;. t to com. ps: eair
transport of perrouiiel
charterea cargo vesGtA 4
NOTES 1. The above policy meanures will cost S1. O million in 1982/ 83;'
2. The cost of the advance payment for the " Preference to
T. ustralia in Industry" is $ 70 million riade in 1982/ 83
rather than 1983/ 84. ' Ihere will bv no on-going cost to
the Budget frcm this measure.
3. The proposals to provide sLajidard gcuge rail liI: 8k to
the following porta;-
Acacia nidge Fieherrniajio If;
Spencer St Swanson Dock
meAbonr e Ceelong
nngalore Tocuinwal
will be Eought to be fina-ccO by waiy of loans. At the
appropriate time the approva. l of the Loan Couricl will
Liee! ougit.. Tho alnournt oY l-" n ap.-o. vI involv2i

is expected to be $ 35 million par ycar1 over tilieu
y/ ears.
4. Th-, r ali'J.& Lcnal : 25 millic n ior thu ncvw divicion cA
thet Comnollalwalth rxcip. nt; Umk ILby Y
loin fundEi.