PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005626.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

PR~ S$ O~ Fi~ TJ. AN~ y~ pTSAY, JuJL' 26~ 1981
PR I RE 441tIXSTVR S A D fd: S ' ro VI CT 0R I PL S -1A Ti . LIG DB L I TRE D
I cnn'L 1csiiiysy. anpiclryjlzetohhr.
0on thXi rL CA hkiiop e yotj woii)' t. iscwtie Itha& r.
I ho[)' yo c-OaSo wol'tL IIi. scouzdsruie j-if r. ap! Aojise for
-wi and s' ht: sllt-is unablfl to) hr
The e oniP-or tko-th. ijn!; I v to z~ y XiV. t y Wou
like to congra.-tto* the. cunpi. for tIs'U it. s new qn. ato
3. auncheA The: oleotionn b el. d yard. y V1 tbink 01w
Oom-n for tht ftitire are. good, An enorr,, oua am~ ount. of % 00-, Vi
into the r~.~ Aio of thoe vao n~ tat~. cowJ-unttee afle
thoe po]. iny astrmb. y' and thkico~ i~ in'olv'~ if) that,
Cn thatI: the alx-y is goi.-cj to ' db h
resolve w'hich I bel. ic .' ve t all haJ-to i; k s the
ini strngtht~ eri'i and ntv( 5e re eff;. clive,
I wudalso 1 ik'" to s; ay how~ ptron92. y thko velr) co'rnrl'' n 1"
is stancling -with b~ h5 nd ti . ndey Tfl'ho ) I I haven'L Cgot
State ethle% c Li"' t~ aonkiiab t-w0. ini -iti, vined,) s1a. y I isa-lgsooi nhgo liteov ew i th'. l. lA L oxr~~ รต ~
Corifeucosaren ' L tl.. tbal1: the'y ou. nt-fo bn aind 11
w'ouf-id the to. acl.: nowle 2 I: hral-but I h1. ai. p~ ve that thki
las C~ e-~ irsc nc~ sho~ cX hat-th a of d1Sqnu~ O; 3j
thc*( t thr: ? i: enfier. aml I hcv ~~ n~ 1eto hawk:, havo . vn
tho se of th%: St~ klbA of \' ictoriza, anid wad' delighted to
Sp-kL'' C 1Cn'( t,, 1~ k th: d; w; henr he camt aw~ ky
fo thlat 3ast Lr~ c n Losrs iCouici)..
14t~ 1). bkc s3ee Xng. to act in th. A. L vein~ t-nd do v.~ y~ i'
to do av, ry~ hirxcl tbrtt can to tvh. m'nicc:
-of theLbo P.-r: Cy in th;. s State thro. i-x: rm. the comincr
Months, Thue nurrerit industr1, i. 1. S~ I~ tO' sovosyone-of eiwnouc
Ofiu. y. Tw~ o or fthr-ec yesar-ago when thp TrwiapoVLt Wor .' ert
Mnion, On stri. o at Lhki t irme, 6isruptcA mJUlKs uppl. i-es in th is
Stte Tony St:~ eTh am . t-d the wo~ nIlhsith )-. giis; l aLion
th-ii: coi.. ld lead~ to a sppd-y der:-iccistrat~ o b) At Whi. C: h wo'i).(
s) enal'~ the ou~ wa t to evt-rci se con. s ide-rabl. p. e
ila uwmbC-. r of' wawys. It is Se'ctiln Y4'. 3. f-Xi1'. 0vt3s
s-elkinr~ j a d-.3~ ation fro-tbohl Avbi tr& aJimr Ce , mui. s; ioz th'at
saifte'y heal~ th Or of the croru. ludty W'k bel ie', e, 3. c-rsu) tation
tho stai*#: qofu-htls hz-0. sknh a cli2Cl.' at olcaought
to bf Jom. ghf' agq-d-ns. tho Tallspr)) Jr-Uni. on IL ha.-A in fsclbtion
an eTi. a: ruj~ por) il'rkerLJ L~ f ,, ntW) thnt-was
x~ UI rl~ I t 1 . n th.-' A c lan sc?. h-pull-rf() fl> i rl i
f Y; usta. a I i. t, knt t; h Co rtc i ioa~ r) n a: 1 d Arbitv k~ o
Ac. T t th% Fm ~~ a) ile-Iie tehw t i r Of 0utw
C) Wi) E!~) Oe. l l( Wd'Lj if-i bas Zic r'm. A. 1lId tht'' o'. giuI" t
u a r2~ U ijlnA . P' 0ibh IC I vP n th': ve Fo -Ce
v rrc', u~ r. our r.., Jtni t-h-0~ r i ovs. il
P-rovi 1. of~ thos ik Act.-' v~ i~ p c m e u
L. o~ s a-jc r Ioa n. k s a~ i 0 " d

21i ey haVC, been . setfji. tig ay'Aulcl 11. tioo ) pay Prokligions hct~
Olle V)~ rsOrl Wiould dl--) oupL ices on day, artoLlier the. ne: t..
Uody Pa d rTih penA). LY exc ep.. tion Corniity WhO p-ail
an ermOr~. US C'ott for the stLvik' thiat wee not del i-ve
hey oucght.__ by people whom Lhk! colmmi~ jy iiir'efLa ct. paiyinAg,
People ina; s ty they cuce Cg3ve)' flei; t epoyeea.
Rellly, thr: y are hIot. They are e-mployee8 of all of you.
They are Paid for by ! the. tax ! s that av. e ta-ken ftrom a. ll of
you. T helle-ve h~: txpyr have~ j the riqgt to epct
thai; peopl. e will.. in fact do a fair daysi woxk alkc fu3l-..
the04' IIO* L'Iiia) ] esporisibi. tite,; whcen tiny aire hQJIwg Ipaid( for bY
thE-ge--neral0ity of Awstra. ian paye: s, So, merad& e th!
decision to use;* those u pejo provi? onz; andl I tinlk
about 2,000 rpeop]. e had becti supa nd It wiia for
an iridtfiiii. te terin whio-h ilwould havti"~ for tho per'iod
01 Vwh. tevjeO: tho illdu~ tria). a( tiorm 111v( Igt be being unde). takcji
by theilr Un ion. So, in sc;' me Un i-cno, that, Could be or Could
have be-en in force for a considerdle-t pperiocl of timec.
ti'ew, at this point, the Pre; 3ibenf: of thii AC-TIJ, 1-1) 7 001a, 11
icai me, and 2: paty fWAl cr,, dit to hi. n for doingq It. 1 have
got tio s. a: y it has been poinited ouL b~ y sort; e of the oiit
his Pre) siwsuu ot have dcmne zmnd iE, as,% E'd th'at we have
the discus.:-Ion anojt these rntter,-becatse we had recotnisecl,
as thle State~ qv mn had, that the oper-ati.' m Of thP. wage
i n d 0ti principles and guidetiires w tending to Mnakei
some people feel that thoy wieri shutt ow-, that thtiy co. uldn't;
have their case hea) rd, acjtlvor reaoonctbly, be-fore
tho Comii~ ssion, bocajuse of thie giidelne8, Thit-is uot. a
question of, blaming~ the omp-ission, iL is jkil. t stating
a fact, and I think it wsid. yrecognised in a number
of sinovn biopt h the Stat-i and the Cor nowe,
and private employers. Sol in the discusslows. thal; I havP
had with Lindsany Thompson, his Mi. nisters and rmine, ami with
this or'ganisation about a week or son ago, we virtuci]). y agreedt
4tChat th# e-re nc-eded to be sot--e moification of tho Opperation
cof the qkuidselines to try and tak-e some of the heat out-of the.
ifidustrial disputes and tho damage that WdS hPeingJ cauged as
a N01-7. tb. tilding on that, the a)* rangpmient: thiat we care
to v11101 We met: with tho Aki,! 0tralin Cowicil. of Trade Union-,
was that we woiild call, off thEs zction that we had im~ tiAWIted
the suapensioin., that we vo. dnot. nonLinme with actUoln, we
would put aside a-ctlon id1er Se~ ction 14) 3A and move to do So
v'rovi-di. ng the~ re is Progress in the-Arbitration Commi ssion1
tomrorrowe morn irl : 1 think if; is down for hteAririg afh 10,31)
andw& 7o-intly, with thte-ACT'LI, reog~ nise thaLt: hore needics
to hPe some adjustro~ ent to thp udln~ and thcey for thei~ r
par't, would iePComend and uise tkll. thOir ene-: rqije to achilevc.
a full retu-vo to wor) k, in thceso maj~ or dispuktes without
anY bans or l. ifiiitatiois;,
I . tVIi. i~ t is. comion know). edjq.: that t-h, AC" TIJ ha, r7unt into
one or two. difficultiecs, ank havingj that; ful illed as quickl. y
a . i 7 bel ieve that: they % wou). d w. ant, hot: f I havten'iL got any doubt
at All. about tho sincierity of the% ACTU aiid of thQeir offtcrrs
in carrying out hEircvdmn aid agreemorth with It. he
Coe'ernmnit whlich t asr( trds u. ah ~ s enrsibl) e
c~ ocrre~ w Ciihopafrutl) o. yp e up ne an nuh hot: e.:
era.-in iTdustria3. relati-or: thnn Vie haviL h. o qutE so:: e
t im e

The Premier has bpeenj involved anda I have been involved this,
mrorning in discussioni, I spent a good deal of yesterday oil
the telepholie, and also involved in dii-" iorivq-mojutly
relate-d to the Transport wJor ers ij. cn, and it is expected
if I may say, provided Mr: Hoclgson can h~ e founrd it is expected
that there will be discuesiOrls that Cou]. d lead to a statement
later today tha;-t niql-rt advance tho situation, qui. te con: Jiderably.
I hope very much that that is so and I will continue to hold
myself available in case furter dsui. o aeneeded later
on in the afternoon.
I can't really .9ay very rnuoh more than' that, but it doeG
bring y ou up to date. I thiirdk progress is being made, even
though, if you are listening to the newspapers or as : 1 am
told re-ading the Sunday newspaper, which I don't and haven't
read, in fact, you might beilieve-that tbere-IJ5a worsened
situation, I don't really be]. ieve. that because to have a
pcaition in which thie Auatraiian Cotuici). of Trad~ e Unions
with its full authority is wor); ing for a ful). and complete
resunption of work~, without any ban3 or liridtation3, i-b a
very consierable adivanice indeed, and T think it is the.
first time that thaL has bee! n aohleved,
We Might h'ave to ex'pect that Some of. the disputes will he
easier to resolve thar\ otht, rs. . Thpey are riot all going to be
solved at ex* actly Lho Same minlUtl, but they -Liderstand thep
n~ eed, the Urgency and the spoedy ire&, lution so that Australila
can get about its business in a proper Wa. I hope,-aI1cl I
believe they hopre, we cart butild on that for the% future aiid
e-stablh a hatter ; situation.
I1-. 1 (.-all say that one of tho things thY o. Ccenl~ c er
rnc a litt-le bit is that thrz: are goincj to be 100 head,-; of
government in E3ritain this weewkh all. -nov; that it Is
industrial disputes that have stoppe-i the Autralianl
Prime Ki. ntister heing in 1, L1~ olo. Thkt. is gomethirl-9-Which
does concern fri beca~ use it is not go o ut: Ji'
rejputation. Quite napart. frorn that;, the newspaper8 centrte
on the cireat event of a roya). wedding, and that: 6bviouoly
ir a. once in a life time occas3ionf, hbut I bad organised thr'ough
the c-ovyse of thijs yieek & ncl onl my-returni with Mr; Gandhi
in Delhi. because she is; not able! to leave India, a very
submstantial. rangs! of discosionis wt -rno--fha
of government, obv. i--u; 3. y with rTT: ruridi'tLoTaaucead1ie
anid a nuriber of other l. esclers -fror~ l the Cmnelhabout,
issues o-f great iirlpcirtanci to Aun'ralia, the hoidinqi of a
Cornonwelth eadsF of cGovornmrent Mei in this eIlty in a
month or two's timie, and those discussions no doubt would have
eased the pat-h of tha; meetinrg herause I think we, are all. aware
that thtere a: e sorle sensiti: ve ILsues o5 hlandled. I have
cronfilencIrt in the good sens of the orcmxnowealth in coning
to th-at, ht in par~ icular, wou). d have-b~ een having-discussions
is, Britaiin anr-. with 1cJi1re. Us ter Tirudeau about the S. inai
and requests that have bpeen put; to u alid othur,, people,
Those . isoussions would jiccj cefn ver y ila) o. rtanc: E!,
Snr) i ti-atey h -Yln Austi. a. ia oet the apyop" at dec: slon.
SO, 1, C .~ ri01 t h os t r 0' a 2, ii i r) L tavt it ha3 noti tbern
possibl. e, in) on-senst7e, w, at I solhaebceen dcinq(, but if I
had bn/ I ViOu) dri' L hal,-e had thc potnt to be he! re-and
wie-d th5. rqnlatnwe s it does eu-bark onl a nwchpe

Iith a new orqallisation %-jhqhih I heieve serve the
State of VicLoria, thc Librao1v overlmern and co) Jtifnuatiol
of that govrnment, and the continluation of the Federal Government
in the years ahead.
I woula like to take this oppoL-wity of thauIkir19 you al).
for the work that hA hien done in the or -anisation in the
past, and thank yovu a). So in expectaCtion of. what I knoI YOu%
will he doing for the future,