PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005409.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FORM}> OlhVIIDA~ Y 3A. J( lS9(
It is a plcoasure t~ o herf' today to oy,: rt U11i6 iew vi. 11age
COA( Xfor the W , thaICVOM A-1%! OCirt.-i40. YOUV ISSQCtizktic hat;
a, diutifcqultsb?_. recore, CA.: servJ( ic. to db). prc-op3. in the~
Dubbu di3.-tricti and the Oranna c. ejicm.
Now, to yotu: hosLtels, yolir shc-t. to-xe Workshop'-, nme youe farmr,
, vein be acdrked tbis magnificent. ncomploy" It is ticovyto
ycir~ ni qJ ni~ n md hIarcd work avic to tbc-: Ereiyt. h knc xir. 1om.-
16ith Wbi'h 1 comriurity o~ ai~ to sc syus~ cht
ckym: r( firlkq col' 03kfnits? Ji('-ds. O) f W2VL'c8c!, lt~ 1~ vhe. a ~ r tobl
igazt inr kolo a role. in mc(!' inq thrc! e necf~ f.. , tft dv on
repaauv(: thle p m. rral elkciTm: cjrt Uli-at iv. the ha) Jm1* axrk of the wor'r;
of voluntry oAh. ator~ i ? u that -Js why the vmost proc3. ucd~ ivo
wel fare procfrarvalies zucc the roc~ u1t. of fO517 ) t1~ f
qovctrnwment anud t. vohint. iry lecr.
ILA. 3& a& ' a vc . ul1t of thia p tneyshlp that the v11Thgc! o. pe
is z] Qr eality. rjj~ ci Ce', f~ fa~ c~ ct. CT1iC
foyx the flssoetion, nd zi pr:, out of mnorc thart
sigjnif ioalc.
rlcvamse Uice r-ilerits 3iVC herye i-1. tbhA1x own och~ n
wqith the ' as itartc--c of ; i SRAZOIt~ lart Of, Staff I U10147~ (' fU&? eCC
, bhic1 cz uap~! I~ tiees m" 01 develop eiabli-nUrmiioe of thcem to 1movo. ro" u
( of thiif 4ex nto Other l1oC; Zl no ill. n
9This~ r is thec sno of assist. aincc to ilhtse with
( l-tabliri thr--m 1_ 0 3) CVC" e part of a Whole commurnity. For far too
vur Society has tened-C to rco-card prvOj3(ñ with ( Iil' bilildes~
nrf if they wor a celnteoss ca-tc. burcr3$ hatve beeun
C~ eted Ly thle V01: 1 p~ hsc'f " diwuble't rzUb&, t i. 3 Za vibtp
phrztsc whridch ioc-1e ony1wjh~ a4t 2p'. t Cayy% ot 4o, .1thth an on)
what thcy cav Blut it i, ~ iit~ rA. dsbitcthztt
cietormine ' a in A~ e
_ NnYyeJ t1y rI~ vileqe to lUKh-One Step zib P, triy
Dr. Jobr' 1lickit-inn L) r 11 ,~ Xtal now k) d~~. Ii. 3E. c. ac
Iua thc.-mat icianc zit. tle Axu0; rE; A. io Natiornjl u. niversity, has s'mc~
cccbra1 pa~: 1sr. 11i kook r1i ti he battle, to zristx
icivitics 1.11ary of as, t1alK for-gantv-.. d surih ais, fivc yceic,
toe vi. a'a Way of 01) i~ e~ rpsnov elp(.. but. th
o~ c~ h~ he h11s to ~ arer ~~: n ot only phy. c~ lcl onea~. 1 elhps
1rediffi~ cult., aclC' Uic'se vb~ eatetd b y 8ocial C-IttLtted s 4 I

Of t3 I( x fc9k-I -II nI CIoO: t. C. atr) hcI C h CIA l i k AS tI V-f
) 1baC~ l 1j" 11EVii~ to d; i'i ith JAc , AUh, Whoi for i: Cascms11
best-Imown to tbewselvejrefu" to accept you for wThat
you wt
W e limst lace uip to the valifIit\' of thlis Critiism. If1ltcgvat ing
elisinblcdl noop0C. . vt~ o thea w* holc' coyrmnnal b3' fA01-) J ch px
to utcice-vo: his ll,:! r fu. pot. Ci~ nt tbc! 5c0 arc the s
' 111 of ) in-t hdv. uixjti: spaa~ l'illvYl ~ ar
ndthv comimnity at aro
Certuiiily, kimprove6 care fow the disableet is cent-ral to the
Over~ Tawny yezix-s niow, ve hzave pr~ ovided1fico to ( cirrulidt~ y
In this v* ay, the Coverim~ cnt has hcipcd the ~~~ tmrt~
op c) f faic-Si tic~ fo): bz-n~ 4appt~ d ziultts anc cllrelt.
YearTtiO( c~~ etp tan ~ L~ f b Lia). 1us to eligD~ iAc.
We al. so encource -L1ve ( tevelopl; kent of 1eh: 0iitat ion prog-rcmer
to assist. pepe wi'--wn F'ou-11 to Play a ut:; Qful
parrt. 1h. 1w un ~ y se olly Iinc f thce grt-at fICof
thirs typce of ~ neto Int ww~ o fl)' ei5' avail~ lblrj tile
~ y~ ri~ ntin 1977 w. ida( VI lu el . gbñ lity curitfevia for ceaX
zznci ri n ) ol~ e
% hoct foxii\ wi., rc~ if-' ilitetion Itcd bec. un adible tin). Lo th~ rs..~
w'~ ithl t~ unaib1" of pl. yñ n; in 1rj"" Pv-bar 19,
thiu wau~ UL LIhd to the Yi~ r italy and~ phy sica~ illyl~ cp] to
eivable them to live iepnntyin L1erovn-1ic~ tfhlotl. i
claty orlwac Ut. A itsoib.. tnio ha-: itin p v frue 1A charga.
Anid lzait. Yc:? iY-t. e( TToVI: hGx~ t m~ inoaa_
pxov it: ion for th. purpC)-Q
Of cou. r. so, 19fU hur b) cn dicmacd by the Vnitcd N~ iticons af; the
B~ c~ t~ u& c. o~ coc'ss to c-nDrrcunity lifrc In, -r. f thu inaO issues
facing peopleQ with Ls-ailities, it. has, bex. wl 1[" oz-e as a
Ijor theme in Austrai fo ~ i atcto-i1 l r
for tho arcr C111i c' ' iwiy wcml3 ' wl'mt Eli oleh eartee(
st7ynC. xt of thue Fcclmral Govc)' nm(. nt.
Theiiter for ooICA~ L SeuIrity, Sell-dtor Damc qrt ol
h; sbeenl qivc'n S)-pcoia3. Asrnl'Ai~ irc~~ h~ ic h
Co~~ ie~ p] oCnCc~ . th' t th 1 t~ csn~~ or. 3 !~~ rof Disablacl
Prso-. 4 nJ 4c tS-i-X" yi~~ dt Ot(~ . CtCcnzcit
Statc al)( 1 ' I'( rltoxy milA-tvr' to plansU~ fuor~) 1C'' Year
Adirr bod( ies. h-, vi beean & et up to xwake surve that. a r angu,
of views is heard ribmit what. we 0iiV be-ilc
tile views of the eisibed l 3.

): rotjr~ m1cf's f va3: iEAty of~
muur vebicles; idelas to extetml I-lie invo. 1\ w ' Int of di'-abled
pL-Ople ill the clw. tj anc1 otho~ e f(, orm of zcnttion, al-1t1 1th
ft-ve 1opmcm2t of a witional 1;, wn# 1oyzcrct statevy ' O tor 1C hnicappe.
ifoi buAild oil pre~ tpnay~ reri auds1 t bled
pcop). for avlp'l. iu ytor p. rxi~ clte thle i-pi-Irtici~ t iork ft
e~ nergies which the 3Ao, atiown1 1 will aim-n to . puco
i a rcr scalc:.
It in-vol. ves dcsablecd p3ople & nI the', dc all3 imnpe; ntion
of the ocmrc~ to* ar-. t hCr ' IX E rprpEbernts a oOIra. iv
to pmcv~ tde blhp io& tu lt alc
thr.: Ife of tho gjeneral3 connunity.
. T Coco'aVLtJc Yu all, Oil UNJYL; p) ofelringC commntmt~ rmt to
Ih complex~ is a princtica3, d( mos oain 1cf ccum. 11ty coocv
b~~ c~ ex~ 3v~ ly0y1cpoc( Ii cdt q Zj-Very acljvano~ a pbilf'plly
of Iiulit~ ncc.
3. Wish all. thoso involwvd ill1c~ c xi t~ ve exve
no I ai-t i. s N44-hI q( reat p I eas I 1re 1" hat c. o a ou f li. I I y open1,
tMAib '; sEt-b0V'lliV) opX> Al.