PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005374.pdf 10 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

? v1: FS cFUD27IM 1 CO . S S
CAI> 7,--L A'L\. y
T .' ou for giving, me the op; portunity to speak to you ti
~ oinn. , at this openin-sessLon of the Second w-orld l-ilderness
Co-Zr-? s.
s a matter of some sat'isfaction-to wie that Australfla : as
2f n o host the Conc;-reSs si-! ce Australia still posse2sses
-uhla-md and sea in htis e ss nt Lal ly a wi lderness conc', o,.
Tlh ct~ nof thie Cnare--q 2airns is narticularly a7) ronriat
" Iecause Of the access Carsm'~ sto the vastsrec3
~ n, 2s s r'nAsr nclu1 > nvr 2 Cr 0at ? c 2
14ocpe.-l vou sc's~ sne i'nx . e I ss
l~ u ; c t wilderness can be prote e
Lr~ ' mnaedTis neercs 1-2 wi. t' a olannin-Y--' I
ojpico f~ th e ccr oon furte ceonsoerat
n-t 4L-
7 11 n. r, S. r-i . e F l
T' r )-10trcatrec ncri nrofIo r: t to u
17t'? on te aro byoier ~ a orP" rs~ thee oforl
-Is a s s ! Zo al the Li.) t r r, 7, c ons -rvation n deeon
2 t: h t ; od f a mvnte Planet cdo inceed secureva-.
l and a-le l-. 11p. 4e ople.
It n out that c or to r, like ClevelOet is for
ne o:) Ilo t hilIe dev. :' eta s to0 a c. I oe hu man ? o aIs.
la-~, z>.~ ruch seoft csn'.:, ere consrs t on ams to
Y: cunn ys ii s U i u se cani conne
The s L c ' v ,) rcclIa " m s th-: 2 c have not inhe rited-th e
rt~ ; O; our porents, hiavc horrowe1 it from our c-i* ldren"),.
I n i c c 2 n the scratev 01n bDeha-lf Of the Governmient, i n deed
on a 1 ~ f orI all Australians I Dledgesppr o ' ha h
~-ocuj2int calls more ' Locusse1,-) roaci to li-v n-resource cz

T ", overnment hais alreadyv co; nienced its detailed consi; derat ion of
tie~ nldcons erva strateoy.
nex far. eh hI eeoxnnt1hn1sM e il L l U i), ts
* l. a. o n s f or Autr a 1Lm
~ Ic 1beh cons ~: ay wh ich the COM' 0onweal-h n et
re ff e ct to L ' cIrust o' Lts recom7-aoatons.
l~ aside o~ L opriate-2 areasof: idnss n
. r~ ortatplace C : rdcns erva L ofl s Lratey Lt
T oose to sa a ords about ,,; cdern: 2ss anr; i P
s to me.
~ ut hfoedigsI T-ulc like to givye you a broad outline
o f their Commnonwealth Governimenr's. policies concerning the
en\' Lron. nilnt and conservat-ion anc set out for you some of t'he
thfings w'hich we have done dUring the last five years to give
effectl to these policies.
Our record of action to protctl-the environme~ nt will w-itlhstand
al1, scrutiny. It is a record of which I am personally proud.
f-I. st Ih-soe', p : 2ir, in the liglht of the resnec tive roles
of S Comneslehhond t.. tts hc ogte fr
,~~ trl~ anFederat'on..
? or th'e riacts are tn-atL wI'-e are a fedlerati. on of States
* or the-prn Te r r korv: nn: re sponsTh. ly for 2-ro*-e ct on
n tvn. ro~' et, Pd or iiatuire conservation, lie* s
1T1 caqn tlI vh it ta t a T er rit oria over-7-R-1S as wel
C on 2
.7 ton 2VTvr~ ft ov en' 2 r eco -n Set Lfa t, in o) r 0 r
n, the enivirnn nnd to ensure that our native nlints
nd! an mas were con scr v-' 1 : twsnecessary for thie Commonwealt.
Goenetto wor1 -n closre co-operat -ion with th-ose oth er
Tr io u o ur tc-rm onf, -ov r nt w e ha ve s o u-ht to0 do0 thiLs,
) rn:-ally tirou7h o1n conl's'ltative counci'ls of '! inisters
s,,. c_-5t1! 1 Australaanv'o ; n Council and the Counc-7l
OF t'r Cons ervatinn '" n-sters.

nah~ ve niaced Qreif: i-nnrt. ance e-nsur-Lnc, that-r-elop" men,
whetier of an al,. r icul u c 1iT~~ ra or a m, I II ntr e C e S
nI a c e ! i Clu cu r ec(, ird fr th e m 1 nL. e na oc e and enha-, ncement of th-e
qu1 isoF the--envi ronmenL t., h ich th1e ldeveilonen is to be
locqted Ou cmm -: cnt to thi~ s s -2e List r at e ( 1 eu r) cet~ c
1~ 97fl7ln, of-rh CC-io0nS of tF Kn e r Ur P Lu 7
tV -7 1n7 ! nC i) t-c Innui. rV concern in;-the evelopinen, OF danu;
actv' te s i n Al iao i r livers r e, o: n! Itn e iN7o r thern
Tha Cove rnn-, ent dccided thiat !-hie mn i. nga of ur an in i oul101d Proceedl
but only siij ect to the most s-rincent controls. Inaccordance
with thle Co: 2itee rcmdtns we establisheed the statutory
office of the supervis ing scien to co-ordinatl-e and supervise
t'he development and imlmnainof standards and. coatrols,
for botha mining,, and mln'opera-tions.
. qe also enacted the 7nvtron!; ient Protection ( Nluclear Codes'
Act uinder which the Cotw-,, onwealth, the States and the Territorites
aIren collaborating to develop Codes of practice which will
ensure the maintenance of uni-, formly ' high environmental standards
relati. ng to-nuclear aciiti! cs.
As a ce: ntral elm n our oolicies for the Allig-,-ator R Lvers
r'o ' ahave est: a! T -s* hed, in close assocLat'-Ion it the
. h-' Aprn Terri; tory ovtnet. the ZkcuaionlParl whch
wl. ll ithout doubt, one F the areat national pa rk1s oF
i-ao I annotince c ver'' nf ' sineio onmne
tazfor i nclu: a on on !-' nrle, Herita-e List viclh is
ner UNESCO's Conventi-on Concerni.. n '. he Protect . Ion
OF ' orl(, CultI~ anc! aun ~ r ae
The( -1' len of rnanac'emen fo,. and a vwKhh ack h ha s
reetybeen release--for ,; u) bIi c comment, provide,-s for d.-! fferent,
w~ noprateuse, ' uh~ st nsuin, 7 the retenti-on. of its
. l,:( 7ierncss cha:, racter elnd prov d in-, for th-e needs of the
t-ra ( I tinaI ; a'bornal ow% ner s and f or visi tor use and enoyet
have worlked-closely wiha nu;. Prber of State Governments
in rein;: ion to nati; ona-l parks an-7 similar areas of -national
As nart oE our electI-on p~ oli'cy in 1975 we pr--0dr~ assist
t hofas;~ anan ovrcrn-ent to estali-,, sh a nainl o ol
S ficnein southi-west-TnsmerK -a Twhich ., ould. inc~ lude a
suostant-ial % wildrerness area.
In accord. ance with this corni i ent, over the past three years
we hiave Drov* ded $ 350,09 tote Tasm-ianian Covernm-, ent to brino,
toether all relevant backg-round information on south-,, 7es t
Tasmnan,' a ./ 4

7' . S txd,-whi1ch ha s hc ci unde1r t a! en in a s : oc -tion with%,
th?> u~ raEanNaionl ark ad. ' Jidli. fe Servi ce and F
nols: neari~ o c . pletLon, w~ lassist Cie ' asma-, nLan Gvr~ n
i n e0c ing thle futulrz o Cie -rea and in re_ concilina the!
dQr notential. uscs co;: t~ h s a ut i Cu 1 o re ai Io;
~ ea~ a~ eAustralia. -Ta sman ial : ne deid to po dwt
-nnt o f a 11aiCo a1 a>
: ess Ls also Un. ahivdhere_ in n slI an-r
D tribute to thie countin,-uinq nterest oF the GuCas_-lan-i
r r> c-rV. Dielke-? cete-rsen, i -n the NatiLonal P1ark. s and.-Idif
Ser\' Ize. is support Ls : e flknown. It deserves a~ o~ deet
In co-neratilon with hki-s GCvernn7ent, plans are well advanced in
the Droclamation of the Great " arrier Reef Narine Park, a m~ arine
o7: 1lderness of international s ancving.
Alreadly an Important area at the sout'hern end of the reef:
-teCari-cornia Section ' ha7s be~ en proclaiim-ed and a zonincg
. plan hnas 1been developed for it ' hch has also recently bpen
released for Ioublic com:-ent.
Th~ reatBarier rleef_ ' Varne lakAuthority is -niov', n',
s thei c -roc-lIa nton o: r-he next s e ctI-ion o f the. R e ef
i n th v. 1c1. n; ty of Ca'irns -anc! Invitatilons have been extended
to nepultio su~ n ttha r\ e. e* 7 on this prooosal.
Thc C7 re . t Parr e r ee F ha s he en recoginised as part of thne
.): itu ra izer;_ tage of Astralia an 1ler thi s monthwilb
en!-e rd int-o the reois teor ofL ti ',' atiLon a I stat aintained;
-sr sh a ian Mrit ne ss o n
Thise cUon oblig. es Comneat overn-ment T) nitees, a . -rtments
ar. n ec1; e s t o e n s ure tat an' v-ic ti-. o ns wh ich thieyv r o;) o s
to may have an acdve-rse. effect on the Great ' Barrie-r
R ee f as oart of the r! ational Estate, are proceeded wihonly
aft-er the most careful considcrati-on and then onlyi there
is no prudent. and feasible alt-ernative.
2Kowevr. e ha've made it clear on, a number of occasions and I
repeat, e coe-iiiitrnent toc tat it is our intention to prote--ct
71--and its ecosvste: 2 -s -Fro-dan-er of an-" kind. " e wilnot
allo;. n drligo -: na a ei arrier, EDenf -ile ther-e Lhe
s 7, s risk of h.) arri-_ t-th Barrier Reef-ar. sn fromi su ChI
The > etc:: rnational s ca~ cance of the Great Earr i r Ree f is
4dl kon not on! as the location of the lares co.
reefs inthe world but also as a major and gro% 4in-tourist
attracL ion.
~ ecav-o e wi.-sh to emphasis Lis role and status even further,
the qnod: : nQwuaete nsl~ ncd Governments hnave under di-fscussior.
a ) ror) csil that the Reef be nom-inated for the ', Jorld eria,-e
it-als fpoerties, for-inc part of the world's natur . al
anc' cultural heritage.

D ' Lscuss-' ions on t. hi~ s mttecr arte procreding and I h:-vc rovidedi
!_ tie Oueens-La-nd Governmeont ,71th frhcdetails conCec~ n'c'
Ie ropoosal
T ~ veno doub! t that the0 1? f iheaccepted for cu. o
t s 1 i s t a n d T am ho,, c cful ta ani announcement I b made to
I no *~ tiatlr lins* nlcnL. dntthat th r: tBarrier
~ e e 1 1 tae its pla1ce co''.. ti e-aYreat natura Iwndr of the
, w-orldl su-chi as ( Ghrea nd an,' n Ye I io,. s tone nainlPark, and the
CGalaoa-ros Island's.
I am ecilly confident tlhat such a. listing-7 will1 provIde a strong
stimulus to international tozirism i' n Queensland.
Government has taken a parti*, cular interest in species of
wildl-ife threatened with extinction.
Thre-hthe Australian r'atilonal Pars and-qierdviif-ce,
we have supportei a variety of or oject-' s concerned with research
on end-ange:, re(! spec es and -7:' th edlucating, Australians aboutthem
their needs.
have su., P-orted-th sa~~ h: a fabanch of the ' W-orld
o: LV~ uc li ustrali. a -nl oroler that It too mayT asss
; w evraction.-' s necessary to ensure that no species
Ofl tie AustralLan flora. ocr 5una 1. s inadvertently forced into
'. aadJpnaes.-ntrs to a migra tory bi* rdare et
to nrotCct species co. mno-:,, n t: c' Australia andL Ja: pan, ohich migrate
betw-keen the two collntr~ ies.
Thle a-reement also conta-ins provision for special protection
of enr! ngere0 birds.
Aus, tra1l ia is movinc to%..' ards early ratificat-ion of the treaty,
f rl1 1 o1,, ne conslt-ati'on wi 1h the States and( ' Xort. her-n Territor\
th'e necesszlry lJ7 at.-meas-ires. Our stand on the protecti on
oef whals h as' be c! n Proclaiirled intcrnationally.
Last_ : ncnt-h iciportant. new slat,, on to protect whlales was
n) asserly h Co.! i-ionwealt , a-I nt. This legislation prolhibits
k~ ln-, cnnturing, injuring or ~. trering wit'n whiales porp oi. ss
n0 an1 l nth20-le 0o~ h Ip~ Au str aln fi shi n
zon-as welas to Austral,, in citi, 4zens, Australi. Pn vessels
e*. r cosoneratinf hox'orW the 200-mile Aus'tr; lian fishing
zones. Severe penalties are prov. Lcied' For ' breaches of the provision . s
o F t h cA., ct ncludling f ines of up o S100 ,000.
17e w-ill continue to scek support for ai total world-wide ban
on whal-!_ ing bv ractively pairticipatingy in the International
zihli nc, Coii. iss Lon throu:._-whic-i hellped establish the Indian
Ocean ,. 11-ale Sanctuary last year. ./ 6

I-nth Australian Antarctic T. erritory, Auistralia-exercises
sove: rc ; n ty over a sigYnif1icant pa--rt the Inst_ great con tine-ntlzI
-c al I c klcl1erness area of th*-e world. In amisengthe
Terr. Ltorv w-. e have been very conscious of our responsibilities
to sa'C I. 1r it and its fauna. W-e hav been -ctive in scientifi-c
r e s .2a 1 the Antarct'ic a~ d, a-s mcmhers of -In. Antarctic
Trfaatv,. wahave worked it 1h our . Antarctic Trreety. partners
t: o , ct th e e nvj-r on.-, ernL ofr th e An t arcc -o ensure
that reim-arkable fauna is safeguarded fErom har-m.
overnment has recently i. ntrodluced legi ~ sinr. 1on wihwil'l
ena'Dle Astralia to ive e~ ffect_ to the measures for the
conservati-on of Antarctic I'lora and fauna as a-, reed under
the Antarctic Treaty.
These provide standards for protection of the natural environment
and we are proud to incorporate them into our domestic law.
In further recognition of the iimportance of the Antarctic's
livi. ng, resources, Australia recently hosted a most successful
conference which agreed' upon the text of new convention to
cont _ rol the harvesting of species found in the Southern oceans.
The convent-ion on the conservati-on of Antarctic Marine Living
Pe-sources . adopted a un; ique ecovstems approach, whichn requires
that in any harvestin-of a particular species, full consideration
.7-1-ven to the effect on all dependent and related
e ae prticuarl ~ easd hat Nobart, Tasmania, has been
selcte1. as the site for the headquarters of the Commission
wehis to be estab-shed tinder this Conventioan . hc
w. i-l1 be-responsible for -4vLn[;, practical effect to LItS
conser-vatiLon requirements.
These are but-some of the m~ any Important initiatives we have
taken. in nature conservation and i~ n the protection of the
e r1v, ro -, iii" ent
utit is no good hav;_ n7 t-ie policies and the aspirations
in env.-ron-mental m~ att%_ ers,, unless they are adequately sup ported
. bv a Jd rag. of institutions, incorporating. a wide rang-e
of discipDlines, hc prov-7. e the research and technical expertise
thlat en., ihle these prog-ra-.. nr-ies to be put into effect.
The Gove2rnment's record 1. n thsregard is furtner evidence
ofL omn_ tLm ent on en,: rnmna matters.
F're~; 1, at our rer! uc Australian Sctince and Technolo-y
Council. ha report-ed on (-rior. tv areas for , nariLne science
pro raa-Last year, w-. e ac o n that-report and expanded
the sc-: enti. LEic resources aalleto the Australian Institute
o1 . ar_' ne Science to ena,-L-i t to accelerate i-ts existing~
proyk. ra;* Iic; of research in tl-e Great Barrier Reef. / 17

iss dh h nrovc: n'i ad iLo nal sp-aE po si to a nd ;-creased
su~ 2. rtfun-ILn'{; prooL our c-Lrntonthlat. AIAS
wocr. n l d zcLonmcd iL U rcm,. carch of tih aigneSt
1I rl.! iLnn rr. all adUreC -I ' fr its SC ient.
accoroted * src. na~ os to prov Xcle -3:'-0,000
c n c e ar o rva72 o n ma r i. n s cec r e s e ar c a n r'. mjoO
llzt~( to hie ?. 2rr er ,2
C~ c72rl-I-t rs -inos c toSeA ST.. C re co--, e n~ w> o
. Co, r Ccl, o-lll. u, ocd__ XanML. nc; . st r 2een t
1ro0 S T. C. toc a s s css a 6( 1 i ional fI ds
, z -rov,! de1 -o c o i; -mue t h Is mo ra n L mo me n tum , in : 2
en c res earc'!
S ; lsrvthe pro' . sl on of resoi-rces to the C. S. I. R. O. wl
ass ! st it n allocatin-add,! it ional funds to the high priorIitY
areas of fi-sheries and oceano. graphy.
Thie -overnm" ent hias recently1 mqde a $ 25 lio decision to
relocate-, and devoloc, in Tsn> the D;. visio= of
F~ eisand Oceanoyraoa rv.
i! 1 1: nvol%, e t1r2 acru1is* cn of a suita-: ble si te -in H-obart;
~: z'; ruct~ on of tIe~ ' arine Science Laboratories;
-cconstruct." oLO li OT) tCn~ 1~ s cceanoc~ ra ohlc
v e-SSel tis:~ vso il ve the ca-oac-. tv? to do more,
a~: 2t~ w-or!~ i~ tr h as a first class
T'p T onvre'-; td fa has, o c urse,
7-1 * 22r1 S C-8 uuSi-n; Y aDe ' v ts on of > Ldi
k on DoOyS whs c-Idem-onstrates how the knowledcge
t0 e V 0oof; CC( Sl o r: a 1 s may be a -plie in thI-ie
-re rtt nt P. reca oL 7-s w o rm ,4: n . olIv es r es e a r ch innto th e
2 1-) n t e n ativ fatine o[ L-eradIication ca2mpaigns aczainst
C 0, nc C's -Son o seec fauma cxt-erm,! nate an(! f-c
cis ndrtal.-n-research. Cf great value to id e n t
asI rffeccter! Wl ca m icns a nd th e ir s e 1s~ wii'. to
ci2 o* Iauaaml rihtn y t' s diviion hs ce-
osfl rtc ,. vech oV of data on1 te ~ Ecs v
: 11 ; 7-12m. ei . wt 5 at rester the
1) Lmnao i n hr. .2 o re years. *. rhof. t: i
vart tL o o t h c nt n: c o~ n sLf r ieth
~ cccr'serat~ n o tr~ nvionnnt: an i. n relation) to t*
r": c an're" col' arrler " Beef, that tas!-fpills t-o
i i_ rri. e r P -2 ! Thrino Pa-, r Authori ty.
1xmvf? stron ly supp-, ortPed' their efforts and the-ir authority
for recomencli. n.-ch c declaratixon of -marine oar! ks in the-Great
T~ Raefrriee'iro n fo dvelopn zoni-n-and managecTent
Dl2ils5 7, r-th p ark s; wnd 1. n arran:-, J. nr for relevant invest Kjat ion
and eech 1

inl the last two years, we have Inreses-htea lff t'he
Auf--h-or4A. v from 13 to 44~ iwhlLle reco-nising that-there is a
in a new body of this ,. Lnd' to the rate at .; hic> it can
a -ssini-late staff and usefully C-ircect them to their p-ro: er
Cuncl~ ons -nd responsibilitics.
These instit,-utional ra: cennscornplement our ' ouror
t'. 1 nnteLro: ne I uni-on for the conservation of nat-ure of
. i ch A staI n i s p-) roud to I-e a Stat. e me.--her; cur suxoprt
For thle Tvi. ronment-Pro-ra.= n-on whose Goiern-nent Council
pr ese n serv2 our support fLor Australian \ rolun f! rv
c on s-2r v a o b odes a n d Lhe r ec ent ces t abIi sven of B u re au
of Flora and Fauna wi th-Ln the eoartment of Scieace he
* nv~ ronment, to exoand an-, co-ordinate national ta-xono:-, Jc
effort relati-n-to the Austral -an plants and animals.
! I: fore concluding my remarks I ,7uld like t a e od
aboutl thIe concept of wilderness.
I eieethat, in recent years, there has been a tendency-
-o efEi-ne " wilderness" in a very restrictive way.
For many people, such a concept seems to be elitist, and. to
have little relevance to terneeds, since they can never
to ex-erlence it Ders onally.
Its-e. ns tm~ re that th-is Cor.. rveSS W11ll, at thie very e. nnni
ne to, reach some unesni~ of what i; s reantC b-, ileres
and .1 to e-xplore x~ ehrsuch a narro, ntrreato
. s wtfae; and to cons -cler teproblei~ ls arf-sing ro
. estron! polar isat: Lon of comirunity views whichl such a concept
enT-2nde. rs.
I e~ eethteveryone '-iere would appreciate thlat wilder--ness
cul-nati-on o-F nam--ral evoluti on a process
a: th The appearance of i~ fe on earth and whose con.,-le\.-ty
-S :-2, oc our comprehensi. on.
The2 cIservation and study of widresprovides opportuni ties
to und erstand and apply !-he lessons and experLence of natural
evolut,--ion for the benefit of ' all people.. Since wv. ilderness
prote--ction oreserves thtonotion, it is in the inter-est of
. people to ensu.* re thiat ac equate reserves of wilderness are
ke; nt-actl' as an insurance for th-e future.
whltwe no-have the tech-nolo-ioal capacity to -2a apart
w4;. ern--ss, , e are unable to reccnstruct it once 4. t changed
or deOstroec
Thebettht'n~ can i; s toIn-I-cemrent costly pro.' r:-: Mes
oC. -ILra ofor int'a ocontrol alien an
nvtal eutof the w-, anton C.? struction
wi; rn s that so;, e s--ec-'-es of living th-ings aeplaced / 9

Al-rv~: untold numbers oc plnta ni.!-a1_ spOci. es have beccm-, i
. nct-as the area oF wlens has shrtin..
2anv ore species are 1known to he on. 1th-1 wOout Unlessthi
I , ce ao sr. ec.' tec lost . is a cdowrvnradinc oEZ -I-e human envi,,.' p
tk~ rou~ sLnalessenn:-c. ~ iToo~ Icf a di vv r st
a. n'there is Lt1l t i e t o halt1 thai > r . cl t id e o I
s--cies fr estructior., r 01-1 have nor-becoi-; e,-so remnote;
. Li em ac'. uro as to Ln snLtie t, ch o ofother 1.
D. t. llour rnanL;-Plntive ski. lls a ndc-me cha niLcalI a id s, ee
are still part of natEure.
It is difficult to see how,, anyone could seriously challen~ ze
the dedication of some space for the Preservation of habitat
in the interests of creatures and peo'ple.
If the human race cannot" do tsthen self destruction of
this planet may result.
Reo-, ritio-n that wIlderness i. s somethinr-special and wrh
0~ t-o0ect On, s) y no0 , e a uin 1versally accepted vlew, 3
buetr. a7in y c;-and w. c! e-nd ncreas,_ n~ c s1nr 7-, C ~ St
0:: V sAUstral;_ ans.
. s. c: l o ouri naoi-. n co-muni. ty, the rra-ine--3n ce of u
er~ ova ~ n1 isS asse nt1 a I o r te coniuto of thn I fLtv
1. tJ ti' Crs r 1tn 1r, oe all,. have a oa-rt tc nlav
us r Cn V io,> C' t o we. all have so such-tCo bene~ i-
(' s1 IC-
n tr aI" T . c e~
0oUlId hofbc i7., es5 , n tli s country wlho have not ~ t
s r; ec or other, savourecl UniC) C 7ulee a. sure from,-th-e cuality
OF.' lens to hec found n any parts of the Australian.-
o0 1 the bush or ontn seashore. F'or miany -people th-ose
-er rcsare of such,-mom. ent: th. at they becom,, e cent-ral to
tkec ci: o\, at.* onal acL7. V.* tieS.
~~~ ven~ enp ewothase uale to e-xperience wi11lderness
roti* L, miay still1 obtailn satisfaction from
m :. tis there and fro vi it from-af ar.
Tho-se -vce, just a F ewr, pl: rson-al obsearvoa-i. cns or -,-hat wilderness
me. I am . str t-in the days to cwo. e, you wl
mugcrhr tn ter erstanrltn-off: I nes of w hat
Ce s to CI-' CU17 i ts cont int_, stenco.
Pe~ wi-, owr i tLo) S ' ccpionrct ofC your
' s u21255enS andl I . cn~ s s tn~ L~ a
de ime n o f a m-io re rat , onnl and harmonious relationshin
and naturo.

I In dec1. ri. n Lhi-s Congress opn I wish you every success
~ in youir d1. b~ erations and I trust you will enicoy viirious
> Idtrinsn. Avchl have li-eein planne d to give you a appreciation
of_ t'is !.-; onerfui re of Nor.'-! ern Queensland n hc your
e C s pl ce. 000---