PRIME MINISTER 18 October 1974
The Prime Minister, Mr. Whitlam, today released
figures showing the number of former Australian residents*
now receiving social security payments overseas. The figures
show that at the end of June 1974 a total of 1,429 people
were receiving Australian benefits or pensions in Greece,
Italy and Yugoslavia. Mr. Whitlam said the Labor Party had
promised in the 1972 election campaign to implement a policy
of full portability of pension rights for migrants. This
Wdo1id enable migrants, especially old or retired people, to
return to their homielands without sacrificying their pension
rights. " It can be seen from the figures prepared by the
Immigration Advisory Council that we have fulfilled this
pledge in full" Mr. Whitlam said. Attached is a table of
portability statistics.
CANBERRA, A. C. T. 2600
Age, Invalid, Wife's ard Pensiors and
Supoorting iMothcrs' Benefits raid Overseas
By Sex, Payin' Office, ' ype of Pension/ Bnefit
Numbcrs Current at 50.6.? 4
Lo-. on Office pays persons residiv' in the United Kingdom an6 Ireland
Geneva Office pays persons residin-in the Western European and some West Asian countries
.;' ellinrton Office pays persons residing in Nev: Zealand.
ie, York Office pays persons residing in North America.