PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Whitlam, Gough

Period of Service: 05/12/1972 - 11/11/1975
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002960.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Whitlam, Edward Gough

22 June 1973
The Prime Minister, Mr. Whitlam, today announced the
names of those invited to join the permanent Council of the Film
and Television School.
The Prime Minister said that the Interim Council of
the Film and Television School had been set up in 1969 to
advise the Government on the necessary steps to bring the
School into operation. This work had now been done and
Professor Jerzy Toeplitz had been appointed as the School's
foundation Director.
Legislation was introduced in Parliament on 31 May
to establish the School as an independent body. Mr. Whitlam
said that with. this step he envisaged a new kind of Councilone
in which the staff and students of the School would be
represented and which would have strong links to film-making
interests. It was intended that when the School was fully
operating the Council would have fifteen full members, five
to be appointed by the Governor-General, two elected from the
teachers of the School, two elected from the students, the
Director of the School, and five elected by a convocation of
the School. The convocation would consist of graduates of the
School, staff, past Council members and representatives of the
widest range of film and television interests including education,
industry and community groups.
The Prime Minister said " I hope that by the
appointment of a representative body of this kind it will be
possible to ensure that the School conducts its activities in
a way which will be most responsive to the needs of promising
young film-makers and of the community which will provide-a
public for their work."

The Prime Minister said that the foundation Chairman
of the Council would be Mr. Barry Jones, who had been a member
of the Interim Council.
The names of the persons invited to join the Council
were decided following wide consultation with members of the
film and television industry.' They are:
Hector Crawford, O. B. E.
Mrs. Julia Bailey
John Flaus
Geoffrey Healy
Mrs. Joan Long
Richard Mason
James Oswin
Brian Robinson*
Peter Weir
Professor Jerzy
Toeplitz, Melbourne, Managing Director of
Crawford Productions Pty. Ltd.
Sydney, Education, Television and.
Film Producer and Writer.
Melbourne, Lecturer at the Media
Centre, School of Education,
La Trobe University.
Sydney, Manager of Group operations,
ATN Channel Seven.
Sydney, Film Writer and President
Australian Writers Guild.
Sydney, Film Producer and member of
the Film and Television Board of
the Australian Council for the
Sydney, Secretary, Department of
the Media.
Melbourne, Lecturer-in-Charge,
Film and Television Production
Course at Swinburne College of
Technology, and member of the
Course Development Committee,
Film and Television Victoria
Institute of Colleges.
Sydney, Film Director
Ex officio member, foundation
Director of the Australian Film
and Television School.
Half of the members of the new Council would, on the
completion of their initial term, be replaced by persons elected
by convocation. They would, of course, be eligible for election.