PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00000929.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

FOR PRESS PM. No,, o6!
Statement by the Prime Min.... ister. the_. Hon. ir obert Menzies
Today the Prime Min. ster and Commonwealth Ministers
met with the Premiers of Queensland and Western Australia to
discuss means of achinvij.: Lg closer co-operation in the development
of Northern Australia. The Comonweal c Mini. sters in attendance
were Mr. McEwen, Mr. Holt, Senator Sir William Spooner and Mr.
Barnes. The Premiers expressed their full support for the
action taken recently by the Cormmonwealth to make the examination
of Northern Development problems the special responsibility of
the Minister for National Development, and for this purpose, to
establish a new Northern Division within his Department.
It was agreed that this arrangement provided the most
appropriate machinery upon which to develop closer co-operation
and co-ordination of activities between the two States and the
Commonwealth, including the Northern Territory.
The three Governments have alreoady demonstrated vigorous
support for Northern Development and are currently engaged in
projects in the area involving very large sums of money. These
projects have been developed more or less ad hoc.
They include beef cattle roads in northern parts of
Queensland Western Australia and the Northern Territory, the
reconstruction of the Mt. Isa railway, port development in the
Kimborleys area of Western Australia the brigalow lands development
scheme, and the first stage of the Ord River project. These
together involve expenditure, by the Conmonrwealth and the States,
of approximately œ 65 million.
In considering future action, the Ministers agreed that
it was desirable for the three Governments to develop continuing
liaison arrangements. It was agreed that the est: blishment of the
Northern Division of the Commonwealth Department of National
Development provided the means for the development of continuing
liaison between Co: mmonwealth officers and officers of the States
of Queensland and Western Australia. The task of the officers
concerned will be to study all aspects ofrnrthorn development
for the purpose of assisting Ministers in determining what ought
to be done to develop the north, how it should be done and the
assessment of priorities. The manner in which the task would be
approached would, of course, need to remain flexible to meet
changing circumstances. The Ministers agreed that appropriate Commonwealth and
State Ministers would neat together from time to time to review
progress in Northern Development, to co-ordinate thinking, and give
directions to those who will be required to investigate particular
proposals. As a starting point, the Northern Development Division,
in co-operation with State Officers, will prepare an assessment
of the progress inde with projects now in hand and of those that
might warrant consideration in the future. This document, which
will include some qualitative and quantitative assessment of / 2

particular propsls, ;; ll assist i4nI Inidste. rcsi ding what
steps ought -next lo be takc. CI'i-ate NorI'tiern Development.
As part of the contInuing arrangerient for co-operation
between Couno-onweaelth an( A State o:: icials, the Pre. liers have
each nominated a Senior State Official, as Liaison Officer with
the Connuonweaith in Northern Development
The Queonslond officer is to be Sir J2uos Holt
Co-ordinator-Generl of Public Wrks, and Westarn Austi'alia
has nominated Mr. Parker, Director of Engineering.
CANBERRA, 7th May, 1964.