PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00000525.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

F OR PRESS: I have received the following Pres ttmn rmi~
Australian Hi gh Co con in f~ lindon. e. sSamntfo ! a
J. O'Suiiivan
The Prim,-e Minister of fustialia, Mr. Menzies, anid thLe
Deputy Prime Minister of N-. eW Zealand, Mr. Marshall, wh-o are at
present in London, today Lad discussions in ; rhicli they reviewed
at some length-At-. e d. evelopmentsin negotiations concerning
Brtii application to join the Commion 1' iarket.
Official advisers from both-countries were present.
Mr. IMearzies and Pr. M:_ rshial1 said that they had taken
thLis opportunity to discuss th-Ie trend of the neg otiati -ons in
iƱ elation to th1e great tracding interests of bc'th countries in the
3British 1-arket, Thne int~ eres,-ts of Clustralia and New Zecaland in the
neiaIrisnssDae ay similar. The economnics of each
coluntry depend critically on exports to the Britisha M1arket in
whthicyhh v on C-no unrestricted and praferential duty
fr. . oentry for al: most all1 their E~ accsh country is also a
major m-arket for Britishi expcc-ts. The proferential trading
relatlions which. 1-avo existed etee Britain on the one hand and
Austral! i-a and Now Zca2. pnd on the, othier for the gre--ater part of
this century have wor-ked to theo mutual advantage of each of -te
three couintries. Fur,. ther, bothl kiustra1 ia and Ne1, w Zoaland have had firm
expectations thaat thoea special trade rolaions woulid continuo,
Theose they wore weol. crt1tod to heave, This is qbovo question,,
This continuity of Co-io.: , ltl t--sde has been the basi s of a
great dcal of special duvcT~ rnent' in both countrias in thle sense
Ghat particular prouct ~ s anjj e and parti cular coimmuniti. es
hava developed on tihe I of' an assurance of markets in Britain,
3oth ust-rale L and KNew Zealand fLace drastic consequcnCeE
if Britain wueto rnter thGor.' fion Marku: t cn te rms which do not
afford acduq-uato sa. guard-s to t~ evital tradtng interests of
Austra: lia and INew. Z. D.. and ini theo British. Market-,
Mr. I.-Inzies rind said thtit was
r congnistled thrat1 Britis! h, cttry to tiio Comricon NMarkect was not solely
a tr& edo or cecorom could hava far roacnhing political
inplicc-. tion extending far beyond oe
Brit i Sh c n should. not be onl terms which resultod in
critizeal dmage o hcir ' o~ lJs and the ipimn fCmow~
ealth lielati ons kr, Munzices and Mr. Mdarshall recal~ led thaat the
Bn ti sli Government hnad roitd~ give n assurancos that it would
not fe el able to join unless Comnelhinterecsts were safebguardr,:
d. Th-oso rssur. ancos wo-re-of vibalq.-. importance in the
curront~ negrotiat-ions,
Nevrthj~ es nithr Astralia nor New Zeala. nd could be
indi f fe rent+ to somrr . c nt d; evoloweeonts in tne negotiati-ons0
Alth'o _ El nco doubt tho(-ofic a't his woceek's1. sission on
industriJal -,-_ oducts wc. Ie c: rnc -L. ndcr xsriaonat the Commonwe
alth Prim Ministe rs 3Confren it. nonre the. lass represe nte d
ditrbn VO. pee4o-~ ot 4full shoicrt o f p ro vJ. d i g
adeqi-uato Se feguaire. s for Cme.* athrd in theo rprodLCU'ts
corncerned, E\ 7ton rn'oirorfent. of course,; I it must not under any
circiris tanco s be-tf-.. 11 as a -. ia Lrcnrn f'or ta o" settblenent
. hic an mi -D. t bo rched-on. o.> e Product-, of even groate r concern
t o Au s tr-, a. i. a a nd w Zeala
2nd Juno, i962,