PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000977.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

ON 1 5TH AU3UST, 1964
The aigh limramble the pstme I~ thowr. iit
The Prime hilaisutios pts to Maha-a few rmsef beefm we
drink Sir Gaifi 6 bealth. 64/ 099
Well, Sir. I dot waut te. 9 s. R761mg to Pawev the level ef so
princiWa teast od & a eyoubig but I am.% to dB soe ' 01 OwO.
civilised am&= 2 70% 4 & a f arn a" half a dosaz.. wouUA be
iterested to heWW At. 60. latest se ( Mr. L& Wey halrba
meraifUfy beesm Utar fIVm Us) i wWatsI ~" 1 ric.
We've bees sitin aver* he. with rather œ RuctMoat9 cOmuq@"@ as
ym kow. and a= r canvereatim tboned up= s great morn and is
particuar. am. glanelag refersmp Was mod to an 0* 901c
' WellzilSt and I Wvr. a to POWhis 0 907018" As al
grea men cihistoy t, = y pWlit haviog elboed Beir
way into tat noew~ a" d 0hM I rnebeared tha a n= Gane"'
Phili Guedalla wrote. a. booh de Well-agtas Re Calle UI " The
Duke-. I ased to have has han=* frt editlon 4d it bet
I had relatives = 1 *& Vfar. I so OS have Ut-GNt edlla
fa Nos pretace to. that bac saidd OWt Wellisgtie repatatiom had
be= s rater danaged by e fact. 0thathewas 1 iinifomnlyesuccesfMl
tat an & ae whole. the 9: 201-1 griferred thi hees to ba
associated wMt speDidM fagsu" hme CorunaM ad Reske's
Drift = A all & hea. utters~ ac i th hind Well ) dp by Mhal
eatmrwaairhd Oiasra filur. Bes ho ifo Pe
wonderful sccess, and haea all staess I tk 400 grSWUM
creat to this, CciMUay.
It is salker a dlspositikm & ni= 3 advanced tdhkar to suppase Gis
People who achieve a grt PC" t lowe ti geatest Cd legal posts is
fte world, the Chie 3usatcsbi of Australia. = unt be there because
they have Cenvd privilege or itnium, have beern pushadikew,
nudged 1here. is & hrai VervVulgw Cc6ptias. The fact is
that al the pecyle that 7M ca think 09 VerY. radil who haV6
~ chev aitese result hae* ha som irn dia mselves which,
viwim iVaeic. widu wealth, without any qi thes ez~ m
aids. has brougbit a 4t80 r tinsh" itpt. Pa" ow, wbatever
they way y a u six. Garfed BaRWICh. the Chief justice of
Australia, awly wast be able to ace him of 1he v. 1gVV error 4
being born a wILlir. Well ils 86ginddtto bebe= a
-iioasroe I am told but he Is a me Wbe. L an UvORY.
begtmzlns ba forg e is 1sc areer
It w~ e aao= Siskenbesayr cw a, and I think quit truly. OWa
when ho was invited to say what Nos cost ad arm would be. stia
he weat to thq Lords. he said " Well I thnk I wasld 1i0a to have
( bis == rn bet" g Swit) " Awtificer searM= The 9= ith
of his owm fortun.' Now this wa= good.--it was a braVUra, S
statee that ft was very $ Mod.

celebrated for' Me sUUl tn Uf anybody supose GM do cM
legend of the bwrief idlo sOil bas somn validty. let bhm fget
it The gootoidaOmsnwbvi ave cmto Owt opml~ ig n
Wei prelessionhbl.. r er. by bard a el md work by boring
pes" at mat lasts, Ie"* but by bard woo ai be Ad hin bawd
work and he achieved in dise coves. a position at Ob. Australimn
Bar wbich I vmeno to say bae. if We sev e hequalled ( which
I docbt), bas noev been surpssed ia She hIatoW of legol practicm
He have remained Omee he might have gonema and on from
on. Wrwnph to another but ame day Bill Spone ( M1W. be". % okgh
yo7u know@ thisdubious character be I Itiked ot f & oa
Cabinet). DIll whoe always bean a wise cousselier amid to me.
" What about'Darwieh?." -And-so said finally,. NWell, well, yes
I might be able to talk him in golig . into6 PATliaaL Well. h
first problem haw to fid Shze coisweentsagate
Ume. He was ftnally tracked down, " oh, moin' ground on the
sout casat somewhere sao dansmg y or someting
OfE that kind". an aeUp to SyOasYw and-i d. a tMlkwlt him.
Whether that had. anything to &@-with It or DOiia doint know but In
the long run, and in fact in the-not s eyln m~ edcddh
wocl om intoIPRaAl amn. Wellnine-ainlaht er he va my
Attorne-Generwal and.: wilthooi making too low an obeiance becaose
properly wi" nnem s ewsMy Atre-eea.
Wws I1 4enture toW say, h greates AtoreG al-& ae Common-
Siftig i n. my dm 1n6 1 Ca1bb as B1oo11, a cbir ubch I have bowed
dain how* fo. &, very. etnmber* af y anmd s11ll boilng my
ancient pasion for the law, an a4 l rim b n Sa few veSages at
Oka -law. which I usead to-as. Iusted Wo look across as him and
wvelat Go vrsatlit bhiigs nowled, at thecomplete up-In-
-datmaeso-of hisg weg imle to me becomse I
foun, bfor lon, han al yMnstrtak God,' whao used to
come. to me and saPM. tese is. a 4nestion. ad law hare, what
do you thfiik? 0. and getitiag. some highly ambigmusi reply from met,
Were all. going to him and coming asway. refrsd. ela Gar
looko back on' his * ifet he canto back onc~ his peidas Allorney.
. General with mmens prdlnI oeoy says " What is he
reso ft the jad?" I( I! anispil aliv)-will beilliiagly
call" as a witUese8 1o supoti because ibis waswa very remarhaol
Well then. as -you kwv' he6 becam Chieof Justice of the. High Court.
I under stad from -the press. thMI. rvesaned him -and I said, " Look
hDerea, r wick, a~ easyou tbeat me properly IIlIaeyo he
Justice of Australia." Yes. -well you know: these are ludicrous
Ideas, althoug ae eiul ocsionally by'peopld wv ough
to know beter! He w'ias th oibvios man to be , ChiefJusftce of
Australia and I wvoudnt wa may of the non-lawyers here tonight
to suppose for a moment thtbeing Chief Justlce of Australia Is
Jut Wnor= Poot that thi is Just anohe cm% because* I say this
with complet dogmatism, that for year*. nd years now te HIgh
Court of Australi has been Ow. greatest -court Lu the English.
speaking world; and now he presides ever that court this is a.
tremendous thing. . I hope you donS mind mesaying In a sort all
melancholy W" y, I evY him & bis poet -reall I do. To be the hand

I 1'
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