PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00000867.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
P.M. NO. 93/1963

63/ 19
FOR PRESS P. M. No. 23Z196_ 3
The Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, made the
final bid of his campaign at Geelong today when he addressed two
lunch-hour meetings of employees of the Ford works at Geelong.
These two meetings have been a feature of every
election since 1949 when the Minister for Shipping and Transport
won the Corio seat from Labour. He has held it ever since.
Sir Robert Menzies' campaign has taken him into
every State, including two trips each to Queensland and New South
Wdales and four separate visits to Victoria. Accompanied by Dame
Pattie Menzies he has travelled some 10,250 miles in nearly
hours' flying time spread over three weeks.
In that time he has addressed 17 public meetings:
He has written and recorded six 5-minute national broadcasts and
one 15-minute broadcast. He has written and tele-recorded his
policy speech, which was itself a compressed version
of the 7,000 word speech released to the newspapers.
The Prime Minister also prepared personally and
tele-recorded four 15-minute T. V. programmes and five
programmes. Two of his public meetiniwere telecast live
Oakleigh Hall ( Victoria) for 30 minutes and 1-iornsby ( New South
Wales) for 45 minutes.
Apart from his policy speech which was telecast and
broadcast throughout Australia simultaneously in all States,
local broadcasts have been made of a number of his addresses at
public meetings. During the campaign the Prime Minister has also
attended in his official capacity, five functions of a non.
political character and has continued to attend daily to the
urgent business of he Commonwealth Government, dealing with
overseas Embassy reports and a large volume of correspondence.
The Prime Minister will visit polling booths in his
electorate of Kooyong throughout tomorrow. Tomorrow night he
will preside over the St. Andrew's Day dinner of the Melbourne
Scots. He will probably return to Canberra on Monday.
CANBERRA, 29th November, 1963. i