PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00000805.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
Message for the Royal Show Issue of “Farmers Weekly”, Perth WA

I am glad to have the opportunity presented by, the publication of this special Issue of the Western Australian “Farmers' Weekly” to pay tribute to the vigour which marks current development in your great State,

It was my privilege not long ago to be with representatives of your energetic State Government at Kununurra on the Ord River In the far north-west. Here we saw the most recent example of progress allied with vision, of drive and imagination combining to open up vast areas of rich farm land under the stimulus of irrigation from. a great agricultural engineering project.

Western Australia, I confidently assert, is on the threshold of great things. The Commonwealth and State Governments, enjoying the most co-operative relationship, are partners in the unification of the railway gauge from, Kalgoorlie, in the construction of beef roads in the north, and in other enterprises designed to realise in the best way possible the full potential of natural resources

I look to. a continuation of this relationship, for the Commonwealth Government, in its strong desire to encourage national export trade, will always examine, with a sympathetic eye proposals of a State character which will further this aim. Thus, we have given support to the organisation. by your State Government of a great iron and steel industry, of bauxite development, and of port development.

The State of Western Australia is, in my belief, at its very beginning of Its greatest period of development in its history.

9th September, 1963.