PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007999.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Following the el' ction of the new Ministry by Caucus at its
meeting today, I am pleased to announce the full list of
members of the MLnistry with the portfolios which I will be
recommending to the Governor-General.
The swearing in of the Ministry is scheduled for 9.30 am on
Wednesday 4 April.
The number of Mitiisters remains at thirty, with a Cabinet of
17. The list, which is attached, also provides details of
representation in the other Chamber.
The Ministry elected by Caucus, and the allocation of
portfolios which I have made, mean that the Government is
excellently equipped to pursue vigorously and creatively the
priorities for our fourth term which were set out in the
election campaign. The Ministry combines a very high level
of experience with the introduction of talented new members.
It combines stability and continuity, in several key
portfolios where that is appropriate, with change and new
challenge for a number of other Ministers.
The major machinery of government reforms we put in place in
1987 have shown significant benefits and no major adjustment
has proven necessary to accommodate the significant changes
of Ministers which will now take place. This well
established machinery of government will yield continuing
benefits in the coming term.
I warmly welcome the election by Caucus of Paul Keating as
Deputy Prime Minister. I look forward to the continuation
of our extremely close working relationship, which will now
have this added dimension and cover a wider range of issues
of concern to the Government. Mr Keating will remain
Treasurer in the fourth Hawke Government, a decision which
will ensure thai: the highest priority continues to be given
to effective maniagement of the economy.
I also welcome the new additions to the Cabinet and to the
Ministry. Ros Kelly, Gerry Hand, Peter Cook and Nick Bolkus now assume
positions as Cabinet Ministers, and bring with them the
valuable experience which they have obtained in earlier
Ministerial posLtions. I am particularly pleased that we
are once again able to include a woman of such outstanding
ability as Ros Kelly in the Cabinet. 1

There are eight n-ew Ministers Peter Baldwin,
David Beddall, C. rdon Bilney, Bob Collins, Simon Crean,
Wendy Fatin, Alaii Griffiths and Robert Tickner. They will
each bring new s--ills, energy and enthusiasm into the
Ministerial team and I am confident will make ant excellent
contribution to : he Government's overall effort and
performance. I wish to draw a'. tention to new assignments reflected in the
attached list.
Senator Tate wilLI now be the sole supporting Minister in the
Attorney-General's portfolio.
There will now be two Ministers supporting Senator Button as
Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce. Mr Crean
will be responsible for Science and Technology and will be
Minister assisting me for Science. This change has been
made to give the greater priority to the development of
Australia's scientific and technological capabilities
promised by me in the election campaign. As Minister
assisting me, he will amongst other things have oversight of
the implementation of our pledge to establish Co-operative
Research Centrei-bringing together Australian scientists of
excellence from the Government, the academic community and
the private seci or.
The other Minisler in Industry, Technology and Commerce,
Mr Beddall, wilJ have responsibility for Small Business and
Customs. This reflects in part the importance which the
Government attaches to the development of small business in
Australia. The assignment of Mr Beddall recognises in
particular the recent important report into small business
which bears his name.
Senator Collins. in addition to his duties in the Transport
and Communicatins portfolio, will assist me on issues
concerning Northern Australia. The Government regards the
north as an are-i of great potential in Australia's
development. S'inator Collins will not have an executive
role but will in a position, as somebody fully familiar
with the north, to report to me regularly on the scope for
development in the region and means of overcoming
impediments to s3uch development.
I have also decided to appoint four Parliamentary
Secretaries, under the Parliamentary Secretaries Act 1980,
to myself as Prime Minister, to the Treasurer, to the
Minister for Transport and Communications and to the
Minister for Social Security. The list of Parliamentary
Secretaries and information on their general duties is
attached. I will be recommending to the Governor-General
that they be appointed to the Federal Executive Council.
Wi V' 2 0

T1he P. ar. i. rentary S( c: retaries will assist the 141nisterc,;
concerned to carry Lit their responsibilities by supporting
them in tasks rangii rj from correspondence to meetings with
delegations and cli ' Vt groups. In addition to these duties
common to each of ti e Parliamentary Secretaries, the
Ministers will be al Le to assign to them specific issues of
policy development a'nd administration in the portfolio. The
work will provide veluable experience for the four
Parliamentary Secerctaries in the management of a portfolio
without the cost involved in the appointment of further
Ministers. I am confident that the new Ministerial team to be sworn
tomorrow provides a combination of experience and new talent
which will invigorate the Government as it begins its fourth
term, and will enable it to take the decisions necessary to
ensure: sound economic management
determined and sustained micro economic reform
environmentally sustainable economic development
a more just and fair society, and
the protection of Australia's political, economic and
security interests in our relations with other
countries. W i I

Conmmonwealth Government
Name Representative in
other Chamber
Prine Minister
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime AMinister Mr Ilawke
Mr Free
ine atiorrs
Treasurer and Minister AssriT the 1P.
Minister for Commonwealth-StatelRl
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasur,
Minister for Industry, Technology an,
Minister for Science and Technology,
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister
Minister Ass istmng the Treasurer
Minister for Small -B~ usiness and Custoti,
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trail
Minister for Trade Negotiations,
Minister Assisting t he Minister for In,,'
and Commerce anid Minister Assist ing 1
for Primary Industries and Energy
Minister for Finance
Minister for Justice and Consunmer Affa~
Minister for Employment, Education
Mtnister for Employment and Educatto:
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Minister for Transport and Commutt
Minister for Shipping and Minister Assisting
the Prime Atn ister for Northern Ausii alia
Minister for Land Transport
Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministe' for Transport
and Communications
Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
Minister for Resources Mr Keating
P epulaPy rimeM anister)
Senator McMullan Senator Button
I Commerce Senator Button Mr Crean
( Leader of he Government in the Senate)
for Mrc ileeannSee naatnor Button
sMr Beddall Senator Button
le Senator Evans Dr Blewett
( DrDu Leadeorf theG verniment inth eS enate) SeaoEvn
efty, Technology D wt eao vn
the Minisrter Mr Willis Senator Button
Irs SMern aDtourf fTya te SMern Datuofrf yTate
and Training Mr Dawkins Senator Balkan
i Services Mr Baldwin Senator Bolkus
Mr Tickner Senator Tate
ications Mr Beazicy Senator Collitns
( Vice President of the Execattve Council
and Leadeor f thet Homae)
Senator Collins
Mr Brown
Mr Snowdon
Mr Kerin
Mr Griffiths Mr Beazicy
Senator Collins
Senator Cook
Senator Cook
Minister for Community Services ant1 lealth
and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister
or Social Justice
Minister for Housing and Aged Care
Minister for Veterans' Affairs Mr floweSentator Rtichaidsnt
Senator Richardson
Senator Richardson
Mr Staples
Mr Humnphreys
Minister for Social Security Senator Richardson Mr Howe
Parliamentary Secretary to Lh Minister for Mr Sciacca
Social Security
Minister for Defence Senator Ray Mr Bilney
Minister for Defence Science and Persinnel Mf B oerien anssi teSeae Senator Ray
Mainnids teErt hfnoirc IAmfmfaiigrsra atinodn / afLtmosctaelr GA; sos% ies trinmge tnhet Mr Hand Senator Bolkus
Prime Mirttster for Multicultural Affairs
Minister for Local Government and Miniister Ms Fatin Seitator Bolkusq
Assisting the Prime Minisrer for the .%' atus of Woment
Minister for the Arts Sport, the Ennironment, Mrs Kelly Senator Richardson
Tourism and Terrlortea
Minister for the Arts, Tourism and Teti tories Mr Simmons Senator Richardsott
Minister for Industrial Relations and Senator Cook Mr Wtllts
Minister Assisting the Prime Mintislt for Public Service
Minister for Administrative Services Senator Bolkus Mr Bcddall
Pontotio Ministern. a& lot wthoma rein the Cabinet. a te shown in botd t pe. iti niewetii s alsoa CabineMt inister.
Portfotio Ministers athministedr epantmentws ith n., nes thatr enlect their titles. Other Mtnisters within thep cinfolio also administer thosed epatmns with the
excepin that, in the portfito of Commanity Sets ices and Ittealth. Mr ttainphreys adininistrs the Department of Veirtans' Attains ( Mr Htowe administets both
departments within thai portfotio.)
3' 2,
Title 3 April 1990
Scnator Buttont

The following ar,! the four Parliamentary Secretaries
appointed by the Prime Minister:
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister
Mr Ros, 3 Free
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer
Senator Bob McMullan
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport
and Communications Mr Warren Snowdon
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social
Security Mr Con Sciacca
The core duties of each Parliamentary Secretary are as
follows: consider aid sign replies to appropriate
assist witl. departmental papers;
make inquiries on behalf of the Minister;
represent ' he Minister at official engagements;
meet with delegations and clients of the Department and
authoritie:; within the portfolio and report on those
meetings tt) the Minister;
maintain liaison with other members of Parliament on
matters arising within the portfolio; and
other representational activities.
Parliamentary S Jcretaries are entitled to:
reimbursemenit of expenses reasonably incurred in
respect of the appointment on the basis set out in the
Prliamentaly Secretaries Act 1980 and up to a maximum
amount determined by the Remuneration Tribunal
( currently $ 6,238 pa), and travelling allowance as
appropriate; additional staff member at the Assistant Private
Secretary level;
adequate postage for official mail and a fully official
home telephone;
access to Commonwealth cars from the transport pool for
performance of duties;

official travel for spouse in relation to official
functions to which the spouse has also been invited;
with the Minister's approval travel on Special Purpose
aircraft when on Parliamentary Secretary business.
By way of background the Parliamentary Secretaries Act 1980
provides for the appointment by the Prime Minister of a
member of either House of Parliament to be a Parliamentary
Secretary to a Minister of State.
Any such appointment may be revoked at any time by the
Prime Minister.
The Act gives not only legal authority for the appointment
of Parliamentary Secretaries and provision for them to be
reimbursed expenses, but also protects them from
disqualification under Section 44 ( iv) of the Constitution
relating to holders of offices of profit under the Crown.