PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007908.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

In accordance with normal procedure I release the text of
the letter I wrote to the Governor-General advising a
dissolution of the House of Representatives with a view
to a House of Representatives and half Senate election on
24 March 1990 and the text of the Governor-General's

16 F EB 1990
His Excellency the Honourable Bill Hayden, AC
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
Government House
Your Excellency
I write to advise you to dissolve the House of Representatives
and take the necessary action for a half Senate election in
time for the elections for both Houses to be held on 24 March
While the term of the current House of Representatives does not
expire until 14 September 1990, it is necessary to bring the
election for the House forward to coincide with the half Senate
election which must be held in time for the new senators to
take their places on 1 July 1990. Holding the two elections on
the same day will spare the Australian community the additional
expense and disruption which would result from having two
separate national elections so close together.
The details of the election timetable I propose are:
Dissolution Issue of writs
Close of electoral rolls
Close of nominations
Polling day
Return of writs
( latest date) 19 February 1990
19 February 1990
26 February 1990
2 March 1990
24 March 1990
30 may 1990
Under section 12 of the Constitution, the Governors of the
States issue writs for the election of senators for the States.
Accordingly, I invite you to propose to the Governor of each
State that the dates proposed above be adopted for the purpose
of the electi~ on of the State senators.

Parliament has appropriated sufficient funds to enable the work
of the administration to be carried on through the election
period. The Appropriation Bills granting supply for 1989-90
were passed last year. The timetable I propose above provides
sufficient time for a new Parliament to be assembled to pass
legislation for additional estimates for 1989-90 and Supply
Bills for 1990-91.
Attached for your approval and signature is a Proclamation
which will dissolve the House of Representatives at 4. O0pm on
Monday 19 February 1990 and discharge senators from attendance
as from that time until the commencement of the next session of
the Parliament. Consistent with previous practice, I would
have it in mind that you retain the Proclamation for signature
on Monday, following the pre-dissolution Executive Council
meeting. I intend to make a statement later today announcing the
election, subject to your agreement with what I have proposed.
I should appreciate your confirmation that you have no
objection to public release of this letter and your reply at an
appropriate time.
Yours sincerely
R. J. L. Hawke

Commonwealth of
Australia By His Excellency the
Governor-General of the
Commonwealth of Australia
Governor -General
WHEREAS section 5 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth
of Australia provides that the Governor-General may, by
Proclamation, dissolve the House of Representatives:
of the Commonwealth of Australia, by this Proclamation
dissolve the House of Representatives at 4.00 o'clock In the
afternoon on Monday 19 February 1990.
AND I discharge senators from attendance as from that time
on that date and until the day appointed for holding the next
session of the Parliament. GIVEN under my Hand and the
Great Seal of Australia on
February 1990.
By His Excellency's Command,
Prime Minister GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Government House,
o/ Canberra ACT 2600.
I. 4TH 0*"
J 16 February 1990
My dear Prime Minister,
When you called on me this morning you handed me
your letter of today's date advising me to dissolve the House
of Representatives and to take the necessary action for a half
Senate election to enable the elections for both Houses to be
held on 24 March 1990.
I write to confirm my oral acceptance of that
advice, and your reasons for it. I shall today invite State
Governors to take the necessary action for the holding of
Senate elections and, on Monday, 19 February 1990 I shall, in
accordance with your recommendation, issue a proclamation
dissolving the House of Representatives at 4.00 p. m. on that
day and discharging Senators from attendance until
commencement of the next session of the Parliament.
I have noted your assurances that Parliament has
appropriated sufficient funds to enable the work of the
administration to be carried on through the election period.
I have no objection to the public release of your
letter and this reply at an appropriate time.
Yours sincerely,
The Honourable R. J. L. Hawke, AC, MP,
Prime Minister,
Parliament House,