PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007393.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Further to my announcement on 22 August, His Excellency the
Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen, has made the following
ministerial appointments this afternoon at Government House:
Senator Gareth Evans as portfolio Minister for Foreign
Affairs and Trade
Mr Ralph Willis as portfolio Minister for Transport and
Communications Mr Peter Morris as portfolio Minister for Industrial
Relations. He will also be Minister assisting me on
Public Service Matters and will continue as Minister
Assisting the Treasurer
Senator Robert Ray as portfolio Minister for
Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs. He
will also be Minister assisting me on Multicultural
Affairs and will take over from Senator Evans the role
of Manager of Government Business in the Senate
Mr Clyde Holding as Minister for the Arts and
Territories in the Arts, Sport, the Environment,
Tourism and Territories portfolio. Mr Holding will
also be Minister Assisting the Minister for
Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs and
Minister assisting me generally across my portfolio,
including in relation to the Bicentenary
Mr Gary Punch as Minister for Telecommunications and-
Aviation Support in the Transport and Communications
portfolio Mr Bob Brown as Minister for Land Transport and
Shipping Support, also in Mr Willis's portfolio.
As I announced earlier, the Minister for Social Security,
Mr Howe, is now Minister assisting me for Social Justice. 1727

Within the Transport and Communications portfolio, Mr Punch
will be responsible, under Mr Willis, for
telecommunications, postal and certain other communications
matters, and domestic aviation other than deregulation
policy. Mr Brown will be responsible, under Mr Willis, for
land transport, road safety and maritime operations and will
assist Mr Willis with maritime policy.
These appointments will ensure that the Government continues
to have a ministerial team of the highest quality deployed
in a way which takes full account of its policy and
administrative priorities and the changing relative
workloads of portfolios. There are no changes in the number
of departments or Ministers and the roles and tasks of
portfolios also remain unchanged.
Attached is a Ministry list setting out the new ministerial
arrangements in detail, and also a list of the membership of
the various committees of Cabinet.
. tY%' 28 * 1

CU.\ NIiUN% I-AL' Itl GO\ EW. IL%~ NU
Third Ilawke. Ministry 2 .5epimber 1988
rieMinister Repretati~ ve to Department( s) admninefed
other Chamber
Prime Mnier ' Me Han. RJ. L-Hawke. AC, NiP Senator Burona Prme, Minister and Cabinet
Atorney. Ceneral and Mini ster Alsistiog ) a flse ion. Lionel Bowen,, MP Senator Tote Atlossey. Gencrafas
PrimeuM i ulrfor Commo. ae th. Slole ( DeptY Prime Minitrs)
Relatiar Minister for Justice senator the lion. Micbael Too* Ms Bowens Anomey. Ganerals
Mintister for Consumer Affairs an Ms~ isscr Senator threlio n. Nick Bolkug Mr Bowens Attorney-Gesreralas
Asitite' thu Treasurer for PriCes
Minister for Industry, Technology and Senator the Hon. John Button Mr Jones, Industry. Technsology ad
Commerce ( Lader of the Government in the Commcem
Minister for Science. Custons andS mall TheH on. Barry 0. JonesN, IP Senator Button Industry, Teicioogy and
Business Commerce
wminltr for Poreign Affairs andrd* Senator OnH0e. Garulh troves Mr tsaffy Foreign Affairs andT rade
QCO) ePktYteA" Tderfia
Mbriuse for Trade Nesoriati
minister 4; susting t Mirisiar for lisssty, The lion. Mkhad Duffy, MP Suo Event PoaeltnA!! sin and Trade
Techotolsoy and Cotnnrce ar4 MfLj ier
AUbS& tis UiniwrfarPfiimaryeduttrie.
Treasurer The Hoe. Keating, MP Sensatr Walsh Tresury
nigia for Finance Senator the Bon. Peter We~ lth Mt Dtai* WFnac
Minister for Transport and The Hon. Ralph WAit, 56 MP Senator Evans Tranaport and Commusnictions
Comnmunicauions Minsater for Telecommrunications and Aviation The Hon. Gary Punch. NIP Senator Evana Transport and Communnications
Supprt Minister for Land Transport and Shipping The Hon. Bob Brown, NIP Senator Evans Transport and Commounications
Support inidor for Eanpicymnst œ dursion and Th. Ron. JS. Dawttina, MP SatuarWalah EarPIcye& Edctioj n
Training Tralderg: Alorrigmal Affairs
Mri nitter ( or Emoyment and Educationt it lion. PetePrD nran, MP Senator Weash Empoymesnt, Education end.
Service Milasoer for Aboriginal Affairs TheH aonG. on, L'Hao& MP S" nto TAe AhoeginAlAffarx
Miniser for Defence The Han. Kitm C. Beauie, NIP Senator Richardson Defence
( Vice-I'mstdent of the Executive
Contedaln dL eader of tiheH ouse)
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel like Hart Roe Kelly, MIP Senator Richardson Defence
rii: . i( sro fhr Pia7iedsrmadtl~ fbe al. NP Sea tCo Pcimary Industries and Energy
M nIterfrjRma SooULSemr the lion. Peter Cok M Eei ory Jstoliness and Energy
Minister far Social Security arA The Han. Brian Howe, M[ P Senator Hoiks, Social Secutity
Maniter AisstmSg the Prams Minister
for Social Justice
MInister for Adinistrative Services ' Me Bon. Stewart Well. NP Senator Ray Administrative Services
Minister for Community Services and The Hoe. NeawB lewelt NIP SenatoCro ok Community Service, and Helesth:
Health Veterans' Affais
Minster for Homusinagn dA ged Care The Hon. PeteSr taples. MP Senator Cook Community Services andH teaith
Misnister foe Veterans' Affairs The Hon. Ben Hiunphreys. NIP Senator Reynolds Veterans' Affairs
Minister for lh. Arts, Sport. ts. Senator the Hion. G raham. i Hola Arts. Sport, the Environmnt.
Environment. Tourism and Terrioriess Richardson ToatrirmuandTerritories
Mintistes for threA na arid Territories, Minister Tha Ham. A. C. Holding, MP Senator Richardson Arts. Sport theCE nvironment.
Aitatleig the Prirnir Mtnisr and Miniuver Tourism and Territories
Ansring rie P4liisr fotIrsirua o
Gore~ rsrsur ard Euhrd Affair
Minister for Industrial Relations, The Hon. Peter Morris, NMP Senator Button Inrdustrial Relationa
Maturer Asitine, the PrimewM u, tr for
Public Service Matteri anid Mu, itlur
Assirstin the Treaurer
Minister for Jlrsiifao Lo0cal Senator the He. Robert Ray JMr liitdir llmiration., Local GovenmenI'
Government andE thnic Afrairs and ( Mtaeo vrnntButc andE tri Affairs
Minimu Assingit the Prrm MUnttmr foe in lis Sosrat)
Mailicsdrsuaf Affairs
Minister for Local 0ovecunent an MAfirour Sonatotuhe lRonM. are% Mr Holding Immigl. ration, Local 00venmeis
Ohw sPbirgb xaAl& lu u the Statssi of BefytrOW endE shnic Aff'sirs
Portfolio Ministers. all of whomr are in the Caburet, are shown in bold type. Mr. Duffy is also a Cabinet Minister 17 2

Expenditure Review
Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen
Sen. Button
Sen. Evans
Mr Keating ( D)
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis
Mr Dawkins
Mr Howe
General Administrative Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Walsh
Mr Howe
Mr West
Mr Duffy
Sen. Richardson
Mr Morris
Mr Holding
Mr Jones
Mr Humphreys
Mr Staples
Mr Duncan
Mrs Kelly
Sen. Reynolds
Sen. Cook
Mr Punch
Sen. Bolkus
Structural Adus tment
Prime Minister*
Sen. Button ( D)
Sen. Evans
Mr Keating
Sen. Walsh
Mr Willis
Mr Dawkins
Mr Beazley
Mr Kerin
Mr Howe
Mr Duffy
Mr Morris
Mr Jones
ChaDierputy Chair Parliamentary Business
Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Button
Sen. Evans
Mr Beazley
Sen. Richardson
Sen. Ray
Mr Hand
Sen. Cook
Security Prime Minister*
Mr Bowen ( D)
Sen. Evans
Mr Beazley
Mr Duffy Legislation Mr Bowen*
Sen. Evans ( D)
Mr Duffy
Mr Holding
Sen. Tate
Mr Duncan
Public Service
Reform Prime Minister*
Sen. Walsh ( D)
Mr Dawkins
Mr West
Dr Blewett
Mr Morris
Sen. Ray
Mr Brown
Social and
Family Policy
Prime Minister*
Mr Keating
Sen. Walsh
Mr Dawkins
Mr Howe ( D)
Dr Blewett
Mr Morris
Sen. Ray
Mr Humphreys
Mr Hand
Mr Staples
Sen. Reynolds
CABINET Pri-me Minister*, Mr Bowen Sen. Button, Sen. Evans,
Mr Keating, Sen. Walsh, Mr Willis, Mr Dawkins, Mr Beazley, Mr
Kerin, Mr Howe, Mr West, Dr Blewett, Mr Duffy, Sen. Richardson,
Mr Morris, Sen. Ray. N