PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000731.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

30D Wt1 IRL ~ oo
lae kK sou Pu-MWia* t t AiMA
Sir FwoeveIdt amA Wlaes SM Gain
fts NNserWsit I Viii weve the pan*" I
I elweth bIs da ops. C~ ama.
I did Late" them to e ad msa hv mks~ hut
I mt tos u " at UPPw Ywe4. wik d~ toA I ha MtAt
wev44" a so me sm mee Qa I won** tp in
or lss" brest ivig a the t" W m ikr thu vWd
as ys might say* 4811& peld. Usona
am MssmW now ( kLin w so I'll mat In my
de. 01rM zr~ lel rof WtiJnus t tos& ayda yt, hat I is" assW ttuiinu9Welllld M5 vhs~ r aairl"
Yederiek himsel bid to sOW a bout the ftet thu% 6eslopamt
in s meto tBAile inmhstw an -1etl modelrs.
Uhs I ~ eea bay am som o yea we. e bers aM gisI,
WWol Wol, thue it i, Weel was tgo asepled mml
Ueu mw vol,= ~ eWepd4 Its. eesMlAt~ destutatios 1W Not"
as one or thuie of iih; j It emu3 hurl$ be a& Voe"*
In hft, 9 it was Alenh I wet we to laeds a . eqpS of yea" s
asita a similar set or wwmd that I dsm" ed thtthe softh
Is an Imemt eetre I deealt : t it doualt hit.
Adstiag It l-is mowthud luaw do the amp M
thei tbesJudging W thu ampllitios an iit,
little usakime thut i my -h tdy rOdpoebe.( agtr
. sutS. a mil= t rsmethimm am It Is lk* a nwe h
squi eu~ osmaor dx~ eting peunts in tu shou.
Wo re sestI# o ont of ego abmt thee matters.
Asfweolt wol, I It v" ~ se an ratw a sert of
divimo tha~ t1fW35m abv -It golv be lnpW
it ; W& A smbwi. or 48e if you bedea WeLles bReast 1t
ated S ram % Mt beftz. 21gedU be me" as a g
aM'uthheU PPA beemms tu wsVtui w m ew or
mats. Theme is a let of trath in this ma it is oily aly
Inm or m ti I-have ud nothig Th do with It Wut It Is In
MWoft time ewbwlogall Oat tow sia--4 sts have
aetlyity avA am totwsmeoh
of wool out Co~ vse" vb~ mo of onamIe, take mm0 of the
issout of theuieaes Mlb. i
0hsite a muttal point of vie IhUf or Meoth
eaiillyavA theurehr I tM* k It Is tw-emusy emd idi_ 6
toln t aU S b ee oAsevo to w Ad bet to mop
thema ombws toam, tUwn. things wim Iwemsgly
v wele h01Mm~ moft kalsl~ l kads to
beprsstZto Mu vwlA and to insehywth i
amuty se" ters in Whu afufi fibrme* l7d . o
-on this is ur Wotm hmUief ve have 647y to keep an
0000* 00/ 2

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AP" a n 0 se 0Like this = att be mmily the Who
growmwool orthe Pople vim buy wol bat = aMasse
of people this a Wabol of what an he dams b
00-. PeWstiQ bet1W tUS 04etifte wssIMw and the ma Outside,
we avel I thiakip 004 at the begisilag er this
Pw~ b1. it is mesm~ tliie ted in AWtielia bOMeus Is
.11 tbwo p1rms ilWs ~ eie w ew ew gwpwMe
to be teima late, seemt nt may tUe meth pysimgoat
whieh hretewistle11 s selyli tofw mombet
si last. Qomte of them wiftheII I t pl a
thai, saftlad aM * thfs, Permwba---m a Ilitt3le
Jel"$ sof the of e -1 1 T b
mintste sl I Gkm emethl abeu; It ad beer It teas.
! h~ ttbeil i~ e to be lsumd up 1w the
one tha that wil omome tbat is a S3~ voaS
Sahli dewstandiftg or tk& rft that six ousths 106 i
W; st9uWMn6 0 disevvry fha the labmrtwy to tUs spat
AMPSe It Needs * 0 be 09lqMO IS six iNatb& SOW Mt Of th*
history of the lin~ s hiek MR naee be swemptuied. ? lm
* Is st enmo side em mttin. We = mt soft time omw
hustwmliat I ital-" Mpotasm f e" Ma that vhet Is
415ew~ weS-Mm thw emm tIs beg"* e long, binig -3-ed
IV timh 5 IV, the ^ 041w bb& mttot
C rewier dbmp a betthwssMtha t
Sir* I wmld like to ovsplimt you if I mey on
tewmwft3 Vert you do hoe th" s eur a1 I eareetate
It to the ftUl aa I think It Is sa -s-my-a ll aeslsed
All 6r Atisallao All I soedo am* is to wemiad
this audlemn this 1tumftlaw Uilemm that I hae
af'lieea4 deslared the bdidng oven*