PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Menzies, Robert

Period of Service: 19/12/1949 - 26/01/1966
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00000716.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon

I an-M W ash aIKod -to 57 e i andaSas
U1 for,~. howlag twisted, the trfth a Mithe 1w fto
ess there me Ilnv# tr pepl wh wil, quit*
duftivg tis hit to-s9~ vrwe WwIa
gstem~~ dt to s -w qivwv. how with his
ato tto tat m vt and X t both rather, IV drImetlan
psiltiml P000100 CoinI I just veo to that bsume, John Jedd
vas this Nesbe tor kinhew ( 1Aw u tha he we the
Nobr f' loft, ( a " eat With 1011h You hae sam a&--latma)
( JasI I) and them, Somtew And or Albo wthe Mmo
tW ZSViIS thi Btat. ft311& MSat and then, f SCM8 I
drifted into this n, both JZat and wmmistaolh
Xafsi' W iv it Wef InasU h eO" to mits W aet
or son uutbs of It WORM tell yes that I UseA to Ie** at
her scroft the alsle ; Ithe am Nooua awro in & ast
Melbun won I me a mid hll of about 15 and she we a
Junio boarder at the PresWtortan ladies Col I ( Lautew)
at the wipe aw of lit MAO I asre you, qpits Lovely*
TOWw et an and ow tml wanit to livw at
~ bewmad * sbe went to Fintows and ones neve we wet unde
te sis of the Resemd Potriak Rudie& at the Trinity
~ cha combewoel Um I was MUl stwiiina in yes I
this ; 6m ( LaUOAsW) at tk* aw * I about 17 or' 16 and she was
a boarder at ? Inone In dme eres, believe It or not yeas
arbooeinweet I met herw-mbov at a Partv am I aaidt of mt
take you how and I teakh er hem ( La. 4 a) and se aiweys,
rauinds me that as I deliwerod hrat the eutran" e to bar hoose,
wethe". INS a pittesporm heip whch malt most glarlowaly,
( Limisw) I sald# of oudt to kno 400h ether because yw
ftst -Is a MNobam' of Itlaetand so was xlnee. Ando
ko this created, a bn bto u a bond frm. wbh h
has Len mfhrln , poor deawr, ( LaB4htaw) 00*
Yy4e9 s Mehr eminded we that whe I ma-
What Is the el6-bs is SXeusl an. evating? hew tthe
wto ws the sot octal of " at, cm57o esdoddi t ies and sald
to so the first tim I avvd 0j. UU you lawe a ei 1WLL
knowMWpoplehae sell tht to we bot vw us
QWm. ( LUngter) We prowsed aJe
bez of eipws whic had bown given to him I thtal e
arueaee, s ' s( J mel1e0s4ttaevr) e tew edaw iJnoghn hLise cahbioeO wMMe 16 & s taafttsesrpm mS IaLhej
athnadw I owafg re$ e0 tfolw st-AhstsI n Raedno * s ecllopagm-, ._ Wthwwa pra Cs ias--Ier)
I snkd& the loI" aa) n at tNo and of that tins, that's
ins awr 4-tkiag loft to L a so I married his 42a84M
( Lav41ht9er, appa.) Andw to say that I hoe, never
reguetted & atagwapoj bus).
adI have bees dw tonight to be the gost speaker
andvb swagt down., I at the place eard and I saw the
finest portrait of no* a I tbuic I oUSKh to sa" a OW of
a Drawing of a werne ooo* o/ 2

this to Bill Dsell. IZttWe' ~ ll( In rahe T. am me'
1kyou mo tlee that the1= 00 lein~ a11ts " adalt
I as toll yea Is that last night, In that state of exuitammat
that anlws When OW has to 1P to W& UP Mtta the emt dw
( Lmjdghb), 0 1 at luto the bbahamle OW.' the we vlas
usvmi, theftr a sample, of tas and stvaauo WO
to Man or twosoh I tamno tape It is oe-io f" uhi
Whae there is a & van bit a a red bit OWd tW som to a
inert of 0" 4. iu* Wi to am a Into the 60MO eof
th1lIeo~ I~ ~ ata* Nt o har hae bow
aa of cm inbom a to or tinUmtw
bUW of L gh) sd hit so an the as" aghtotri) aM th"
ftll am to the flea I dolt Nlut tellng VM mesno is
st4-it. VOW ( wm* m.' Al) I ad of I Itukenw tt to
r smaw that-of all PeleU I sothe mt lemp1 A
SIR tViame of pIMNbA, Uaughter) so I galled out Isobar
Wro ifes Whom Ia a& kxW wtale tap to town mf .( taught')
Am4se aet hare with o. are out ( Laogter), I em
3" t hive with 0 9= r so" 00190a hunet * iot elo ts
as Ym vMILOWI a mmas little gsimAm i Clinm
( LsAkheu) " aId to me 01 tht ye a ed a bit
~~~ Wsi I loedthat M A his the sto.'. Ahev9
thates a jai; pad perWait. ( lahtr) Aind In mv -MWL
I tim that it It were just slAv hl de. ILY6veloped, : it wild osiif
win the Arehmhald Prim* Latbew
TOMSKh I tWO pehw Ns this is the
( W0O ~ o ~ ld 600* 00 1 sn brttmomand what this ims
b21aIkn Ue MWI M11A " oona0s : i'
Kiss Sanders OUsqemzses ha. tonigbt as " is ( aUNK& ter)
Wat Whe to" ra out to he a O~ g Me of a powerful speek am
teld yo all amt : it.
I et Wat to kmp Y" m up heora ligt W& t I
vould Ilk* to OW perhap a ftpi. of about the emeasiem
of amw aeI" S I Sa, amA 1 hastem to abut this, so that
mitaoy iadaatePstopdu~ tta Vy a this
SI g of a aanMtsirmeel~ hs CLu ) a rther
eLoolds chap, he amut 1= thWiso oA ve Oftv
an& we Wet lut., Me a shat15t" at he oesaPies,( eg~)
I thought to . rei ' dell I this " alny amof
examslem smtests IrtguuI.. Umfit Vs. aw vocl Forma
I ou& ht to vearns & Mddae~ csid e wbther I vould Mll
the elala and the esa. ech partyV paying his son
0s2ts2 IN( Iaatw or what dhIl do, ntil I zeumed that
emo it the pest thimsp that we haes bees bwa learula Is
Astal eat thait I hap. we viii V an learning Is thet there
Is great Uerit in the emapetiim idea* I ka that this is
met almays pepmUla beew there s inay people vho bolel. Im
osmpttivfetamitm who don't iaSawl belle" in
eim~ t1m. a* gtw( pl e And thesrefore I sai& to
upseor-dent, am* this is a VN7 isteresting state of afftiwn.
solei a euosldeablo sitq In the MW't~ s of 1tioaa whiak,
In itselfv, rooemts two fham of o. eeottl suwpwls amak
ofr them pet, . ek of thest Ppw,? erly atmbt& sd
the einpetitie of the ether.
I oculd barnh 01 I Ws a hq in the husb in
the th w e of 1ietala lift I" e exIt adivaluy OsWIuled. o
lam~ either had a drm& Ug or a pod hezvt. Won't you kno thates
a apretty kiAee thoe tWOO hap and the flint
yeaotsf plilmW ht v -~ Intom y' Inneast ear stil
-; hOo 1 pmptiv, Wer the vetos that
the romentbotem fte trade and PretetM amd
em Whom I amr solo woelw 1I1v, e mwez quite 0 up
**** 0004.3

fttl* wer stiLU aridg about what theyr ropy& as the
tGWable and t1 eanfllt between P1max iniuatry~
and mnifttUIMS lambstryo ZOI Wsed emmwgohk to
that In this wmt1 & ad SROvla& COtU7 ws e o
beth. We a" e not put to a WIN aoise, we to no to ay
we vat an1 this sadno of that, heme leOp Pipa
the me We eaillse that e MA a pmod dal of boh ! heu~ ftee
we WAn selvm li In a eomta La vbisk WP M
1afstwiesand, abmow things, thvool, isdtu'tY, and
amsadary lmsay, dmpetluve as It my be* ist se-exist to
mabo us a elaei qits. psrWWl ft at ( Applause)
Ad Me 11 I m hiot in Saigthat the old Ides of the
imovitable eoJflet betveePMa and B have disppeare*
iadsstutm juwt let a* develop that a little,* The pwImawy
as fWs mem-2. 71 M tl
aw hepstveszs Of . p IMASm for' Austa. 1 ( bewi, beer)
adAsettalls Is me of the tea t" uedia tte. Lah
world ffbr that Sole WAn SIMple rs se We are ! u'inos
i oe of the pweftets of the soil pastoral avimltil
=' 0te0; wit MW be. mhs mpt us ins poiLes; In the
voild whish bans iven us a sp& famas thatMu: slat uew
otheiviss hawe askieved. ftis Is 0tweseno~ inpotante
A vW u'Y7 VMst twading mation. o After al, we are not a
big mtai" x'S * ept POpspbiG& lly.* We ame 11 mlliron Peoples
atnad~ AW as* * aaIitne the World the. tims
that population fbur Weor ton t mbIe An yet if anybwv
Wswhed out the list of the inatnmtll " 6ieDi intiaa In the
world, be would flad that Astrslia va in the h= s tea, peihaps
l b# Me-AA& 0 IS IRwiaIe te" s, not : e ga " I
mifthMmt p o o f in 8p09t Qm! a tas ame ofeaus
16bi ut4Ia suoe t p15e at ra o o
= MM r, ofas anof as hese ImMe6ik -haw* aid, dell
we 0" It v a tewm SMA67 mg experts to wool sad
wheet At and anmiprp and meet ed the rest of it we mt
Weell taY to hlmee . sm~ o of mest onewrmp b; exports
of nmftetutd Ltams
Believe it or met, thle has had a emmid e
inoeee It Will he inw, mw yea". bte the eqWUt of
afastured or Prcessed pods ashlov aaqthlag lime the
APA6%-Mof usof weol and wheat and meot and battei
psupatio It Beat all tUb Is a sovamat In the
TI~ h 4iestui. f v talk a pnd del shodt It# ytpty
MY= ma" t to Wil e" that boomme y bowt On tlag
abm these thmwg we have lost oum= sosada of the ital
~ neof the primalIfnmIe t3-SM Of * tat % W
yeaz aftor I have tSmd Wrselft you
believetism I6 hvs A~ wselfI ed Is iwts
about thW . e. 0 mmmjm of the eo A" t ( Lsa-e . PT-MOMS
M AgNo tu i -t time ad I d= n t mind . t anl being
Immaved these things but I o51ws7 ease bask to ths~ that
It is a vey . e tbbq to ,, es., ve the Stability of our amots
at us have, st" rnl m A, boess for " he last Off" e Years*
the". has beem i v~ mtmth soo60t leV* 1l-me Mteial
mmt or La thwe tuoe of LAstralia m the hasis
yalp level. on v ememer polee Im, hbav e m
Tightly or wgly ( I thi* k tightl) to amme a hid" pe
* tstabul~ ty. u this, t emawse is sewvlr tow famdtia
for the 4vest of oat ooty
I hRPPes to We OW Of these ispl viSO tik
that if e have a stable bass ymea asbul a vast stwutm
as it. n I happen to be a of theee peop e i believa that
oft Of the th Lapa~ gus Australian ANIhhs hem that in
tbmw= e1t0s " W1 haV8 atURSeted tiM* outside twe li

iW~ AN~ S" of SLUJAMe Of~ w or In'" Siat In NW am
skLl ( hear, be" r) f~ to d* l. PM. t~ O f OWONOAtw
we mild be tooliea People to " ouit this. * 0 mid be
inuet~ fui. people if we war* not to roLise that this nspewt
of the fI~ to itv smtw hid, after My tiime9
but not aiiisi4 the time or some of tte yewarp ~ eopla hwet.
wll se Astralia with tmty~ uS112a DOOVUje . rich
~ p Gum * amy* q with a Vowing InternsabI r , With
an Lisaz daseeetj to maintaiR 1t081f and to s" Pt
ltmd* 1: bhter tUfa ve tti or sqy about thoee
08tters, We MR aMr to lao sIgbat of the tt that the
mour twies and I VIii no for this ~ PeeO smbw#
: 4tV ~ oaftIn the form of wool that we ain't P on
weso" Wool M $ 41lling w" ol, oo~ t i f oIow
cets have rises epimat us all the ti00 At Is why It Is
so apte tept ~ oro emesi* stoulatift you are Aping
to gtewe" t1 suprb strength of out Mcw~ ozeto am
of Our priMSX7idstis and I boe xodoubt about that at
t theme toa eemod aspst that i vould lub
tosSyWatyitoo abut r we etop NP UoMas
wheat einfg VhatV' it In and sellng
M= the of the Mwld, and " rVidIng the
iSMON047 pomwzfis basis of ow $ 6no M e4doti
that maxess We wejowd the prblmms of ia-1 m: l ianw in
thee, nuatrios as Vital to their mturer
Twe are two ws of abeoking osts of
OA is an artiftlsi anid atimabl things
astfin rising, to " Meaet ests froM rising.
vmio1" ave battldwthrsoeotl to 40 that for 6
few Years but em't P eaLse.~ then awe youa to
injw0 ~ Un -ettim Psi intas wild of wool and of
whoat amd of mt and or all own other Sawwudtie? Ia
Is am Stvridifram" w ammer " ad that is w tuarmosiag the
* filemqor the ie o tbhmselves, IV ineaai their
C ouvltr so that tliunit meets teed to tall Sod not
eqt tittI, ; a sotSsw todo Its an
let Ime toa u thot me have this antwyt 69~ fthem
eolbeetd Mmtfi. lavestiptes's In the vwA* Is the
I in the t. etIivostie the reswaroh meek that
is being 46" t = pertIa I the pui1Mewy IMt C101A Is
41012000 ftt a" we m hing as" or IT? no" the Wakt of
tawel. ts reaek the I* w am the taem?
New this to MIie of Via armat PfbLo
Of myr time anid It I a hlp to solve I itIl@ Istl. rmi
Prime Ministe wIbo, s ~, Is to a * 46LO queticm
CVss" itr) -if I amn help to so It In. the rest of my timet
I vouad be as p" RaM as Leeiw. amease really, we do have
the most 46lmesel ww being do in Mtrella. We are a
little bit Inelined to kn* emonP eople aren't me? A
little bit lioe Vtat Mae" adidt that? We are* AMd yetq
at the National U" iwMitry, J C0a6z1iIR. o at the Vartaus
Va Msitis at the V" el reseerek Imitat" i 4111
Australia, 1L mee" t to mend 0s meek it being doun MA mo time
I Seakto a* a of the big oen In thase ields, I 016M#
tamI? n ' tew Tahde taonfsw yeer wlo , w ee" kN owt vweeohir e noout t totoo tehaer tsuta the it i. h
in * wwrmt daw the great Ptebi of the awt ftv rs is to
ow~ at. me reseawsk wek a Oreeefax atmnsion seerisos
to the ma an the land. o ( leer, heaz) r) tugi is da, the

g.. t vitail lm mis a toftight I speak In Putemur
oef tevawoI rn be adfimBau it otw r assbi s4t SJwiall t aIia I peeWekb iinneasL able to in
to w law" Mo efiSMq1 a-4 . gaii. todst to pwoame
n wbly bettow elS
I wae if I UL& t fw m ment, be Just a
little awtboavpmoml an thiS maltt., Awn I ws a bar of
tweves thwtea a totu In the ' wrth.. wt of Vitoii in
0 sArM VU4a sAB thema1 thw malu it umi to be rem
to 110 the XebWM pepePM MA the hiblft 01s the bI22AM
wut V~ lar ( I* Ar) I told yo It Was V~ a ha* betn
the tlof Set of ; nm Wet at that Woes, I r= ste0iag
ev~ at the baok of a bum of tmews whim an apimnltm3,
sint Ma IV tfsu p bowu'm to Wak about the use
Of NJ PM~ Dhp tea NOW Of SCOV6 thiS is tOdAq n pae
aMm taeszl iai sa bhatr I a seWt aabt t0h0e1 bako of f athpeew rionagaan L & 7wh ea odf wthhiesaPt
tIhit e. thaet aPwalwgloA. i aWasta m wSM sSt i~ I4 " eTaIm ue rbtea" iwn thneIlmO SS" tWSo " SW toi
esk other. 0014 1 4sst knW MUh old MaR 4ift t e thim.
Watts he Mumkiagbout, AUTO And aheui thee M04blw
fe inmt6hwe; ewestble this a b bat p~ a
tbq wulftot usesa z t I& use hel
a w eapen wth thir ll" S" ats owyb. 4 Vebe up am~ in
about, fiv roews they mo all uiag sever ftt it took all
that Use ad that ws a perf~ et oximple of what 1 ne emil
Tm wham the great nom -P the fiwat of ow
wheat xeAWs Vt to iwks wt far out of Camberm as
it happens at Tku W% to vest stelylg In pmalsim the
wobs of rest In mt ad PROONW6 fimall a auteithut
wMhe at DSW 8o Df eyWou1 awi ilal nrde m? eOmufMt teImt, aInf dy os a4" M )# Uapld Iw ets thle
wbmt yield IF 9* am or five bh* el to the aff, 1 beease rest
us oltl" si, 4 isa these 4ropa.
2% usbusinss. of at-nis eruviee is not just
a beasises for tbe sebmti~ t, at JUst a4 eIaSO for the
w1 Jut a b" i a the Gwuama wt ftw
the me. an the lad bhimUIf b e wwts to moom Uhe advontgs,
all fres, of the vat that Is bein g dons In the hag rm
a" I kse " 1% y m4et Is the sheet no the Weon of the satt
will be tnsted ito prstial teams as the fthm ad the e
station and It it is we willi owe then ~ e be ab] Le to leokth
wwrld In the Wo sAd btoa mptiticm.
Use ly other'thn I moat to saY to y" u In
this. we have J" I be6s mtblsig a Coatromm wM them
a Wool Amew4. I h ebevdWWy ealisee What has hapmed an
theme mtts's. What ml wquives, and e hem told thi
in the mostdeal mt term tamit Is woseewet, Veseaeeb,
woeswk inskidu to Oelve the ; U270in of the use of veal.
It VoquIres Ovst~ NO th weld, it wqair" s samt , lsg
to ha 0ie" UwLi on Ite RAW* = fetV. j With the
awtitiial fihe.. Vub a, ha], t whiC1 loe a ago" of
ye tint of he p;; ttIos of maumde fihee beeme thaw

bet am they a" bws Wo & Wa mA tWe all haw a pet
feticn to Owform.. What WWIoo . sIs a system of wmt
an top of resea'eb which VILL in a basiseamlke wW ak
it 00nstality In do"" do It Shuold he all aimed the
vwl& A. It you 411 allow me to make peisoal tefevw
I t ULU* Satum bette has happemed to the wal : Lmsu
thus the apglatummmt a year or two ar of W6 Z. lime to be
the ma VW In in Atr a ameam w of thums ttws*
This bas beow a t--m # I& l pmod thing fbr tba woo l fse7
ass 11 the, paat wool Im reual"* it.
SM9 this -v aft4, . sMtf'tig Its minid
as~ amusotsWIUilnl4 e 40 ummt tt WWol than all the
6 that umt and I
mtsIla will xeum In oth" IMF" s 4OUt 1. Ptus
voro om as nthtnS * ish MWW# In the has of oneLtc;
oo~ fp etit4sA whon orak a a 1
teeOthew smama tiii exash 6Its * sen qulit' as
thei amtf In~ o the vmrZ ( hear hear) andu90m" iag -Mb-a
aM strumOp iinst eULeL fat orf@ XtdsVtVt~ vBiiqi ua, a
sint8aL altr as the flamt th Usth vwl4 ( hes, hoaw)
aM mti: hgtfat % bis amUp' imW ebettor than am'
ather smtyIn the wstld
0fls't vw absut Waptiis ~ miisi
LalInthe kiM of moiety i Avwbee mat live# % at
whet I obj* 4 to Is peMPol. e ay, ' well, ymg are . itm A or
3' the I*~ alb e a1lonle . in Sz~~ witso, vhe thizik
iFA= ir to be tisw or~ that % Wo tikt Spsd~ sa
am pliti. Sweet 8) v I vat to M YOO thatIs
a-est agINpur~ mmr of eompeatii boon" as if I oni& awlw6 in a
empott and I Uose thm I doga4 War yas, I blew
swu" It