PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006056.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA Thursday, 16 March 1983
The Government has established three Ministerial co-ordinating
committees with functions as indicated below:
Parliamentary Business Committee
To develop and monitor the legislative program for each
Parliamentary sitting and to oversee the Parliamentary
proceedings and priorities.
Expenditure Review Committee
' Jo examine expenditure proposals in the light of overall
Cabinet budget strategy, and to advise Cabinet on budget
expenditure priorities. Major expenditure proposals will
be dealt with on the recommendation of the Expenditure
Review Committee and in the budget context so that competing
priorities can be assessed.
Legislation Committee
Together with the minister responsible, to review all
legislation prior to introduction to ensure that its content
conforms with approved drafting instructions.
Also six Ministerial functional committees have been established:
Economic Policy
Infrastructure Social Policy
Legal and Administrative
Defence and External Relations.
As a general rule matters to be considered by Cabinet will be
referred firs" to one of the functional committees. Matters
will be referred on the basis of their essential character
rather than simply by reference to the departments from which
they originate.
A National and International Security Committee has also been
established as a sub-committee of the Defence and External
Relations Committee. This Committee will consider and report as
appropriate to the Defence anid E~ xternal Relations Committee, the
Cabinet or the Prime Minister on security sensitive matters
affecting defence and international relations.
The membership of the Committeesz . s set: out in thle attachment.

Parliamentary Business
Prime Minister
Mr Bowen
Senator Button
Senator Grimes
Mr Willis
Mr Keating
Mr Young
Senator Evans Expenditure Review
Prime Minister
Mr Willis
Mr Keatingo
Senator Walsh
Mr Dawkins Legislation Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
Mr Duffy
Economic Policy
Prime Minister
Mr Bowen
Senator Button
Mr Willis
Mr KeatingO
Mr Hayden
Mr Kerin
Mr Dawkins
Social Policy
Prime Minister
Senator GrimesO
Mr West
Senator Ryan
Mr Hurford
Mr Brown
Mr Dawkins
Mr Blewett
Mr Holding
Senator Gietzelt Industry Prime Minister
Senator Button9
Mr Willis
Mr Keating
Senator Walsh
Mr Kerin
Mr Hurford
Mr Dawkins
Mr Jones
Mr Howe
Legal and Administrative
Prime Minister
Mr WillisO
Mr Young
Senator Evans
Mr Brown
Mr Dawkins
Mr Cohen
Mr Uren Infrastructure Prime Minister
Senator ButtonO
Mr Morris
Mr Beazley
Mr Hurford
Mr Dawkins
Mr Jones
Mr Duffy
Mr Cohen
Mr Uren
Defence External
Relations Prime Minister
Mr BowenO
Mr Hayden
Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
Mr Beazley
Mr Howe
National and International
Security Sub-Committee
Prime Minister
Mr BowenO
Mr Young
Mr Hayden
Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
0 Alternate Chairman16 March 1983

Parliamentary BusinessExpenditure Review
Prime Minister Prime Minister
Mr Bowenw Mr Willis
Senator Button Mr Keatingo
Senator Grimes Senator Walsh
Mr Willis Mr Dawkins
Mr Keating
Mr Young
Senator Evans Legislation Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
Mr Duffy
Economic Policy
Prime Minister
Mr Bowen
Senator Button
Mr Willis
Mr KeatingO
Mr Hayden
Mr Kerin
Mr Dawkins
Social Policy
Prime Minister
Senator GrimesO
Mr West
Senator Ryan
Mr Hurford
Mr Brown
Mr Dawkins
Dr Blewett
Mr Holding
Senator Gietzelt Industry Prime Minister
Senator ButtonO
Mr Willis
Mr Keating
Senator Walsh
Mr Kerin
Mr Hurford
Mr Dawkins
Mr Jones
Mr Howe
Legal and Administrative
Prime Minister
Mr WillisO
Mr Young
Senator Evans
Mr Brown
Mr Dawkins
Mr Cohen
Mr Uren Infrastructure
Prime Minister
Senator ButtonO
Mr Morris
Mr Beazley
Mr Hurford
Mr Dawkins
Mr Jones
Mr Duffy
Mr Cohen
Mr Uren
Defence External
Relations Prime Minister
Mr BowenO
Mr Hayden
Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
Mr Beazley
Mr Howe
National and International
Security Sub-Committee
Prime Minister
Mr BowenO
Mr Young
Mr Hayden
Senator Evans
Mr Scholes
SAlternate Chairman16 March 1983