PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006045.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I congratulate Mr Hawke and the Auetxralian* Labor Party on*
winning the election.
Mr H~ awks has set a nutiber of high goals for Australia in a
time of great economic difficulty around the world. If he and
his party can fulfil the expectations presented to the
electorate then Australia will be advantaged.
Whatever our problems, Australia has been handed to Mr Hawke's
new government in a condition that is equal to or better than
ary other Western country.
Las t night T resigne'd. from the le adership of the Parliamentary
Liberal Party. I r'eaffirm that I will not contest the leadership
of the Party,
I have taken complete responsibility for the timing and conduct'
of the election, and therefore have taken complete responsibility
for the defeat of the Coalition Government.
After a little over seven years as Prime Minister there are many
people I would wish to thank. t cannot name them all here. But.
1 wish to place on rec9rd my deep appreciation for the conitmeit
and effort by Doug Anthony,-my Cabinet, my ministry and the
entire Parliamentary Party to the government of Australia.
I wish to place on record also m anko to my personal staff,*
my Department, and party members i , oughout Australia for their
unceasing support. To the electo..',-Wannon, I also thank them
for their loyalty and overwhelm' 4 ort,
It has been a great honour-and 1. ege to have been Prime
Minister of Australia.
Duri. ng the election T said that what happened to Malcolm Fraser
as an individual was cf no account. T meant that. But what
happenF to Australia, to our way of life and to the kind of
country we leatve our c1; f~ r~ ren is of great an4; 1lasting significance.
The values and principler by which we live, the human relationships
which quide us, and thce values to which we aspire as Liberals will1
not chaage.
I urg. e~ riberals evc-. vywhure o kcep thc fraith.
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