PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Morrison, Scott

Period of Service: 24/08/2018 - 11/04/2022
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media statement
Transcript ID:
Quad Leaders' Virtual Meeting

Prime Minister

Overnight I had the important opportunity to engage with my fellow Quad Leaders. We discussed the conflict in Ukraine and assessed its implications for regional stability in the Indo-Pacific. This is what the Quad is all about: four Leaders of liberal democratic nations who uphold the values and principles of our rules based international order.

We come together to support a free and open Indo-Pacific and to take action to deliver for our region. Together we are committed to supporting a region where the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states is respected, the status quo cannot be changed by force, and coercion is not tolerated.

The Australian Government’s view of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is clear: Russia’s actions are a gross violation of international law and the UN Charter. There is no justification for Russia’s aggression, which is illegal, unjustified and unprovoked. Australia has implemented strong sanctions against Russia in close coordination with our Indo-Pacific and global partners. We are supporting Ukraine, including through US$50m of military assistance to support Ukraine’s defence and US$25m of immediate humanitarian assistance at a time of great suffering for Ukraine’s people.

My meeting with Quad Leaders comes at a critical time for our region and the world. We cannot allow what is happening in Ukraine now to ever happen in the Indo-Pacific. We are resolute in our commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region where smaller states do not need to live in fear of more powerful ones.

The events in Ukraine only reaffirm the importance of the positive work being done by the Quad to ensure a free and independent Indo-Pacific - our health and humanitarian initiatives, improving the resilience of critical supply chains, supporting economic development, strengthening regional energy and food security, and enhancing regional stability.

I look forward to seeing Quad Leaders at our next Summit in Tokyo in the coming months.