PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Morrison, Scott

Period of Service: 24/08/2018 - 11/04/2022
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Radio interview with Bianca, Mike & Bob, 97.3 Brizzie FM

Queensland tour; Gold Coast Light Rail; Melbourne Cup; Marriage

Prime Minister

BIANCA DYE: ScoMo, welcome to the show. You’re on this big road trip in the ‘ScoMo Express’ on your bus.


BIANCA: You’ve got lots of time to kill, do you Netflix and chill?


PRIME MINISTER: Plenty of Netflix, not so much of the chill.


MIKE VAN ACKER: No, that’s probably for the best under the circumstances. People can see in through those windows, he’s the Prime Minister.

BIANCA: Nah ScoMo’s got tinting, he’s got tinting. Good morning and welcome to the show. So the ‘ScoMo Express’, this sounds like fun. What do you do to kill the time on a bus for all that time?

PRIME MINISTER: Well there’s things we do, we get off pretty frequently. We’re heading up to the Sunshine Coast at the moment, we’ve been in Brisbane overnight. We started down at the Gold Coast yesterday to announce what we’re doing with the Gold Coast Light Rail and the bus will get all the way up to Rocky, that’s as far as the bus will be going on this trip. But no, it’s a good opportunity to meet people, get our supporters together, we’re making a number of announcements along the way, backing Queenslanders, having a good listen to what they say is important to us and we’re hearing that and we’re getting on with it.

MIKE: I was just going to say ScoMo, yesterday you tipped in a whole bunch of cash for the Light Rail down in the Gold Coast, are we getting any presents here in Brisbane?


PRIME MINISTER: Well there’s quite a while between now and the next election and so we’ll have a bit more to say about that between now and then. But the Gold Coast Light Rail, that’s been an immensely successful project down there. This will be the third stage we’ve committed to but there’ll be more to talk about in Brisbane I’m sure between now and the next election, I can assure you.

BIANCA: My mum lives on the Goldy and you’re the reason why she has a social life because of that Light Rail so I’d just like to thank you for taking her off my hands, and I love the fact that it’s going to Burleigh as well. Listen, it’s exciting times. Is it a coincidence that you’re back in town the same night that Taylor Swift is here? Because we know you checked her out in Sydney.

PRIME MINISTER: We did, and she was fantastic. The concert in Sydney was tremendous, so all of you who are going out to see Tay Tay tonight, you’re going to really enjoy the show and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. It was raining when she was playing in Sydney the night I was there with the girls but it was a terrific night. She is just an amazing performer. We caught her on the ‘89 tour some years ago back in Sydney and you know, she is… every now and then I need to shake it off and I did that on Friday night.

MIKE: While we’re doing popular culture references, you’re married to Jenny, she’s the Jenny to your Forrest.


BIANCA: What forest?

MIKE: Forrest Gump.



MIKE: I love you Jenny. Keep up, B. That’s why you’re the Prime Minister and Bianca isn’t.

BIANCA: Hey listen, speaking of what’s going on in town today, it is the Melbourne Cup, ScoMo. Our esteemed PM, who is your big tip for the race that stops all the offices around town?

PRIME MINISTER: Well I’m going with a sentimental choice today and that’s Youngstar.

BIANCA: Right, right.

PRIME MINISTER: And Youngstar, for those of you who don’t know the story, she was named after Olivia Inglis who was killed in an equestrian accident in Scone when she was just 16. And the Inglis family named the horse Youngstar after her and I think it is a beautiful story and it’d be a great Cup moment if Youngstar was able to bring it home today. Craig Williams is the jockey and Chris Waller, who also trains Winx, he’s the trainer. So look, I reckon that would be a really great cup story if Youngstar were to get home today. If she can do that that’d be great for all the girls but great for all of Australia.

BIANCA: Fantastic, nice tip from the PM. Can I just ask you, just on the quiet ScoMo, what are the rules on a shared bus toilet? Do your staff get to use the same… what if they go before you? What happens?

MIKE: Is there a Prime Ministerial potty?


PRIME MINISTER: I think there is, I’m not sure. I’m not sure there’s been calls for it so far, so look I’ll keep you posted.

BIANCA: Alright let’s get down to some serious business, we want to find out about the real ScoMo. We want to take you on a journey, the Cosmo relationship quiz. ScoMo, this is what the women of Brisbane really want to know. Straight from the last edition of Cosmopolitan that closed this month, are you ready?

PRIME MINISTER: Yeah got for it.

BIANCA: Alright here we go. Where did you meet your wife?

PRIME MINISTER: At Luna Park. I was about, I think I was 11 and she was 12.

BIANCA: What? You really are childhood sweethearts, aren’t you?

PRIME MINISTER: We are, we started going out when I was 16, she was 17, and we got married when we were 21.

MIKE: You walked in through that giant mouth and into each other’s hearts.


BIANCA: Where did you go for your first date? You can’t say Luna Park.

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I can’t even recall. We sort of met properly when we were at a camp, a church camp, many years ago where we had been going for years. So I wouldn’t say there was a first date, we’d just known each other for some time and when we were in Year 12 and we’ve been together ever since. We’ve been married just over 28 years…

BIANCA: Oh, Mazel Tov.

PRIME MINISTER: Been together for even longer.

BIANCA: ScoMo, we need to know where your first pash was.

PRIME MINISTER: It was up at a place called Lake Munmorah, I think.

BIANCA: I know Lake Munmorah, on the Central Coast?

MIKE: Lake Pashmorah, I’d say.


BIANCA: Lake I’m gonna get some more.


MIKE: And Scott, would Jenny say that you are a romantic person?

PRIME MINISTER: I’d hope she would but I don’t think she would.


BIANCA: Look what happens when you become PM, that’s disgraceful. You need to take her out on date night.

PRIME MINISTER: Yeah look we try and do that as often as we can, but we just like getting together as a family on Saturday night. That’s what we try and reserve for each other, and I cook a curry which has been our tradition for many years now and it’s great fun and the girls help me with it and off we go.

BIANCA: Here’s the deal, ScoMo, next time you come in and visit us live, you are to bring in some of your homemade curry.

PRIME MINISTER: Sure, I’ll send you a picture of the one I did on Saturday night. It was a cracker.


BIANCA: Prime Ministerial curry. Bloody good.

BIANCA: Fantastic, thank you so much for joining us, Prime Minister Scott Morrison. It’s nice to have a bit of fun. Enjoy your bus.

PRIME MINISTER: I will, it’s great to be here in Queensland listening to everybody. And to all those going out to Tay Tay tonight, shake it off and have a great time.

BIANCA: And may I make a quick suggestion – ginger tablets if you start getting sick on the bus.


PRIME MINISTER: Good call. Go Youngstar.

MIKE: Thank you Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, thank you.