PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Member for Perth
Perth City Link project ahead of schedule


Work on the Perth City Link project is progressing ahead of schedule, with trains expected to start using the new rail tunnel by early August.

The Prime Minister and the Member for Perth today visited the worksite for the project to inspect the progress first hand.

This project is reshaping the heart of Perth and putting hundreds of people to work. It forms part of the Gillard Government's unprecedented $6.9 billion investment in WA's road, rail and public transport infrastructure.

The City Link project also shows what is possible when all three levels of government are prepared to work together and pool resources, with this $360 million project backed by the Federal and State governments as well as the City of Perth.

Since 2007, we have increased annual infrastructure spending from $154 to $261 per Western Australian, to help support the State's growing population and future economic prosperity.

This investment needs to be maintained which is why the 2013 Budget sets out funding for new projects identified as priorities by the State Government, including:

* Perth Public Transport Package: Assist deliver the light rail project and/or build a new rail link to the Airport, with the priority and construction timetables to be determined in consultation with the State Government.

and subject to an assessment by Infrastructure Australia.

- Federal contribution: $500 million.

* Swan Valley Bypass: Build a new road between the Reid Highway/Tonkin Highway intersection and Muchea to replace the Great Northern Highway as the main freight route into and out the City from the north.

- Federal contribution: $418.3 million.

* Great Northern Highway: Package of works to improve the section between Muchea and Wubin, including straightening and widening dangerous sections, upgrading existing intersections and constructing additional overtaking lanes.

- Federal contribution: $307.8 million.

* North West Coastal Highway: Package of works along the 136 kilometre section between Minilya and Barradale, including strengthening and widening various sections as well as erecting two new bridges.

- Federal contribution: $174 million.

* Tonkin Highway: Build three new interchanges at the intersections

with Benara Road, Morley Drive and Collier Road to ease congestion and improve freight movements.

- Federal contribution: $140.6 million.

* Leach Highway: Upgrade Fremantle's High Street between Carrington Street and Stirling Highway to a four lane divided road along a new alignment.

- Federal contribution: $59 million.

From the outset Federal Labor's mission has been to reverse the neglect we inherited and build the modern, well-planned transport infrastructure which makes working people's lives easier, our businesses more competitive and the national economy stronger.

The LNP have made it very clear that the Federal Government should not be in the business of funding urban public transport projects, dismissing traffic congestion as someone else's problem to fix.

Labor has always been the party of nation building, and Labor is the only party that will continue to invest in both road and rail projects.