PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on the centenary of Anzac
ANZAC Centenary Advisory Board Report To Government


Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on the Centenary of Anzac Warren Snowdon today announced an interactive large-scale travelling exhibition will visit towns and cities across the country as part of the Government's Centenary of Anzac commemorative programme.

The travelling museums will provide an opportunity for communities to share the Anzac spirit and leave their own personal Anzac story through the interactive state-of-the-art wall that will be trucked around the country.

Using the latest technology to share our Anzac story will mean young people can learn first-hand about the contributions of so many brave men and women who proudly service our country.

The travelling museums form part of the recommendations to Government contained in the Anzac Centenary Advisory Board's Report to Government on the Anzac Centenary program released today.

The Prime Minister thanked the Board, led by Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston AC, AFC (Ret'd), for presenting the Government with an excellent blueprint for what will be the most significant commemoration to take place in our lifetimes.

This will be a time when all Australians can reflect upon the service and sacrifice of those who have served our country past and present. I congratulate Angus Houston and the Board on their considerable efforts over the past year in the development of this Report. The Board will continue to provide advice to Government leading up to and throughout the Centenary period.

The Board has put forward 25 recommendations, all of which the Government is pleased to accept. To support the implementation of the Board's recommendations, the Government will provide an additional $25 million for the Anzac Centenary on top of the $83.5 million committed in last year's Federal Budget.

Mr Snowdon commended the Board for designing a program around the central themes of Education and Research, Commemoration, and Arts and Culture.

The involvement of local communities in the Centenary will be critical. The participation of individuals, towns and communities will ensure that at the end of the Centenary period we have left a legacy for the generations to come. With this is mind, the Government announced in February that it was doubling the amount available under the Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program to $100,000 per electorate.

The $25 million we are committing today, recognises that there is a number of initiatives within the Board's Report that require an early injection of funds to ensure we are well placed for the beginning of the Centenary.

A significant recommendation by the Board is the national Anzac Centenary Travelling Exhibition for which $10 million has been provided.

The Travelling Exhibition will bring the Anzac Centenary to many people in rural and regional Australia who otherwise would have limited ability to be involved and actively engaged.

Other proposals relate to the Albany convoy commemorative event, assisting in the preservation of the HMAS AE2, digitisation of a sample of First World War repatriation records, a series of documentaries and other programming and a wide-ranging education and research program which includes scholarships and history grants.

Mr Lindsay Fox is working with the corporate sector to source donations to supplement the Government's financial commitment.

The first call on these funds will be for the Travelling Exhibition and a contribution towards significant projects identified by the States and Territories as part of their Centenary activities.

The Board's recommended approach to the Centenary Program recognises that it will run from 2014 to 2018 and includes programs and initiatives that can be designed and scaled to fit the level funding available from other sources over the period.

The Board will have a continuing role with Members acting as ambassadors, informing the community about the program of Anzac Centenary events and assisting in the successful delivery of the program by providing strategic advice to Government.

A list of all initiatives included in today's funding announcement is attached.

A copy of the Board's Report and the Government response can be accessed at