PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
Awarding of the Victoria Cross to Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith

The Victoria Cross only bears two words, and those words are ‘for valour'.

Two simple words, but nothing else needs to be said, because those two simple words have a universe of meaning. They remind us of the finest traditions of our great Australian Defence Force: love of country; pride in service; mateship.

The Victoria Cross correctly stands before all other decorations; regardless of age; regardless of rank.

Our first VC was awarded in 1900, and since that time Australia has never been without a living VC recipient. It's an unbroken chain of courage that is part of our national story.

From the millions of people who have called Australia home, only 97 have been awarded this very great honour. Of them, only two remain, and today they are joined by a third - Benjamin Roberts-Smith. Three giants; three of our greatest living Australians.

Friends, the award conferred today upon Corporal Roberts-Smith honours his valour on a single day of action, but in truth, of course, it honours so much more than that.

It honours the values and the discipline of a soldier; the marks of character acquired throughout a lifetime from family and school, mentors and mates; and the awareness of a greater tradition than that of his own, a greater tradition that binds all of us, a greater tradition of which he is now part, a tradition called Anzac, and in awarding this VC today to Corporal Roberts-Smith, we are saying to him that he breathes that tradition anew.

I had the privilege of spending some time last week with Ben, with Emma, with their beautiful twin girls, Elizabeth and Eve, and also with Ben's mother-in-law Christine, and in those few moments shared together I formed the view that Ben is actually a very humble man, reluctant to be the centre of so much fuss and attention, though of course he is the very centre of so much fuss and attention today, keen to also remind of the bravery of the mates that he fought alongside, and also a man determined to keep his family in his protective and loving embrace.

Exhibiting those characteristics - humility, mateship, love of family - Ben is clearly one of us, like so many other Australians, but Ben is also different from us; different from because he will always know, as we know now, that in the heat of battle he did not fail when mateship and duty called, and though it might easily have cost him his life, he was fully prepared to give it.

That's why the nation extends this Victoria Cross. It's an award unsought but completely deserved.

Today, on behalf of all Australians, I want to say to Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith you went to Afghanistan a soldier.

You came back a hero.

Our nation is enriched by you being among our number.

Today, we demonstrate that with the awarding of an honour so high that even the Chief of our Defence Force salutes those who hold it.

Today, the nation joins with him and we all salute you.