PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Prime Minister announces new Cabinet

Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced the new Ministry of the Gillard Government.

The new Ministry will work as a team to progress the interests of the nation and the interests of all Australians so we can become a fairer, stronger, smarter Australia.

Minister Simon Crean will take over the portfolios of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Social Inclusion.

Minister Stephen Smith will take on the Trade portfolio, in addition to his current portfolio of Foreign Affairs.

The Prime Minister said the new Ministry will ensure maximum stability, allowing the Gillard Government to stay focused on delivering a stronger economy and improved essential services for all Australians.

The Prime Minister said Minister Crean was well placed to take over her previous portfolios having served for more than two years in the former Keating Government as Employment, Education and Training Minister.

Minister Crean is also the longest serving Cabinet Minister in the Gillard Government.

Minister Crean will be tasked with taking forward the Government's historic reforms in education. He will also continue to improve employment opportunities across this nation and make sure the rights of all working Australians are upheld.

The Prime Minister said the Trade portfolio was in a safe and strong pair of hands under Minister Smith, who has also served as Shadow Minister for Trade.

The appointment continues the existing link between the portfolios of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which are both supported by the same government department.

The current Minister for Population, Tony Burke will become the Minister for Sustainable Population with a new focus on making sure our nation develops a balanced and measured population strategy.

A sustainable population strategy is underpinned by respect for the environment and respect for the needs of Australians requiring good infrastructure and services.

Minister Burke will continue to develop a national strategy to be released later in the year with this new direction.

Ms Gillard said the Minister for Finance, Lindsay Tanner will remain in his current role until the election.