PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Media Release
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Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Australia-China relations deepen with ten new agreements Canberra 21 June 2010

The Prime Minister and the Vice President of the People's Republic of China HE Mr Xi Jinping today witnessed the signing of ten agreements that will add further depth and momentum to the Australia-China relationship.

The significance and variety of the agreements concluded today reflects the strong and growing cooperation between Australia and China. The agreements cover projects worth more than $10 billion in total.

Seven of the ten agreements relate to resources and energy. This demonstrates the dynamic relations between the two countries in this sector, and the strong complementarity of the two economies.

The agreements will also see upgrades to infrastructure and will deliver jobs and regional development. For example, the agreement between Karara Mining Ltd, China Development Bank Corporation and the Bank of China will underpin the development of proposed port and rail infrastructure at Oakajee in Western Australia. The project is expected to generate several thousand new jobs in the region.

The inter-governmental agreement between the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism and the National Energy Administration of China on enhancing cooperation in the field of energy underscores the Governments' shared commitment to addressing the twin challenges of climate change and energy security.

The two governments also concluded an export protocol to provide Tasmanian apple-growers and exporters with improved quarantine conditions to commence the export of apples to China.

Together, these agreements demonstrate the dynamism of bilateral economic cooperation, and the benefit that brings to both countries.

More information on the agreements is attached.


Prime Minister Rudd and Vice President Xi Jinping today witnessed the signing of the following agreements to further expand the strong cooperation between Australia and China in education, trade, infrastructure, communications, energy and resources.

1. Facility Agreement for USD 1.2 billion between Karara Mining Ltd and China Development Bank Corporation (CDB)

Signatories: Mr Garret Dixon, CEO, Gindalbie Ltd and Board Member, Karara Mining Ltd; Mr Chen Yuan, Chairman, China Development Bank

This joint venture is a critical component underpinning the development of proposed port and rail infrastructure at Oakajee in Western Australia. This infrastructure, together with Karara's project at its mine site, is expected to generate several thousand new jobs in the region.

2. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation on Project Development between the Government of South Australia and CDB

Signatories: Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Minister for Industry and Trade, Government of South Australia; Mr Chen Yuan, Chairman, China Development Bank

To build capacity for the development of major long-term energy infrastructure in South Australia by promoting greater cooperation in the areas of resources, infrastructure, clean energy, minerals processing and agriculture.

3. MoU on Cooperation on Project Development between Aquila Resources Ltd and CDB

Signatories: Mr Tony Poli, CEO, Aquila Resources Ltd; Mr Chen Yuan, Chairman, China Development Bank

The MoU will support the development and expansion of Aquila's coal and iron ore mining projects in the Pilbara in Western Australia.

4. MoU between the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The Australian National University

Signatories: Professor Lawrence Cram, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The Australian National University; Professor Huang Xianqi, Director, Advanced Training Department, Central Party School

The MoU covers agreement on training, joint research and exchanges of personnel, with a focus on promoting better understanding of governance in both countries and establishing durable academic linkages.

5. Arckaringa Unincorporated Evaluation Joint Venture Agreement between China National Offshore Oil Corporation and Arckaringa Energy Pty Ltd

Signatories: Mr Christopher Lambert, Chairman, Altona Energy; Mr Fu Chengyu, President, China National Offshore Oil Corporation

This Agreement will further opportunities for Chinese investment and market development in South Australia by promoting cooperation in resources, infrastructure, clean energy, minerals processing and agriculture. Projects may include conversion of coal in the Arckaringa Basin into high value clean energy products such as liquid fuels, chemical feed-stocks and power.

6. Strategic Partnership Agreement between Telstra and ZTE

Signatories: Mr Tarek Robbiati, Group Managing Director, Telstra International; Mr Kevin Cui, Senior Vice President, ZTE Corporation

To extend this strategic partnership, Telstra will become a preferred telecommunications supplier to ZTE worldwide and ZTE will continue to supply Telstra's telecommunications equipment to support the construction of the LTE network in Hong Kong and also with ZTE handsets in Australia.

7. Engineering and Procurement Contract Cooperation Agreement for China Gezhouba Group Company Ltd to provide procurement, engineering and design services to Fortescue Metals Group Ltd

Signatories: Mr Andrew Forrest, CEO, Fortescue Metals Group; Mr Nie Kai, Deputy General Manager, China Gezhouba Group Company Ltd

To fast-track the expansion of Fortescue's iron ore project in the Pilbara to a production capability of 95 million tonnes of output a year. At current estimates, the expansion will add more than AUD 5 billion of annual export revenue to Australia.

8. Cooperation Agreement of China First Coal Development between Resourcehouse Ltd, Export-Import Bank of China, Metallurgical Corporation of China and China Power Holdings

Signatories: Mr Domenic Martino, Director, Resourcehouse Ltd; Mr Philip McNamara , Executive Director, China First Pty Ltd; Mr Yuan Xingyong, Assistant to the President, Export-Import Bank of China; Madam Li Xiaolin, Executive Chairwoman and President, China Power Holding Ltd; Mr Shen Heting, President, Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd; Mr Zhenyi Hu, Vice President, China Rail Construction Corporation Ltd.

To establish a USD 8 billion China First Coal Project involving the construction of a mine, a 476km railway to the port of Abbott Point near Bowen and the construction of a coal loading terminal. The project is expected to result in approximately AUD 4 billion in exports every year for 25 years.

9. MoU between the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism of Australia and the National Energy Administration of the People's Republic of China on enhancing cooperation in the field of energy

Signatories: Mr Drew Clarke, Secretary, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism or Mr Brendan Morling, Head of Energy and Environment Division; Mr Qian Zhimin, Deputy Administrator, National Energy Administration of China.

To enhance and extend long-standing cooperation between the Australian and Chinese Governments on energy, notably in oil and gas, coal and coal seam gas, low emissions technologies, renewable energy and uranium. This will better position both nations to address the twin challenges of climate change and energy security.

10. Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Apples from the State of Tasmania, Australia to China

Signatories: Ms Rona Mellor, Deputy Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Mr Wei Chuanzhong, Deputy Administrator, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China

The protocol provides Tasmanian growers and exporters with improved quarantine conditions to commence trade in apples to China; this follows the Australian Government's long-standing request for removal of certain requirements to improve access.