PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Minister for Health Member for Capricornia $67 million for new and enhanced regional cancer services in Rockhampton 8 April 2010

The Rudd Government will invest $67 million to establish a comprehensive cancer centre at Rockhampton Hospital, as part of a Central Queensland Integrated Regional Cancer Service.

With some cancers, patients from rural areas are up to three times more likely to die within five years of diagnosis than their counterparts.

This $67 million investment in Rockhampton will work towards improving the services and care for the more than 18,400 Queensland residents diagnosed with cancer each year.

The investment will fund the commissioning of two radiotherapy bunkers and construction of a third bunker, and 16 chemotherapy chairs.

The bunkers at Rockhampton will allow Queensland Health to install two linear accelerators, resulting in additional radiotherapy services for cancer patients.

Additional radiotherapy bunker space at Rockhampton will also provide for future expansion of radiotherapy services to meet growing needs in the community.

This initiative builds on the Rudd Government's investment of $76 million over two years to expand the Rockhampton Hospital.

While Australia has better overall cancer survival rates than comparable countries, there is still unacceptable variation for some people, depending on the type of cancer, a person's socioeconomic status or where they live.

Member for Capricornia Kirsten Livermore said this cancer centre will mean that people in Rockhampton and the wider region can get the care that they need closer to their homes, their friends and their families.

"This is what the people in my community deserve and I am proud today that the Rudd Government is delivering it."

The integrated Rockhampton cancer centre forms part of the Rudd Government's $560 million commitment to establish regional cancer centres so that Australians can get care closer to home and their community.

Since coming into office, the Government has committed over $2.3 billion in cancer infrastructure, medicines, screening and research.

Today's announcement also shows the benefit of the Federal Government stepping up to the plate and providing funding for health services across Australia.

Under the National Health and Hospitals Network, the Rudd Government would provide 60 per cent of the funding for capital upgrades for public hospitals.

The Rudd Government's plan will see health services funded nationally and run locally through local hospital networks to deliver better outcomes for local communities.