PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Parliamentary Secretary for Water Winner of inaugural Prime Minister's water wise award announced Canberra 9 March 2010

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and Parliamentary Secretary for Water, Dr Mike Kelly, today congratulated Inghams Enterprises on winning the inaugural Prime Minister's Water Wise Award.

Announced by Dr Kelly at the Australian Water Association Awards Dinner in Brisbane, the award was developed to recognise and reward businesses that excel in water use efficiency and management.

Through their innovative water saving initiatives, Inghams Enterprises has saved 545 million litres of water since March 2009 and reduced their reliance on mains water by 70 per cent

"Inghams Advanced Water Treatment Plant project is one of many impressive water saving initiatives that entered the award," Mr Rudd said.

"It is very encouraging to see that large water users are striving to achieve best practice in water efficiency and demonstrating their commitment to continual improvement."

Dr Kelly said the Australian Government recognises the immense challenge we face as a nation in preparing for a future with less water and the role government, industry, and individuals play in response to these challenges.

"I applaud Inghams Enterprises and the finalists for their leadership and excellence in water savings," Dr Kelly said.

Delivering on a 2007 Australian Government election commitment, the Prime Minister's Water Wise Award complements the Australian Government's Water for the Future key priorities which include: taking action on climate change, using water wisely and securing water supplies.

The winner and four finalists were selected on the basis of their significant water savings; innovation; excellence in project delivery; and high capacity for their approaches to be replicated at other facilities.

The four finalists for the Prime Minister's Water Wise Award were Amcor Australasia; Coca-Cola Amatil; Diageo Australia and Rossdale Golf Club.

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