PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
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Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science & Research Successful National Science Week 2010 projects announced 16 February 2010

A modern forensics display, a science rock cabaret and a biodiversity study are among 38 innovative projects to share in $500,000 worth of Australian Government grants for National Science Week 2010.

The Prime Minister and the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research announced the projects at Questacon today during a reception for Professor Elizabeth Blackburn, the first Australian woman to receive a Nobel Prize.

"Australian scientists, such as Professor Blackburn, are among the best in the world, and these projects reflect the amazing depth of knowledge, talent and passion that Australia has for science communication," said Mr Rudd.

"It is this passion that we want to develop even further.

"Inspiring the next generation of young scientists and researchers is absolutely critical to Australia's future prosperity."

Senator Carr said organisations and volunteers right across Australia are coordinating hundreds of local events and projects during National Science Week that are sure to stimulate people's creativity and imagination.

"In Arnhem Land Nomad Art Production will gather together artists, scientists and academics to collaborate in producing art works for exhibition during the Darwin Festival.

"SCINEMA is again a winner with its plan to facilitate up to 400 national community based screenings of science films.

"The Australian Museum's biodiversity study will open our eyes to the important role local flora and fauna play in our lives which is particularly relevant in 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity.

"I encourage all Australians to get involved in National Science Week," Senator Carr said.

"National Science Week is an ideal opportunity for people of all ages to engage with science and recognise the positive contribution scientists make to our society."

National Science Week will be held between 14 and 22 August. It is Australia's largest science festival incorporating over 1,000 events and reaching over 1 million Australians.

It is part of this Government's increased commitment to bolstering science and research in Australia - a commitment that we are funding with a 25 per cent increase on last year in spending on science and innovation.

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