PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Remarks outside Church Canberra


JOURNALIST:Can I get your reaction to the developments in Indonesia (inaudible)

PMThe Government has been working throughout yesterday and today in close contact with the Indonesian authorities and following developments both in East Jakarta and in Central Java. There have, as we know from the public reporting, been incidents in both places and of course raids have been conducted by the Indonesian authorities.

It is still unclear as to who precisely has been killed and who has been apprehended. We are waiting for further confirmation on that from the Indonesian authorities. It is again a sober reminder that the threat of terrorism is alive and well. It is also a reminder that our friends in Indonesia are being vigilant and taking the fight up to terrorists within their country. And I hope to be speaking to President Yudhoyono later today about this.

JOURNALIST: The Indonesian police have suggested that the (inaudible) attack in Jakarta with the suicide bombers was in retaliation for the execution of the Bali Bombers. Does that concern you?

PM:I have seen some reporting of what the Indonesian authorities have said. I haven't seen full reporting of it yet. Obviously terrorists are going to be motivated by a range of factors. The key thing is that our cooperation with the Indonesians remains strong, robust, comprehensive and that every action is taken to crack down those responsible for terrorist acts so far, and those who are still engaged in terrorist activities today.

As I have said before, when it comes to the most recent incident at the Marriott in Jakarta, Australia's view and the Australian Government's view is that we should be sparing no resource, no resource whatsoever to track down those murderers responsible for this and other terrorist attacks. And I would thank the Indonesian authorities for the actions that they have taken so far.


JOURNALIST: (Inaudible)

PM:(Inaudible) It is the centenary I think of Mary MacKillop's death in 1909, I think this will be a cause for great reflection on the part of Australia's Catholic community. And she was an extraordinary Australian, an extraordinary worker for the poor and I think this a moment therefore not just for commemoration, reflection and celebration of her life by the Catholic community but by the entire Australian community.