PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Blog Transcript
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Focus on Climate Change Blog 16-22 July 2009

This blog was open for comment from 16-22 July 2009. The topic was Focus on Climate Change.

Kevin.Rudd says...

I decided to kick off my blogging career with a focus on climate change.

The latest scientific research on climate change confirms our worst fears. Climate change is happening faster than we previously thought, creating a more serious threat to our economy, our environment and to future generations.

I recently returned from a meeting of leaders of the world's major developed and developing countries in Italy, where our discussions focused on our global efforts to tackle climate change. This meeting - the Major Economies Forum on Climate and Energy - made some important progress. In particular, it recognised the clear message from climate science that the increase in global average temperature must not exceed 2 degrees celsius. That means the international community is accepting the need for tough long-term targets on reducing carbon emissions.

But the hardest work is still ahead.

Much more needs to be done if we're to achieve a successful global agreement on climate change in Copenhagen in December.

Australia is determined to be on the front foot in global efforts to tackle climate change. We know that our nation is more exposed to the impact of climate change than perhaps any other developed economy. Without strong global and national action, climate change will permanently damage our natural environment and hit our jobs and our economy hard. The Great Barrier Reef - one of Australia's most iconic natural wonders which generates jobs for around 60,000 people and more than $4.9 billion in tourism revenue - is particularly vulnerable to climate change.

The next step for Australia is to take strong action at home through Parliament passing the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in August. This scheme will for the first time put a limit on Australia's carbon pollution. By taking action at home in Australia, we can give businesses certainty and give momentum to the international negotiations that are so crucial for our national interest.

It's our responsibility to act now on climate change. That is why I urge all Senators and Members of Parliament to support this vital legislation for our nation's future.

How do you think we can make Australians more aware that we need to act on climate change now?

Read the full blog transcript