PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Joint Press Statement on the occasion of the visit of the Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. Kevin Rudd to Germany and his meeting with the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel

Today Prime Minister Rudd of Australia and Chancellor Merkel of Germany reaffirmed the strength of relations between Australia and Germany and committed to continued close cooperation for global action in response to the economic crisis and to working together on other international challenges.

The leaders agreed that the meetings of G20 Leaders in Washington last November and in London this April demonstrated what could be achieved when the world's major developed and emerging markets work together.

They underlined the important role these summits had played in bolstering confidence, helping to arrest the decline in the global economy and laying the foundations for the restoration of growth through a new financial markets' architecture, better regulation, immediate measures to stabilise financial systems and restore credit flows, fiscal stimulus measures, a strong commitment to anti-protectionism, the strengthening of International Financial Institutions which includes significant new support to emerging markets and developing countries.

The leaders agreed that continued global leadership by the G20 was required for a clear and coordinated strategy for sustainable economic growth as the world emerges from the crisis - including discussions of an exit-strategy, i.e. unwinding temporary stimulus and other measures, and addressing global imbalances.

In this context, Prime Minister Rudd expressed his support for Germany's proposed Charter for Sustainable Economic Activity as a significant framework for a global partnership for balanced economic development where sound economic policies generate strong employment growth while preserving the environment and ensuring social protection for vulnerable communities.

Both leaders agreed to work closely together in the lead up to the G20 summit in Pittsburgh on 24-25 September where an issues paper on the Charter approach will be discussed.

The leaders noted that many of the world's poorest citizens have been particularly hard hit by the global economic crisis and reaffirmed their commitment to providing development assistance targeted at the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and improving aid effectiveness, including through increased bilateral cooperation.

They agreed to extend joint efforts beyond existing activities in the Asia-Pacific region to include cooperation in Africa, with a particular focus on water sanitation and to work for a greater focus in the G20 on support to developing countries.

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The two leaders called for an ambitious and early conclusion of the WTO Doha Development Round based on the progress achieved last year noting it would be an important contribution to a sustained global economic recovery.

The two leaders underlined the increasing urgency of finding a global solution to the threat of climate change. To this end they committed to closer cooperation in shaping an agreement at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. They undertook to use the opportunity of the forthcoming meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate in L'Aquila, Italy to increase momentum towards a successful outcome at Copenhagen.

They noted the importance of technology and alternative energy solutions in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Chancellor Merkel welcomed Australia's initiative in establishing the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, of which Germany is a founding member.

The two leaders also welcomed the intention to sign a new agreement on the part of the Australia Solar Institute and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems to establish a framework for collaboration on solar energy research.

The two leaders emphasised Australia and Germany's common interest in contributing to global stability and security. In this respect, they noted the importance of sustained international efforts to combat the threat of terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.

They reaffirmed strong support for Afghanistan's efforts towards development, peace and stability. They committed to continue their efforts in Afghanistan following a comprehensive approach.

They agreed to extend, in consultation with the Government of Afghanistan, the areas where Australia and Germany work together to achieve effective development. In the immediate term, Australia and Germany agreed to work together to assist in strengthening civil air traffic control in Afghanistan.

They discussed the threat to international security posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Prime Minister Rudd thanked Chancellor Merkel for Germany's support of, and participation in, the International Commission for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament which is being co-chaired by Australia and Japan. They expressed deep concern about North Korea's recent provocative and destabilising behaviour and called for full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1874.

They welcomed the signature by Presidents Obama and Medvedev of the Joint Understanding for a START follow-on Treaty which commits the United States and Russia to reduce their nuclear arsenals and delivery systems.

The two leaders called on Iran to comply with the demands of the international community as expressed in UN Security Council resolutions. They urged the Iranian government to halt the violence and repressions used against Iranian citizens who are exercising their universal rights to free expression, opinion and peaceful assembly.