PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Two additional Local Employment Coordinators to be appointed

The Prime Minister today announced the appointment of two additional Local Employment Coordinators in the Richmond - Tweed and Clarence Valley and Mid North coast regions in NSW.

The Rudd Government is providing $20 million under its Jobs and Training Compact for Local Area Employment Coordinators to work in regions and local communities hit hardest by the effects of the global recession.

Today's announcement takes the number of coordinators to nine. In April, coordinators were announced in seven initial regions, identified using a range of labour market and social indicators.

While the impacts of the global recession are being felt around the nation, some communities are experiencing higher levels of unemployment and disadvantage.

The global downturn has hit the tourism industry in the Richmond - Tweed and Clarence Valley and Mid North coast regions while recent severe flooding has severely impacted the agricultural industry.

The Government is taking all action possible to help those who lose their job through no fault of their own during this global recession.

Local Employment Coordinators will work with community stakeholders to bring together government, community and business partnerships to assist these priority regions in their recovery.

Local Employment Coordinators will also work with the community to identify and develop projects to be funded under the Government $650 million Jobs Fund.

The Jobs Fund builds on the Rudd Government's $42 billion National Building Economic Stimulus Plan and will support jobs and build skills for the future through community, environmental and social infrastructure projects.

The Government is currently considering proposals under the first funding round with a second funding round to be opened later in the year.