PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Extra Support for Young Jobseekers

Thousands of young Australians will get training and support to develop the basic skills they need to get and keep a job under new Australian Government funding announced today.

From 1 July 2009, an additional 3,650 pre-vocational training and support places will be made available for vulnerable young jobseekers through the Australian Apprenticeships Access Program.

The Rudd Government will invest $30.2 million to expand the Australian Apprenticeship Access Program, which provides at-risk jobseekers with the support they need to pursue an apprenticeship or training and then move into skilled employment.

This measure will provide assistance of around $6 million for an estimated 730 young Queenslanders.

The Australian Apprenticeships Access Program gives job seekers who experience barriers to skilled employment nationally recognised pre-vocational training, support and assistance. The program is provided at no cost to participants.

The new places will support 19-24 year old jobseekers who are most likely to be affected by the impact of the economic downturn on the labour market and also those made redundant.

Eligible young jobseekers will receive tailored support to move into an Australian Apprenticeship or further training and ultimately into skilled employment as the economy recovers.

These new places will see participants receive:

* a minimum of 150 hours of pre-vocational training to improve their basic skills in areas like literacy and numeracy;

* up to 13 weeks job search support; and

* post-placement support in an apprenticeship, further training or employment.

This measure builds on recently announced measures to secure Australian Apprenticeships and assist retrenched workers, including:

* $145 million to assist apprentices and trainees who have lost their job to complete their training with another employer or a group training organisation

* $9.7 million to assist apprentices and trainees to continue their training through a registered training organisation.

* preference to be given to businesses which demonstrate a commitment to retain and employ new trainees and apprentices when new Australian Government funded infrastructure projects go to tender.

* $298 million to be invested in employment services to ensure workers made redundant receive personalised assistance and advice to help them find work as soon as possible.

The Government has acted decisively to support economic activity through its $10.4 billion Economic Security Strategy, and the $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan.

This action has been specifically designed to support demand for labour in the economy.

For those people who through no fault of their own are unable to gain or retain work during the economic slowdown, the Government is investing in a range of measures to help people improve their skills.

These investments will increase the ability of people who are now out of work to gain better and higher paying jobs in the future.