PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Australian Government bushfire assistance

More than 450 Australian Government personnel will be deployed to Victoria over the coming days to provide emergency services, logistical support and counselling to the hundreds of people who have lost family, friends and property in the devastating fires.

The fires have devastated Victoria, causing a massive loss of life and property. The nation is in shock as this disaster continues to unfold.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and communities ravaged by these devastating events.

Centrelink workers are today arriving in 19 relief centres established around Victoria.

They will provide counselling and support as well as helping people affected by the fires to access financial assistance. Two hundred Centrelink Community Recovery staff and 70 social workers will be at the centres over the coming days.

More than 200 Defence personnel have been assembled to provide specialist and emergency support, including clearing roads, searching houses and erecting tents.

The Australian Government will continue to work closely with the Victorian Government to ensure those affected by these devastating bushfires receive all the support and assistance they need.

We will use all our resources to help those people who have lost so much in the fires and will be constantly monitoring the situation to respond to and meet their needs.

Currently, the Australian Government is providing the following assistance to people affected by the fires:

Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) has been activated, with payments available to those people adversely affected by the fires. It is $1,000 for eligible adults and an extra $400 per child.

The Australian Government is putting together a jobs and medium-term income support package to assist those whose workplaces have been destroyed by the fires, or whose businesses/employers no longer have an income.

Funeral Assistance will be provided to the immediate family of a person who has lost their life as a direct result of the fires. This assistance will be up to $5,000 for each deceased person.

Two Centrelink Mobile Service Buses will arrive in Victoria early this week to provide emergency services.

Commonwealth Disaster Plan has been activated. Under COMDISPLAN the Defence Force is providing a range of assistance:

* Tents, stretchers and sleeping bags to accommodate 200 people at the Yea Recreation Reserve, in North East Victoria.

* Heavy machinery including bulldozers, front end loaders, chainsaw crews to assist with fire containment, reopening roads and fire fighting.

* Supply of aerial imagery aircraft to search the affected areas and identify damaged or destroyed residences.

* Deployment of 100 Australian Defence Force personnel to provide search and recovery assistance.

* 150 portable beds or mattresses provided to relief centres in the Baw Baw Shire in West Gippsland for emergency workers.

The Australian Federal Police have provided 90 AFP personnel to assist Victoria Police with the ongoing investigation and response to the bushfires. This includes a team of 16 disaster victim identification specialists.

Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangement (NDRRA) has been activated for 21 local government areas across Victoria.

Through the NDRRA, emergency personal hardship grants are available, worth $427 per adult and $213 per child. Temporary living and re-establishment grants worth up to $8,650 can also be accessed.

The Australian Government and Victorian Government have established a $10 million Community Recovery Fund to assist the recovery effort in affected communities. The Fund will cover the restoration of community infrastructure damaged or destroyed in the fires, above and beyond the replacement of essential public assets.

The Australian and Victorian Government have donated $4 million to the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund. The public can make tax deductible donations by calling Red Cross on 1800 811 700 or

Information Lines

* Victorian Bushfire Hotline - 1800 240 667

* Centrelink assistance information line - 180 2211

* More information on Australian Government assistance is available at