PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Turnbull, Malcolm

Period of Service: 15/09/2015 - 24/08/2018
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
The Hon. Luke Hartsuyker MP

Luke Hartsuyker has been a champion for the NSW Mid North Coast and he will be greatly missed in the next Parliament.

For 17 years, he has been a key member of the Liberal Nationals team, and since 2013, a key member of the Government and the Ministry.

He has fought tirelessly for the people of the Mid North Coast, most notably delivering key upgrades to the Pacific Highway.

As the Deputy Prime Minister has noted, the Government’s commitment of $971 million for the Coffs Harbour Bypass is a testament to the advocacy of the Member for Cowper over many years.

Luke Hartsuyker’s work has helped the Government to create jobs and opportunity right across Australia.

He played a vital role as Assistant Minister for Employment, Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, and Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. In this final ministerial position, he was instrumental in boosting trade opportunities for Australian businesses; a lasting legacy of which he can be proud.

I am sure that his efforts as a minister and as a reliable local member will always be remembered, just as his affable presence, calm experience and optimism will be greatly missed.

I thank Luke for his work over many years and wish him, Irene, Ben and Paul all the very best for future endeavours.