Joint Statement by the Prime Minister, The Hon John Howard MP and the Chairman of ATSIC, Mr Geoff Clark Prime Minister's XI Versus ATSIC Chairman's XI - Change of Date
The date for the Prime Minister’s XI versus the Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) XI cricket match to be played at Manuka Oval in Canberra has been changed.
The match, which was initially scheduled for 5 April, will now be played on Thursday 19 April 2001.
The date has been changed so that the game is held after the Australian team returns from their tour of India, and any members of the team who want to make themselves available to participate can do so.
ATSIC Chairman Geoff Clark welcomed the change of date and said it would allow him more time to consider the dozens of applications made by Indigenous cricketers from urban and rural areas who were keen to be a part of his team.
30 January 2001