PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Blessing of the Refurbishment , Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gladesville

E&OE …………………………………………………………………………

Well thank you very much Mr Chairman. To Bishop Peter Ingham, to Father Brian Byron, to Mrs Shakeshaft, to Brother Canavan, to Kerry Chikarovski, the Leader of the Opposition, ladies and gentlemen.

This is not the first time that I’ve been to the opening of a school extension or a refurbishment at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Gladesville. In fact way back in August of 1974, when I think the last time something like this occurred, I had the privilege of being there as a very little known, green, newly elected Federal Member of Parliament. But I think the building was opened and blessed by the late Cardinal Freedman. But I am particularly pleased to have the opportunity to be here today to do a number of things.

I want first of all to pay a personal tribute to the tremendous pastoral and spiritual work that Father Byron has done in the Gladesville parish over the last twenty-five years. He’s exemplified practical Christianity to the people, not only of the Catholic parish, but also to the broader community.

I also want to congratulate the parents and supporters of the parish for their tremendous commitment and often stoicism and support over the years to the cause of Catholic education in this part of Sydney.

Father Canavan was kind enough to acknowledge the very strong support of the Federal Government for assistance to independent schools. And I want to take this opportunity here in the presence of a gathering of parents in a Catholic parish in my own electorate of Bennelong to reaffirm the very strong philosophical commitment that the Government I lead has to the principle of freedom of parental choice in education.

Many of the older parents, older folk here today will remember that that wasn’t always the case in this country. And for many years Catholic parents were discriminated against in Australia, they were denied any real measure of government support, notwithstanding their constant contribution as taxpayers to the Treasury of our nation. I am very proud that that discrimination began to end during the prime ministership of my very distinguished predecessor Sir Robert Menzies. From then on it has become an article of faith so to speak in political life in this country that governments support independent schools. And we were able when we came to office to relax the New Schools Policy which has enabled a greater freedom of choice, particularly in the growing areas of Sydney, for people of the Catholic faith and of other Christian denominations and indeed of other faiths to open new schools. And we’ve also been able to significantly boost the funding through Category 11 which includes the great bulk of the Catholic systemic schools of the Archdiocese of Sydney. And it is right, as Father Canavan says that this country probably has the best system of funding independent schools in the world. And I remember that point being made by Peter Tennick who is the Chairman of the National Catholic Education Commission, at a meeting I had with him and Cardinal Clancy and Brother Canavan and other leaders of the Catholic Education system in Australia.

But it is a very important day also to salute the Christian Mission of the people of this parish, to congratulate the parents, to pay proper respect to the teachers. It’s not an easy job. I always pay proper respect to teachers – I married one almost thirty years ago. And I always pay very great respect to them. It’s not easy, we live in a different world than we lived in a generation ago. Not necessarily a worse world, in many respects a far better world, because the opportunities for young children are much greater and part of the role and the local responsibility of a school is to open its doors and to open its arms to children of all backgrounds and to try and give people equality of opportunity and education. It’s the greatest gift in many ways that a community can give to its young to give them an opportunity. And I am very pleased to be associated with this very practical demonstration of the strength of the Catholic Education system here in Gladesville, here in Bennelong and here in Sydney. Because the way in which it has carried on through the decades is a remarkable tribute to the Church and a remarkable tribute to Catholic parents and teachers within the Catholic system.

As I’ve wandered around and talked to the children into the new buildings as they were blessed by Bishop Ingham, it was a reminder to all of us that the greatest responsibility we carry within our lives is the education and the nurturing of the young within our community. And to give young children of this country the opportunity to grow up in peace and harmony and in tolerance and in respect for the faiths and the cultures of different people. To give all of them the opportunity to aspire to what they want most in their lives, is indeed the most important thing we can do.

To you Mrs Shakeshaft and to all of the other members of the staff of the school, I wish you well. I thank you for the warmth and generosity of the welcome that has been extended by your children to me. There is never anything quite so disarming and levelling and engaging than the contact that an itinerant politician has with young children. They are so direct, they are so unaffected and they are therefore so absolutely engaging and enchanting in the process.

So ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for having me today. I have enormous pleasure – I think I’m meant to say a few formal words, or is that you Bishop? No, it is me is it? I would never want to encroach upon the role of the Church . . . I think … perhaps we’ll do it together. But thank you for having me. I am delighted to be associated with it. And I wish all who come within this school, not only the strength of the faith that sustains you, but also very, very good fortune for the years ahead.

Thank you.
