PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 27/06/2013 - 07/09/2013
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Changes to the Ministry

Today I announce changes to the Cabinet and Ministry that I will recommend to Her Excellency the Governor-General.

The team I am announcing today are a strong, smart and experienced group of people who will continue to deliver the great work that this Government is doing.

This is a strong team to build our economy for the future.

Cabinet changes

The Deputy Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, will take on the Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy portfolio in addition to Infrastructure and Transport.

The Treasurer, Chris Bowen’s responsibilities will include Financial Services and Superannuation.

Jacinta Collins, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate, joins the Cabinet as Minister for Mental Health and Ageing.

Bill Shorten will serve as Education and Workplace Relations Minister.

Tony Burke will be the new Minister for Immigration, Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, as well as retaining the Arts portfolio.

Brendan O’Connor will serve as the Minister for Employment, and for Skills and Training.

Kim Carr will join the Cabinet as the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and Minister for Higher Education.

Julie Collins will also join the Cabinet as the Minister responsible for Housing and Homelessness, Community Services, Status of Women, and Indigenous Employment and Economic Development.

Mark Butler will take on the portfolios of Climate Change, Environment, Heritage and Water.

Catherine King will now serve in Cabinet as the Minister for Regional Australia, Local Government and Territories.

Joel Fitzgibbon joins the Cabinet as Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

As does Richard Marles as the Minister for Trade.

Tanya Plibersek will add Medical Research to her responsibilities as Minister for Health.

Ministry changes

Kate Ellis will add the Youth portfolio to her current responsibilities.

In addition to his current portfolio, David Bradbury will assist the Treasurer in the Financial Services and Superannuation portfolio.

Kate Lundy will be the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, as well as the Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation and for the Digital Economy.

Don Farrell will be the new Minister for Sport and continue to assist the Minister for Tourism.

Sharon Bird will join the ministry in the Regional Development, Regional Communications and Road Safety portfolios.

Melissa Parke will also join the ministry as the first Minister for International Development.

I am also announcing a number of changes to Parliamentary Secretary responsibilities.

Parliamentary Secretary changes

Kelvin Thomson will be the Parliamentary Secretary for Schools.

Amanda Rishworth will take on the new responsibility for Environment and Urban Water in addition to her current responsibilities for Disabilities and Carers.

Alan Griffin will be the Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Ed Husic will also be the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister. He will also be the Parliamentary Secretary for Broadband.

Matt Thistlethwaite will add Infrastructure and Transport to his existing responsibilities.

Doug Cameron will be the new Parliamentary Secretary for Housing and Homelessness.

I want to thank all Ministers who have served the Government so well in their current portfolios.

I will recommend to Her Excellency the Governor-General that the new Ministry be sworn in on Monday 1 July 2013.

The full list can be viewed at