PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Opening of the Eceabat Australia/Turkey Health Centre, Ecebat

E&OE ………………………………………………………………………………

Thank you very much Mr Ambassador, to the Mayor of Eceabat, to the citizens of Eceabat, can I first say how delighted my wife and I are to be here and to take part in this very important, symbolic ceremony to mark the strength of the relationship and the friendship between the people of Australia and the people of Turkey.

I am here along with many other Australians on a very important mission for our country, and that is to honour the sacrifice of so many thousands of young Australians, eighty-five years ago in the Dardanelles campaign. But in honouring the sacrifice of our young men so many years ago, we also honour the sacrifice of the brave men of Turkey who fought in that campaign and lay down their lives in defence of their homeland.

Turkey and Australia have a close and friendly relationship. More than 100,000 Australians are of Turkish descent and every last one of them are making a great contribution as part of a harmonious Australian community. Australians are conscious of the challenges of many of the communities within Turkey and all Australians were deeply moved a the tragic loss of life in the Turkish earthquake of 1999. And not only did the Government respond to the earthquake appeal, but the people of Australia responded individually to the scale of the tragedy that overtook a part of your country.

In presenting this modern medical equipment, to this health centre, which the Mayor has been graciously pleased to name the Eceabat Turkey/Australia Health Centre, I do so with great pride and great respect to your nation and to your people. And I hope you will see it as a token of the affection of the people of Australia for the people of Turkey.

In the few days that we have been here, my wife and I have been quite overwhelmed not only by the richness of the history and culture of your country, but also by the great warmth and affection of the welcome that has been extended to us. I wish the people of Eceabat well, I bring you the good wishes of the people of Australia. And I hope that this health centre is a mark of the esteem and the close friendship between the people of our two nations.

I now have great pleasure in declaring open the Eceabat Turkey/Australia Health Centre. Long may it look to the health needs of the people of Eceabat.

Thank you.