PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Tough on Drugs Address - Prime Television

I have always had the strongest personal commitment to tackling the scourge of drugs in our community.

That's why I am proud that our Tough on Drugs policy is the largest single initiative ever undertaken in Australia to respond to illegal drugs.

Our approach has been to work as part of a social coalition of families, police, governments, health, welfare and charitable organisations to contribute their own expertise to tackle the drug problem at its source.

Working in a cooperative way with State leaders from different sides of politics we have committed more than 500 million dollars to fight the drug problem through law enforcement, education and treatment.

A few days ago I announced the funding of 63 grass roots projects across Australia to involve local community groups in our Tough on Drugs strategy.

The grants cover projects in all States and Territories. Some are like the Macarthur Drug and Alcohol Youth Project's ‘Parents Links’ programme where information sessions will encourage local parents be more involved in drug prevention.

The Government has also recently stepped up its efforts to teach children about the dangers of drugs and how important it is to take personal responsibility for a drug-free lifestyle.

Recently, a satellite broadcast of teachers, doctors and other professionals was held to better involve school communities in drug prevention. To assist we are providing resources for educational materials so that schools can teach children and design their own community summits against drugs.

And finally I can also report that in the past nine months Federal authorities have seized 340 kilograms of heroin and over 680 kilograms of cocaine.

Good night.