PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John
Welcoming Speech at Prime Minister Barak's Office, Jerusalem

E&OE ……………………………………………………………………………

Prime Minister and Mrs Barak and other members of the Israeli Government and delegation, my wife and I are particularly pleased to be here in Israel, it is my third visit to your country, but of course the first as Prime Minister.

Our two nations have a good strong history, we have much in common, we share common values, including a very strong commitment to the cause of peace. And I welcome your remarks Prime Minister about the peace process. We admire the leadership that you have given in that area and the steps that you have taken to bring about a more sustainable understanding between Israel and other countries in the region.

I come as the leader of a nation which has long supported Israel and has long admired the remarkable tenacity of the Israeli people sometimes in very difficult circumstances.

I look forward very much to our discussions and I thank you for the warmth of the welcome that has been extended to me, to my wife and our colleagues.