PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Disability Services Funding Announcement Seymour, Victoria

Thank you very much Senator Patterson, Fran Bailey, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence and the Federal Member for McEwen, Chris Pyne, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Family and Community Services and Member Sturt in South Australia.

First of all, can I also extend my thanks to GATE enterprises for allowing us to make this very important announcement. All of you will know that for many years, what used to be called sheltered workshops, now called Business Services have been providing opportunities for participation and opportunities to contribute and opportunities for employment to disabled people around Australia. And all of us as members of parliament and as concerned members of the community and as family members have known as the valuable contribution these enterprises have made. And some years ago, very understandably the view developed that the next stage of development of these services should involve the movement towards the payment pro-rata award wages and a quality assurance approach that guarantees fair treatment and guarantees that in accordance with the great Australian tradition of a fair go people who were employed in these services did in fact receive and enjoy that fair go.

In the process of the transition to this new arrangement some challenges have emerged in relation to certainty of the business enterprises and some concerns have been raised that maybe in the process of moving to the very laudable objective of pro-rata award wages there may be some businesses that couldn't manage it in the specified time and as a result some people might have their employment opportunities put in jeopardy.

When the Government considered this matter we resolved that we were not going to let that to happen and we've set out to design some policies and funding to underpin those policies, to guarantee that that doesn't happen. And that's what I'm announcing today and that is a package of just under $100 million, $99 million - just under $100 million, that over a period of four years that will produce the following very important consequences - it will guarantee that no person with a disability will lose their place as a result of the changes of recent years. And that is a very important guarantee because the methodology that we are adopting is to provide financial support to various business enterprises that need it so that they can meet the benchmarks and the targets along the way to providing pro-rata award wages.

The important message out of this announcement is that because of the additional funding that will be made available, business enterprises will have more time to adjust but they won't be adjusting at the expense of lower remuneration to their employees and that is a very important consideration.

It will provide time and financial assistance to phase in wage increases and up to a four-year period if needed. The package will provide tailored practical business assistance to ensure that services remain viable in the longer term. Now, we are doing these things because we are very strongly committed to supporting people with a disability, we want them as actively involved in the community as possible. We want them in work, we want them contributing and we want them fairly paid for the work they do.

Now, we recognise that in the process of doing that and in the process of adjusting to a new system many business enterprises will need additional Government funding and that's where the extra $100 million comes in. And I think this will lay to rest any concern people have had in this area, the family members of disabled people who think their loved ones might lose their jobs, the business enterprises that are doing a wonderful job in providing employment, worried that they won't be able to adjust in time. But equally we're keeping faith with the fair go goal in saying that everybody should operate under the principle in this country of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay or a fair day's pay for a fair day's work - which ever version of it you want.

Now that applies to all Australians. It's an old Australian saying that, but it's a very relevant Australian saying and it applies no matter where you are and it certainly applies in disability services. So I just want to take this opportunity of declaring our very strong continuous support for disability employment services. I've seen in the time I've been a Member of parliament the wonderful work that these services have provided in my own electorate. The sense of hope and opportunity they have provided for so many people and there is nothing like the motivation that you get from being gainfully employed and that applies just as much to a person with a disability as it does to anybody else and we have an obligation as a fortunate caring society to make sure that we look after them. Now, I believe that this funding package will do the trick. If it doesn't, well, we'll look at other things. But I believe it will do the trick and I believe it will fix the concerns that people have and it will guarantee and underwrite the assurance that I give. But as a result of these poor measures people are not going to lose.

In conclusion, can I especially thank Chris Pyne and Kay Patterson. Both of them, Kay as Minister and Chris as the Parliamentary Secretary, having particular interest and concern in this area - they have been very informed and persistent advocates of the interests of the business services and of the people who are employed in them. And without their work and effort and advocacy today's announcement would not have come about because it takes the energy of the Minister and I welcome Mark Sullivan, the Secretary of the Department as well. All of them have worked so very well. I mean this is what a fortunate caring society should pre-occupy itself with as much as the other responsibilities of Government. I believe this will do the trick. I will follow it with very great interest and I finish by thanking GATE Enterprises for allowing us to use their premises.

I wish all of the employees well and I hope that this represents a very significant further contribution to not only stabilising but expanding employment opportunities for disabled people in Australia.

Thank you.
