PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Minister For The Environment
New Tasmanian Forest Pact Protects Jobs And Environment


Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings have marked Tasmania's historic vote to end its decades-long forestry dispute by signing an agreement in support of the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Legislation 2013.

Tuesday's vote turned the page on the conflicts of the past, giving Tasmanians the certainty they need to get on with business in the knowledge that their rich natural heritage will be preserved.Today's agreement details what the Australian and Tasmanian Government will do to help implement the landmark reform.It honours the outcomes of the community-led forest peace deal, including the guarantees of a minimum annual wood supply and of an unprecedented expansion of Tasmania's native forest reserves.Industry will be assured of at least 137,000 cubic metres per year of high quality sawlogs, as it moves towards Forest Stewardship Council certification to reopen global markets to Tasmanian timber.More than half a million hectares of native forests - including forests in the Styx, Weld, Upper Florentine, Great Western Tiers and the Tarkine -- will be safeguarded for posterity.This new Intergovernmental Agreement builds on our 2011 Agreement that helped industry, unions and conservationists move beyond an initial Statement of Principles to achieve the historic peace deal.It honours all outstanding funding commitments made under the 2011 Agreement as well as those subsequently made by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments in support of the Tasmanian Forest Agreement process.It unlocks $209.4 million in joint Australian and Tasmanian Government funding for the state. Some $178 million was previously provided under the 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement.In total, the two governments have committed a combined $387.4 million to the Tasmanian forests peace process.Today's signing means affected workers and contractors in the native forest industry will get the extra support they deserve and that sawmillers will continue to have access to exit grants if they choose to leave the industry. More than $200 million will flow to projects to diversify regional economies, encourage the innovative use of plantation timber, and support the Forest Stewardship Council certification process and the management of additional reserve areas.The Australian and Tasmanian Governments will continue to consult closely with the Tasmanian Forest Agreement signatories on transitional measures to support industry and protect the environmental values of all future reserves.They will push ahead in support of this rare consensus on the future of Tasmania's forests - the first time such an agreement has been enshrined in law with the support of industry, conservationists and unions.