PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Remarks at Her Majesty The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Beacon Lighting Ceremony, Canberra

On behalf of the people of Australia, tonight we will have the honour of lighting this beacon.

This beacon will be one of those shining around the world, and in lighting the beacon tonight we are joining our celebrations for The Queen's Diamond Jubilee with celebrations being held right around the world.

These beacons glowing around the world symbolise one family across a wide world, the family of the Commonwealth nations. Rich in their diversity but united now in admiration for the unstinting service of The Queen.

Tonight we are reflecting not just on the passing of six decades;we are reflecting on a life well lived, a life of sacrifice, a life of service. And to the young people who are here with us this evening, I hope one thing you always remember about tonight is that example of The Queen spending her life in the service of others.

We are also reflecting on six decades that have passed and how much our nation has changed in that time.

We have become a confident nation, understanding our place in our region and in the world, with every reason to be optimistic about the future.

Across all of that change in our nation, 60 years of change, The Queen has been a symbol of continuity and a very wise and patient friend.

So tonight we honour her by lighting the beacon in front of us and we hope that, as she sees these beacons lit around the world, she accepts them for what they are - lights in admiration of her service.

Thank you very much