PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
A Fight for Fairness: Speech to the New South Wales ALP Campaign Launch, Sydney

Thank you! I feel very much at home today. Here among friends. Here among the Labor family. Here among those who hand out at the train stations, stand at the polling booths and stuff the envelopes. Here among so many people who believe in fairness, among so many people who are ready to fight for it.

And I know Kristina will lead that fight for fairness with incredible courage and determination. That's because this election is about fairness for families. Fairness for New South Wales families, families who deserve a government that cares. Families who rely on properly funded public services. Who rely on health and housing, on care for the ageing and the disabled, on teachers and nurses and police. These families need Labor. And these families cannot afford the Liberals. The contrast with our opponents could not be greater. Labor is a party with a practical, positive plan to help. Six days to go, the Liberal policy is still hide and seek. If Mr O'Farrell thought the people of New South Wales would support his policies, then he'd tell us what they are. He won't. Because he knows they are not what families want. My message to the people of New South Wales is simple: Don't give Barry O'Farrell a blank cheque. Don't let Barry O'Farrell do whatever he wants. Friends, last time a Liberal Government could do whatever it wanted we ended up with Work Choices. Pay cuts for working Australians, getting the sack if you looked like you might complain, overtime, penalty rates and public holidays on their way to being things of the past. New South Wales can't afford a Liberal Government in love with Work Choices. New South Wales can't afford a Liberal Government which doesn't support teachers and nurses. New South Wales can't afford a Liberal Government dumping 128,000 extra homes in the West and the South-West. With a blank cheque, Barry O'Farrell will go too far and it will be families that will pay the price. This great state deserves a government that cares. That cares about services and cares about families. That cares about fairness. And this great state deserves a government that understands. That understands the threat of climate change and the need to help families with cost of living pressures. That understands the promise of education to transform a child's life. A government that understands the future. The NSW Liberals will never understand. That's why the NSW Liberals oppose Labor's plans to help families with the rising cost of electricity. That's why the NSW Liberals oppose Labor's plans to help children learn in school. Remember it was Mr O'Farrell who tried to deny parents in this State the powerful information on My School. All my life, I have believed education is the key to success for individuals and for the nation. Having the world's best education system will mean Australia is able to compete with bigger economies. Having the world's best education system will also mean Australian is a fairer nation. Whatever else our young people may encounter in life, a sound foundation of excellent, rigorous education ought to be their entitlement. Today we know that Labor will deliver this in New South Wales. And today we know that the Liberals will not. Labor's education philosophy, boiled down to one word, is: Teach. The Liberals' education philosophy, boiled down to one word, is: Cut. That is the Liberal way, but it is not the Australian way. We believe in a fair go through education. This is what we believe in today and this is what we fight for on Saturday. We will now take a moment to watch a short presentation. Friends - your Premier is a fighter. She will give nothing away. Your Premier has a vision for the future. She will deliver in education. Your Premier understands families. She will fight for fairness. Please welcome my friend, your Premier, Kristina Keneally.