PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Investing in Rural Health Training Infrastructure

Training for medical, nursing, dental and allied health students in Broken Hill will receive a major boost through a $1.9 million investment in student accommodation and education facilities.

The Rudd Government's investment will provide support for student accommodation units and a new wing to the University of Sydney Department of Rural Health at Broken Hill.

Currently, the Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health is operating at capacity for student accommodation.

It is further anticipated that their student load will increase by 40% in 2010 (from around 22 to 35 students on placement each week during the academic year).

By providing high quality training and accommodation facilities, the Rudd Government is helping communities attract more people to work in regional and rural Australia.

We know that doctors and health professionals who spend time training and learning in regional and rural centres often establish strong links with the local community.

These projects will help ensure that students undertaking rural training have access to top quality facilities and encourage them to consider future careers in rural health.

The Rudd Government is determined to attract more doctors, nurses and allied health professionals to regional and rural communities throughout Australia - and keep them there.

This will mean more Australians will get better access in the future to appropriate health care, regardless of their location.

This investment will build on the Government's:

- $632 million announcement to train more doctors - of which 50 per cent of new GP training places will be provided in the bush.

- $134 million Rural Health Workforce Strategy, that will deliver 500 communities and 2,400 doctors with more financial support to move and stay in rural and remote areas.