PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Transcript of doorstop interview Reid, ACT 7 March 2010

JOURNALIST: Two boats overnight, President Yudhoyono's coming this week, what will you be saying to him about people smuggling and do they need to shoulder more of their fair share of the load?

PM: As for the last many, many years under the Howard Government and ourselves, regional responses to the challenge of people smuggling are the only ones that work over time. The cooperation we have from Indonesia, from Malaysia and from other regional countries is really important.

JOURNALIST: Mr Rudd, with regard to the health reform, you've made clear that you want to get the blue print out about structure and then later other things will come, um, and you said that you don't release those other things first 'cause you don't want to waste money, you want the structure to be right, (inaudible) expect the Premiers to accept your proposals, why don't you just tell them what these other things are? You don't have to give them any money, so they can understand the whole deal.

PM: Well I think if you look carefully at the speech I gave at the National Press Club it actually ran though the other areas where we have further statements to make. In terms of hospitals, of beds, of doctors, nurses, aged care, dental health, mental health let me just say this; we now have a once in a generation opportunity to get hospital reform right. Doctors want reform of our hospitals to happen, nurses want it to happen, working families who can't find a place for elective surgery want it to happen. It's time to get on with it. We've got about a month or six weeks to reach agreement on this and I would urge all parties to get behind this reform for the future.

JOURNALIST: What is your chance of holding Robertson now that Belinda Neal's been dumped and how pleased were you to see her go?

PM: First of all, the preselectors have had their say. Belinda of course has worked hard as a local Member but Debbie O'Neill is going to be a great candidate for us and the Central Coast in what will be a very tight contest and having said all that folks, we're heading home.